Feline Therio Flashcards
describe the estrus cycle of cats:
- seasonal/non-seasonal
- monoestrus/polyestrus
- induced or not
long day seasonal polyestrus, induced ovulators
when is the breeding season for cats (when does it begin and when does it peak)
begins Jan-Feb and peaks Feb-Mar
when do cats usually reach puberty
4-12mo or when 80% of bw reached, depending on the season
cats go into heat every ____ days when daylight is ____ long
4-30; 14h
what happens to GnRH secretion during short daylength in cats
pineal gland produces melatonin, which inhibits the hypothalamus from releasing GnRH -> inhibits downstream FSH/LF and steroid hormone production
T/F melatonin can be used to stop queens from cycling
describe proestrus in cats
only observed in a small number of queens, and if it occurs it lasts less than 2 days
what increases in proestrus in the feline estrus cycle
what are behavioural signs of estrus in queens
1) lordosis
2) deviation of the tail
3) threading with hind legs
4) vocalization
5) head rubbing
how can we detect estrus in queens
1) behaviour
2) slight vulvar swelling
3) mucoid discharge
4) cornified epithelial cells but not helpful for predicting breeding
describe mating in cats
1) nose to nose
2) investigates perineal area / Flehmen
3) mount
4) threading
5) thrusting and ejaculation within 20s
6) pulls away quickly
7) after reaction from female (vocalized, rubs on floor, licks vulva)
what is the average duration of estrus in cats
5-6 days on average
how does the LH surge work in cats (what are the requirements)
induced by copulation but requires exposure to estrogen (female must be in heat)
T/F magnitude of cat LH surge increases with the number of copulations
ovulation occurs _______ hours post copulation in cats
how does diestrus occur in a queen
induced after estrus in a queen that has OVULATED
what hormone is dominant in diestrus in queens and how soon does it rise post-ovulation
progesterone; 24h later
how long does diestrus last in pseudopregnant queens
what is the interestrus interval in queens
the period between one estrus and another in the queen that was not induced to ovulate