Cognition and Language (Unit 7) Flashcards
All the mental activities associated with processing, understanding, remembering, and communicating:
Where does thinking occur?
The working memory
Thinking about thinking:
Category used to group objects, events, and characteristics on the basis of common properties:
Organize concepts into categories:
-Superordinate (very broad)
-Basic (can have multiple layers)
-Subordinate (narrow/specific)
A mental image or best example that incorporates all the features we associate with a category; provides a quick and easy method for sorting items into categories:
_____ or define the problem:
_______ approaches to solve the problem:
___ on an approach:
_____ at the effects:
Procedure that guarantees an answer/solution; involves some labor:
Simple thinking strategy that allows us to make judgements and solve problems efficiently; also called rule of thumb; quicker but more error prone:
Judging the likelihood of things in terms of how well they seem to match particular prototypes; may lead us to ignore relevant information:
Representative Heuristic
Estimating the likelihood of events based on their availability to memory; if instances come readily to mind, we presume such events are common:
Availability Heuristic
Way a problem is posed can effect judgments:
Tendency for one’s preexisting beliefs to distort logical reasoning:
Belief Bias
Clinging to one’s initial conceptions after basis on which they were formed has been discredited:
Belief Perseverance
A cognitive bias favoring the first information offered:
Anchoring Effect
Tendency to overestimate accuracy of our knowledge:
Solving our problem with various strategies and discarding what does not work:
Learning Set (Trial and Error)
A sudden realization of the solution to the problem:
An effortless, immediate, automatic feeling or thought, as contrasted with explicit, conscious reasoning:
Eagerness to search for info that supports our preconceptions or to ignore/distort contradictory evidence:
Confirmation Bias
Inability to see problem from fresh perspective:
Perceive functions of objects as unchaing:
Functional Fixedness
Can only see problem one way; often the way that has been successful in the past:
Mental Set
You act before you think about the repercussions of your actions:
Misusing Heuristics
A mental approach to problems and issues, connected to the psychological construct of intelligence:
Believe we can grow and improve:
Growth Mindset
Never be any change:
Fixed Mindsest
A mental activity of transforming info to reach a conclusion:
Critical Thinking
Specific to general (analogies):
Inductive Reasoning
General to specific (ordering of ideas, judging of relations of conditions, syllogisms):
Deductive Reasoning
The ability to product novel and valuable ideas:
Look for as many ways to use something as possible; uses “out-of-the-box thinking”:
Divergent Thinkers
Narrows the available problem solutions to determine the single best solution and produces solution that is based on knowledge and logic:
Convergent Thinkers
Our spoken, written, and signed words and the ways we combine them as we think and communicate:
Basic sound unit that have no meaning:
English has __ phonemes:
Smallest unit of language that carries meaning:
System of rules that enable us to communicate:
Set of rules we use to derive meaning from sounds:
Rules we use to order words into sentences:
Knowing when to use certain kinds of language in social situations:
Ability to understand what is said to and about thme:
Receptive Language
Ability to produce words:
Babbling stage:
4 months
Babbling starts to use household language:
10 months
One word speech called holophrase:
12 months
Children go from learning one new word a day to one new word a week:
18 months
Two word noun verb combo called telegraphic speech:
24 months
Mistakes children make because they do not know all the rules of grammar:
Learn language b association, imitation, and reinforcement:
B.F. Skinner
We all have inborn capacity for learning language called universal language:
Noam Chomsky
Innate predisposition and a supportive environment both contribute to language acquisition:
Research by ______ created the ____ ___ _________, which is age ___ but current research is leaning towards age 7:
Lenneberg; Critical Age Hypothesis; 13
Linguistic Determinism:
Benjamin Whorf
-Language one use determines the way we think
-If one speaks two different languages, the person thinks differently in the different languages:
Linguistic Determinism
Learning a second language is facilitated by starting at a younger age, before age _:
Critics expressed doubts about whether Washoe and other animals really acquired the ______ of language or performed for rewards like Skinner’s pigeons: