global ww1 test Flashcards
What were the M.A.I.N. causes of WW1? What does it mean to say that M.A.N.I.A.
caused WW1?
M - militarism: European nations began glorifying their military leading to suspicion and fear as more nations used military force to attain goals.
A - alliances: in response to rising tension, nations formed alliances. the two most important alliances were the triple alliance and the triple entente
N - nationalism: nationalism in Germany and France fueled tensions. in eastern Europe pan slavism promoted unity among Slavic people and Russia aimed to protect Serbia from austria hungary
I - imperialism: European powers, especially Britain, France, and Germany competed for colonies and economic dominance, particularly in Africa. Britain and France became allies because of their mutual competition with Germany
A - assassination : The assassination of Francis Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist trigged a chain of events, with Austria Hungary blaming Serbia and Russia supporting Serbia. Germany declared war on Russia and France (Russia’s ally). Then, Great Britain declared war on Germany which overall started WW1
the triple alliance was made up of… during the war it was then known as the
Austria Hungary
Ottoman Empire
(later joined by Bulgaria)
known as the central powers
the triple entente was made up of
during the war it was then known as the
(Italy and other nations including the United States stayed neutral at first but joined later)
known as the allied powers
What are the Balkans and why have they been described as a powder keg?
The Balkans were Greece and neighbors to the north, which at the time the Ottoman Empire had control over.
They were known as the powder keg of Europe because any small spark of violence led to an “explosion” with them. WW1 began in the Balkans.
what was the chain reaction after Francis Ferdinand was assassinated?
Austria Hungary blamed Serbia for the murder and made harsh demands in Serbia
Serbia refused to comply with any demands
Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia
Russia (an ally of Serbia) prepared its forces for war
Germany (an ally of Austria Hungary) declared war on Russia
Germany declared war on France (an ally of Russia)
Germany invaded Belgium so German forces could enter France more easily
Britain declared war on Germany
What was the Schlieffen Plan, and how did it go? Did it succeed? Why or why not?
The Schlieffen Plan was an unsuccessful German effort to quickly dominate France before turning to fight Russia.
They wanted to swiftly invade Belgium and take out French defenses.
The Plan failed because Belgium resisted and held Germany down long enough for the Russian army to be able to force Germany to divert troops.
Where was WW1 fought? Where were the Eastern and Western fronts? Why was it also fought in Turkey, China, Pacific Islands and parts of Africa?
WW1 was fought primarily in Europe. The Eastern Front was located in Eastern Europe, where Germany and Austria Hungary faced off Russia. The western front was in Western Europe, mainly in France and Belgium, where the trench warfare took place.
The war spread to Turkey, China, Pacific Islands, and parts of Africa due to other colonial interests and alliances.
What weapons were new and/or improved in WW1?
Machine guns, poison gas, tanks, airplanes, submarines
Why did the United States enter the war?
The US entered the war for multiple reasons. One of the reasons was unrestricted submarine warfare (U-Boats) from Germany, which threatened Americans and led to the sinking of civilian ships, including the Lusitania. Additionally, the United States intercepted the Zimmerman telegram, which was Germany proposing a military alliance with Mexico against the US.
Why did Russia exit the war?
Russia exited the war because they were going through a communist Revolution which led to a changing government in a desire for peace. The new leader wanted to withdraw from the war to focus on internal issues. The Brest-Litovsk was a treaty signed by Russia and Germany so that Russia could exit from the war.
How did the Industrial Revolution give rise to “total war,” rationing and propaganda?
the Industrial revolution led to a total war by mobilizing resources, necessitating rationing, and promoting propaganda.
Who were the Big Three and what impact did they have on the terms of peace?
The big three were
-David Lloyd George of Great Britain
-Georges Clemenceay of France
-Woodrow Wilson of the United States
their impact on peace was significant, as they all shaped the treaty of Versailles which aimed to establish lasting peace, but also imposed harsh penalties on Germany.
What were the main principles of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points?
- No secret alliances
- Freedom of the seas
- Free and equal trade
- A reduction of military arms
*5 - 13. Self-determination : the idea that people should choose their own form of government - League of nations: a group of countries with the goal of setting disputes through negotiation rather than war
What does it mean to say that The Treaty of Versailles treated Germany like a
B - blame : the treaty placed full blame for the war on Germany
R - reparations : Germany had to pay over 33 billion and reparations (fines)
A - army restrictions : Germany was forbidden to have an army over 100,000 men
T - territory loss : Germany lost territory and colonies to Britain and France