Final - Urinary Flashcards
urinary system
…specifically the kidneys maintain the purity and
chemical constancy of the blood and other extracellular body fluids
the kidneys filters
many liters of fluid from the blood, sending
toxins, metabolic wastes, excess water, and excess ions out of the
body in urine while returning needed substances back to the blood.
three main wastes products
uric acid
the kidneys also regulate
volume and chemical makeup
of the blood
3 other parts of urinary system
paired ureters
urinary bladder
paired ureters
tube-like structure that transports urine from the
kidneys to the bladder
urinary bladder
: provides a temporary storage reservoir for urine
: tube-like structure that transports urine from the bladder out
of the body
the kidneys lie
“retroperitoneal” (behind the parietal peritoneum) in
the superior lumbar region of the posterior abdominal wall
the kidney extends
d from the level of the 11th/12th thoracic vertebrae to
the 3rd lumbar vertebrae
the right kidney
is crowded by the liver and lies` slightly inferior to
the left kidney
renal hilus
a vertical cleft located on the medial surface where renal
blood vessels, ureters, lymphatics and nerves enter and leave the
the several layers of supportive tissue surround each kidney
renal capsule
adipose capsulle
pararenal fat
renal capsule
A thin layer of dense C.T. adheres directly to the
kidney’s surface…maintaining its shape and forming a barrier that can
inhibit the spread of infection from the surrounding regions.
adipose capsule
Consists of perirenal fat and just external to that
is an envelope of renal fasci
pararenal fat
Lies external and mostly posterior to the renal fascia.
perirenal and pararenal fat layers function to
cushion the
kidney against blows
and help hold the kidney
in place.
frontal section shows two distinct regions of kidney tissue
kidney cortex
: The superficial cortex region is light in color and has a
granular appearance.
kidney medulla
Deep to the cortex is the darker renal medulla, which
consists of cone-shaped masses called medullary pyramids or renal
the broad base of each pyramid abuts the? and the pyraid’s apex points?
renal columns
extensions of the renal
cortex…separate adjacent
the kidney has how many lobes?
5-11 lobes…each of which is a single renal pyramid
plus the cortical tissue that surrounds that pyramid.
renal sinus
large “filled space” within the medial part of the kidney
opening to the exterior through the renal hilus.
renal sinus contains
the renal vessels and nerves, some fat, and the urine
carrying tubes called the renal calices and renal pelvis.
renal pelvis
a flat, funnel-shaped expansion of the ureter
branching extention of the renal pelvis form
m two or three major
calices…each of which divides to from several minor calices, cupshaped
tubes that enclose the papillae of the pyramids
renal path
Renal papillae → Minor calyx → Major calyx → Renal pelvis → Ureter
→ Bladder → Urethra → Outside of body
uriniferous tubules
are the main structural and functional unit of
the kidney.
uriniferous tubules are composed of
collecting duct
nephron consists of
Renal corpuscle, a
proximal convoluted tubule, a loop of Henle, and a distal
convoluted tubule
collecting duct
involved in concentrating
urine by removing water
from it
the uriniferous tubule is lined by?
a simple epithelium
urineferous tubules produce
urine though three interacting mechanisms: filtration reabsorption secretion
a filtrate of the blood
leaves the kidney capillaries and
enters the nephron
most of the nutrients, water, and essential ions are recovered from the filtrate and returned to the blood of capillaries in the surrounding connective tissue.
The remaining wastes
contribute to the urine that leaves the
a nephron is
the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney.