Genetics (Unit 11) Flashcards
A long threadlike structure made largely of DNA molecules:
__ pairs of ___ total:
23; 46
Chromosome pairs 1-22:
Found both in men and women but men have one and women have two:
X Chromosome
When paired with the X chromosome from the mother, a male child is produced:
Y Chromosome
Presence of 3 copies of the autosome 21:
Down Syndrome
-Typically have a round head and flat nasal bridge
-Poor muscle tone and coordination
-Intellectually Disabled
Down Syndrome
Females who have only one X sex chromosome; typically short, webbed, fingers, sterile, learning impaired:
Turner Syndrome
Males arise from an XXY zygote, have feminine characteristics, normally mentally impaired; occurs on eout of every 900 males:
Klinefelter Syndrome
Taller than usual, moderate to sever acne, homosexual behaviors, impulsive, more prevalent
XYY Males
A segment of DNA containing the code for a particular protein or trait; determines individuals’ biological inheritance:
Subfield of biology that studies the molecular structure and function of genes:
Molecular Genetics
Study of environmental influences of gene expression that occur without a DNA change:
The expression of the genes:
The genetic makeup of an individual:
The biochemical letters that form the building locks of DNA:
A (______) and T (______) pair:
Adenine and Thymine
C (______) and G (______) pair:
Cytosine and Guanine
A change in the order of the DNA bases and is the source of all genetic diversity:
Controls the appearance of a certain trait:
Dominant Genes
Degeneration of the nervous system:
Huntington’s Disease
Controls the appearance only if paired with another recessive gene:
Recessive Genes
Progressive loss of nervous function in a baby that becomes obvious around 6 months of age when a baby can’t sit up:
Tay-Sachs Syndrome
Synthesize or store melanin and involves abnormal nerve pathways to brain:
Severe, irreversible brain damage because infant cannot digest amino acid which builds up and poisons the nervous system cells:
The spiraling complex molecule containing genetic information that makes up the chromosomes:
The complete instructions for making an organism:
The study of how genetic differences within a species are related to behavior differences:
Behavior Genetics
Proportion of variation of a trait due to genetics:
Used to learn about the effects of environment on behavior:
Twin Studies
Develop from a single zygote that splits in two, creating two genetic replicas:
Identical Twins
Develop from separate zygotes, no more similar than brothers and sisters:
Fraternal Twins
Prenatal development and the newborn beings the moment of _____:
Three phases of gestation prior to birth:
- Zygote
- Embryo
- Fetus
The fertilized egg; enters a two week period of rapid cell division:
Developing human organism from 2 weeks through the 8 weeks:
The developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth:
Result in weaker child who is susceptible to disease:
Harmful chemicals or viruses that reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development and cause harm:
Cause physical abnormalities along with low birth weight and cognitive impairment:
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Palms are touched and the baby grasps tightly:
Cheek is stroked or the side of the mouth is touched and the baby turns toward the source and sucks:
Mouth is touched by an object and the baby sucks the object:
There is a sudden movement or loud noise and the baby startles, thrusts arms out, then pulls them back in:
Infant is held upright with feet touching the ground and the baby moves its feet in a walking motion:
The sole of the foot is stroked and the baby splays toes and twists foot in:
The ball of the foot is stroked and the baby curl its toes under:
Decreasing responsiveness with repeated stimulation:
Sequential biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior:
Growth is influenced by ____ and _____ factors:
Genetic and Environemntal
______ skills develop parallel to ____ development:
Motor; Brain
Motor development proceeds from ____ motor skills to _____ motor skills:
Gross; small
Gross Motor Skill: Lifts Head
Fine Motor Skill: Grasps rattle briefly
4-8 Weeks
Gross Motor Skill: Lifts self by arms, rolls from side to back
Fine Motor Skill: Glances from object to another
8-10 Weeks
Gross Motor Skill: Sits with support
Fine Motor Skill: Carries object to mouth, can hold two object
16-18 Weeks (4 Months)
Gross Motor Skill: Sits w/out support
Fine Motor Skill: Transfer object from hand to hand
5-7 Months
Gross Motor Skill: Crawls
Fine Motor Skill: Pincer Grasp
7-9 Months
Gross Motor Skill: Stands and walks holding on
Fine Motor Skill: Pushes car along, hits cup with spoon, shows hand preference, scribbles with crayon
10-12 Months
Gross Motor Skill: Stands alone, walks alone
Fine Motor Skill: Builds up to 3 cube towers, opens book, turn 2-3 pages at a time
12-18 Months
Gross Motor Skill: Runs, jumps, climbs
Fine Motor Skill: Turns single pages, cuts with scissors
2-3 Years
Refers to whether someone experiences the self as a male or female:
Gender Identity
Behaviors, traits, and attitudes associated with males and females:
Gender Role
The process of learning the roles associated with the distinctions between males and females in a culture:
Gender Typing
A study in which people of different ages are compared with one another:
Cross-Sectional Study
A study in which the same people are restudied and retested over a long period:
Longitudinal Study