Failure of Pregnancy Flashcards
what should be the general approach to pregnancy failure (3)
1) initial discussions
2) clinical investigation
3) treatment or recommendations
What is involved in initial discussions
1) zoonoses risk
2) is it really a problem
3) cost-benefit analysis
4) discuss isolation
if there is an outbreak, the probability of finding the cause is (high/low); if there is a sporadic case, the probability of finding the cause is (high/low)
high; low
what is the approach to a clinical investigation
1) history
2) precautions to prevent zoonoses
3) determine common diseases
4) examine mother, fetus, placenta
5) diagnostic testing
6) final diagnosis
what is the clinical sign of embryonic death
return to estrus
infectious causes of embryonic death are usually (early/late) whereas non-infectious causes of embryonic death are usually (early/late)
infectious = early
non-infectious = late
what parts of the approach to FOP are key when investigating causes of abortion and stillbirth
examination of the mother, fetus and placenta as well as diagnostic testing (whether infectious or not)
what is the chance of NO DIAGNOSIS of the cause of FOP for the following:
- horse:
- cow:
- sheep:
- goat:
- pig:
horse: 20%
cow: 60%
sheep: 60%
goat: 52%
pig: 53%
when examining the dam to determine maternal causes of FOP, you should investigate what on the group level and what on the individual level
group: paired samples for serology
individual: vaginal cytology, vaginal culture, CBC/biochem
when examining fetal causes of FOP, what 4 things are key to determine
1) has growth/development been normal
2) time of death
3) signs of fetal distress
4) signs of dystocia
what are signs for indicating time of death occured at:
- up to 12 hours
- up to 24 hours
- up to 72 hours
- up to 7 days (144 hours)
12: cornea cloudy
24: bloody fluid in cavities
72: dehydration begins
7 days: mummification
you examine an aborted fetus and see the following (4 scenarios)… what is the time of death prior to expulsion for each scenario:
1) cloudy cornea
2) bloody fluid in cavities
3) dehydration
4) mummification
1) cloudy cornea: <12h
2) bloody fluid in cavities: <24h
3) dehydration: <72h
4) mummification: < 1 week
what is meconium staining and what does it indicate?
cell debris, bile and keratin; it indicates fetal distress prior to death (it shit itself)
why is it important to determine if a dystocia occurred
it would NOT be worthwhile to perform diagnostics if you know it is a dystocia
what is a cause of mummification in the following species:
- horse
- cow
- cat
- dog
- pig
horse: twinning
cow: BVDV1 and 2
cat: uterine torsion
dog: canine herpesvirus
pig: porcine parvovirus
what is a requirement for maceration to occur
putrefactive bacterial infection
in horses, where does embryo attachment/fixation occur
at the bifurcation
why is it better for the umbilical cord to insert on the pregnant horn in horses
because if on the non-pregnant horn it has to be longer (and if too long can twist and the horse can die)
what can help you ID that you are looking at the allantoic surface of the placenta
vascular supply on this surface
what is the significance of the cervical star in horses (2 main reasons)
site of bacterial placentitis; where the placenta should have ruptured at birth
where is the chorioallantoic pouch located in horses
beneath the endometrial cups
what does the yolk sac remnant in horses look like
where will you find the hippomane in horses and cattle
in the allantois
what are signs of shistosomus reflexus
1) body split along midline
2) front part of body reflected backwards
3) arthrogryposis of limbs
a mare that has poor feed (nitrate/nitrite) while pregnant would have a foal with what complex
musculoskeletal disease and/or thyroid hyperplasia
what is osteopetrosis
when the bone medulla is filled with bone (no marrow present)
what are signs of EHV1 (varicellovirus equidalpha1) infection in the aborted fetus (3)
1) fibrin cast in trachea
2) interstitial pneumonia
3) focal necrosis on liver
if you see fibrin cast in the trachea of an aborted foal, what was the cause?
varicellovirus equidalpha1 (EHV1)
what is the guideline for an umbilical cord that is:
too short:
too long:
in the horse!
too short: <36cm
too long: >83cm
what are the risks of a long umbilical cord in horses
1) placental infarct
2) strangulation
3) torstion (>3 turns)
if a placental infarct occurs in horses, where will it ALWAYS be
in the body
what are 3 causes of avillus regions in the placenta and therefore reduced placental reserve in horses
1) twinning
2) body pregnancy
3) premature separation
what is the #1 cause of placentitis in horses
Streptococcus equi zooepidemicus