Final - Chapters 16 & 17 Flashcards
Environmental psychology
A field that studies the relationship between people and their physical surroundings
Conservation psychology
The scientific study of the relationship between humans and nature, and how to encourage people to conserve the environment
Sustainable behavior
Deliberate actions taken by individuals to protect the environment
Environmentally responsible behavior
Actions taken by individuals to actively protect the environment and mitigate their negative impact on it
Curtailment behavior
Repeated, everyday actions that aim to reduce resource consumption by making small changes to existing habits
Behavior choice
The conscious decision that an individual makes to engage in actions that are environmentally friendly or that promote sustainability
Technology choice
The conscious decision an individual makes to use specific technologies that minimize their environmental impact
Commons dilemma
A social situation where non-cooperation between individuals leads to the deterioration and possible collapse of a resource
A collectivistic, we-need-each-other viewpoint that sets the occasion for AC4P behavior
A small influence that guides people to make decisions that benefit them in the long term
Cues or assistance given to encourage a desired behavior or response
A positive or negative environmental stimulus that motivates behavior
Descriptive norms
Behaviors that people perceive others in their group to be doing, or that they believe others are not doing
Injunctive norms
The perceived social expectations or rules about how people should behave in a given situation
Intrinsic motivations
The desire to perform a behavior effectively for its own sake
Extrinsic motivations
The desire to perform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment