French Revolution - History 10 Flashcards
free speech, religious toleration, and created a new religion: Deism
separation of powers, 3 syllables, and legislative, executive, and judicial
John Locke
government by popular consent, life, liberty, and property
direct democracy; general will; freedom, equality, justice
created the Encyclopedia, abolished feudal society (serf)
The Friend of The People
Adam Smith
pardons for sins
tried alleged heretics
first estate
buying church titles, highest bidder wins
The church pay a tax every 5 years to kind called..?
free gift
inheritance going to oldest son
Estates General
ancient parliament in 1600s; (300 in each estate)
notebooks of grievances and demands for reform.
nobel titles
lettres de patente
The percentage from wage the third estate paid for tax?
written documents with feudal dues.
unemployment rate
tithe tax
10% tax towards church
property tax/land tax
20% income tax
poll tax
tax collected for army to fight the American revolution.
tax for goods entering a TOWN/CITY.
salt tax (7 years and up had to buy 7 lbs of salt)
forced labour work on roads instead of tax
King soldiers were called:
Kings guards
sans culottes
revolutionaries; parish soldiers
excluding someone from participation in sacraments and services of the church
divine right monarchy
the belief of a king ruling with God’s will. (they think they were chosen, meant to be king)
tax collectors
farmers general
taxes on wine and cider
use of the lord’s mill, oven, and wine press
Nobles who fled during the revolution.
Protestants; persecuted by the French; non-Catholics
Edict of Nantes
allowed religious worship
lettre de cachet
letters that were orders from the King
Versailles tax
What was the appeal court in France called?
The Court of Cassation
The palace in Paris where the King and his family were moved to after the Women’s March on Versailles.
On a verge to escape, where was the Royal family caught?
What is France’s national anthem?
Who was the governor of the Bastille?
Bernard de Launay
How many days wages were required to be able to vote?
3 days
How many days wages were required to be able to run for the Legislative Assembly?
10 days
What two groups makes up the National Convention?
Jacobins and Girondists
Who wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
Marquis de Lafayette
What was the Declaration of Pillnitz?
A warning to the French revolutionaries not to contravene further on the king’s privileges and to permit his resumption of power.
levee en masse
An appeal to the whole nation to help in the war effort. A national draft called all able-bodied men for army service.
How long was the King’s veto?
4 years
The first Noble who stayed, stood in the National Assembly and surrendered collecting feudal dues (banalities) and taxes. (abolished feudalism)
Charles Talleyrand
The first priest to say, “Take away land from the church (clergy) and emigres to distribute to the peasants. (Supported confiscation of church properties.)
What is the Law of Self-Denying Ordinance?
A law stating that if one was a member of the National Assembly, they could not be in the Legislative assembly.
the right to vote
Who led the Committee of Public Safety?
Marie Geoffrin
One of Paris’ most popular salon hostesses.
A Jacobin leader. He became a dictator and his rule was known as the Reign of Terror.
A tax on goods entering a COUNTRY.
enlightened despots
Absolute monarchs who used their power for the good of the people they ruled.
Where did peasants get their guns?
Where did the peasants get their gun powder?
Jacques Necker
Dismissed from being the Minister of Finance for the King causing the storming of the Bastille.
A tax on transfer of feudal property (When parents die, oldest son has to pay in order to continue with land use.)
Who controlled the Parlements?
King Louis and nobility.
What was the very last government?
A group of five men called the Directory. It proved to be a weak government and marked the end of the French Revolution.
Who were the two most prominent Jacobins?
Danton and Robespierre
France was divided in __ departments.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Overthrows the Directory, becoming the supreme ruler of France.
What did the French steal at the invalides?
28000 arquebuses (guns)
A country with no monarchy.
Who were Jacobins?
Parisian radicals who demanded the execution of the King.
What was the slogan and battle cry of the French Revolution?
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
A protest against the Estates General on behalf of the Third Estate demanding concessions in their favour.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
States that the government belonged to the people as a whole. “Natural rights” of liberty and equality.
What does the Committee of Public Safety do?
They make reforms, organize national army, executes opponents during the Reign of Terror and bring wage and price controls.
What is the Civil Constitution of the Clergy?
A law that stated that bishops and priests were to be elected by popular vote and paid by the government.
What is the Law of Maximum?
wage and price controls.
Who was the king at the start of the French Revolution?
King Louis XVI
How many days of wages had to be paid to run for National Assembly?
Before the Committee of Public Safety, who could vote?
People who owned property and paid 6 livres.
Who was voting rights extended to in the Committee of Public Safety?
male citizens who paid at least 3 days wages.