FN: GORD Flashcards
LOS dysfunction → reflux of gastric contents → oesophagitis.
Hiatus hernia Smoking EtOH Obesity Pregnancy Drugs: anti-AChM, nitrates, CCB, TCAs Iatrogenic: Heller’s myotomy
symptoms Oesophageal
Heartburn Related to meals Worse lying down / stooping Relieved by antacids Belching Acid brash, water brash Odonophagia
Extra-oesophageal symptoms
Nocturnal asthma
Chronic cough
Laryngitis, sinusitis
Oesophagitis: heartburn
Ulceration: rarely → haematemesis, melaena, ↓Fe
Benign stricture: dysphagia
Barrett’s oesophagus
Intestinal metaplasia of squamous epithelium
Metaplasia → dysplasia → adenocarcinoma
Oesophageal adenocarcinoma
Differential Dx
Oesophagitis Infection: - CMV, candida - IBD - Caustic substances / burns PUD Oesophageal Ca
- Isolated symptoms don’t need Ix
- Bloods: FBC
- CXR: hiatus hernia may be seen
- OGD if:
- >55yrs
- Symptoms >4wks
- Dysphagia
- Persistent symptoms despite Rx
- Wt. loss
- OGD allows grading by Los Angeles
Classification - Ba swallow: hiatus hernia, dysmotility
- 24h pH testing ± manometry
pH <4 for >4hrs
Conservative Rx
Lose wt. Raise head of bed Small regular meals ≥ 3h before bed Stop smoking and ↓ EtOH Avoid hot drinks and spicy food Stop drugs: NSAIDs, steroids, CCBs, nitrates
Medical Rx
OTC antacids: Gaviscon, Mg trisilicate 1: Full-dose PPI for 1-2mo Lansoprazole 30mg OD 2: No response → double dose PPI BD 3: No response: add an H2RA Ranitidine 300mg nocte Control: low-dose acid suppression PRN
Surgical Mx
Nissen Fundoplication Indications: all 3 of: Severe symptoms Refractory to medical therapy Confirmed reflux (pH monitoring)
Nissen Fundoplication
Aim: prevent reflux, repair diaphragm
Usually laparoscopic approach
Mobilise gastric fundus and wrap around lower
Close any diaphragmatic hiatus
Gas-bloat syn.: inability to belch / vomit Dysphagia if wrap too tight
Hiatus Hernia classification
Hiatus Hernia Sliding
Gastro-oesophageal junction slides up into chest
Often assoc. ̄c GORD
Hiatus Hernia Rolling
Gastro-oesophageal junction remains in abdomen but a bulge of stomach rolls into chest alongside the oesophagus
LOS remains intact so GORD uncommon Can → strangulation
Hiatus Hernia Mixed
Hiatus Hernia Ix
CXR: gas bubble and fluid level in chest
Ba swallow: diagnostic
OGD: visualises the mucosa but can’t exclude hernia
24h pH + manometry: exclude dysmotility or achalsia
Hiatus Hernia Rx
Lose wt.
Rx reflux
Surgery if intractable symptoms despite medical Rx.
Should repair rolling hernia (even if asympto) as it may strangulate.