English Vocabulary Unit 1 - Quiz Flashcards
root: vinc, vict
“to conquer”
invincible definition
unable to be conquered
provincial definiton
limited in knowledge of the world, narrow minded
evince definition
to establish, to reflect the truth of
root: duc, duct
“to lead”
conducive definiton
supportive, encouraging, helping to bring about
induce defintion
to lead toward some action
deduce definition
to draw a conclusion from fact, to infer
root: tract
to drag
protracted definition
extended in time, prolonged
intractable definiton
stubborn, obstinate, hard to move forward
retract definiton
to draw back, to withdraw
root: peto
to seek aggressively, to assail, to rush
petulant definiton
irritable or short tempered
impetuous definiton
acting passionately and without forethought
impetus definiton
that which drives one, momentum