(F) Lec 1: The Female Reproductive System Flashcards
Familiarize the role of the female reproductive system
- Produces female gametes
- Provides environment for fertilization
- Holds embryo for complete development until birth
- Produces steroidal sex hormones
Producing female gametes is the role of which organ in the system?
Providing an environment for fertilization is the role of which organ in the system?
Holding the embryo for complete development until birth is the role of which organ in the system?
What are the steroidal female sex hormones?
Estrogen and progesterone
Which part of the brain releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone?
What hormone signals the pituitary gland to release luteinizing and follicular-stimulating hormone?
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
Which is signaled to release luteinizing and follicular-stimulating hormone?
Pituitary gland
What is the complete LE of the surface or germinal epithelium of the ovaries?
Simple cuboidal epithelium
This part of the ovaries is continues with mesothelium and overlying a dense connective tissue capsule
Surface or germinal epithelium
This is a dense connective capsule that is overlined by the mesothelium
Tunica albuginea
Parts of the ovaries
Cortex and Medulla
Part of the ovaries which is highly cellular connective tissue and contains the ovarian follicles
Part of the ovaries which has a loose connective tissue and blood vessels
T or F: There is a distinct border between the medulla and cortex of the ovaries
This is when:
- Primordial germ cells migrate from yolk sac to the gonadal primordia
- Undergoes mitotic division to form oogonia
1st month
This is when:
- First meiotic division
- Apoptotic cell death
- Meiotic arrest
11 - 12 weeks AOG ( 3 - 4 months)
In the 11th and 12th week of the early development, what is produced?
Primary oocytes
When does the first meiotic division occur?
11 - 12 weeks of early development
What surrounds the primary oocytes?
Flat cells called follicular cells
These are surrounded by flat cells called follicular cells
Primary oocytes
How many follicular cells are there at birth?
The follicular cells at birth are called what?
Ovarian reserve
How many follicular cells are there during puberty?
460,000 oocytes
How many follicular cells are there after 30 - 35 years?
450 oocytes
The follicular cells are known to have atresia when?
During menopause
Refers to oocyte + one or more layers of
follicular cells within a basal lamina
Ovarian follicle
When are primordial follicles formed?
During fetal life
Primordial follicles are found where?
Superficial ovarian cortex
Size of primary oocyte
25 um
Shape of primary oocyte
These are:
o Spherical, 25 μm
o Large nucleus – chromosomes in the 1st meiotic prophase
o organelles tend to be concentrated near the nucleus
o numerous mitochondria
o several Golgi complexes
Primary oocyte
Has a single layer of flattened follicular cells
Primary oocyte
Follicular growth and development begins when?
At puberty
o Growth of oocyte (120 μm)
o follicular proliferation
o stromal fibroblasts differentiation
Are caused by which hormone?
Follicles-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Which gland releases FSH?
Pituitary gland
Size of growth of oocyte due to FSH
120 um
Types of primary follicles
Unilaminar PF and Multilaminar PF
Type of primary follicle which has:
o Stratified cuboidal epithelium
o Granulosa cells
o Avascular and surrounded by basement membrane
Multilaminar PF
Type of primary follicle which has:
o Simple cuboidal epithelium
Unilaminar PF
T or F: Multilaminar PF has blood vessels
T of F: Unilaminar PF has zona pellucida
This is:
- Between oocyte and first layer of granulosa cells
- A glycoprotein layer contains important sperm receptors ZP3 and ZP4 (binds sperm surface and induce acrosomal activation)
Zona pellucida
These cells are found outside each growing follicle differentiate and form follicular theca.
Primary Follicles
Stromal cells of growing follicles differentiate into?
Theca interna and Theca externa
Differentiation of stromal cells
o Well vascularized, steroid producing cells
o Secretes Androstenedione (estrogen precursor)
Theca interna
Differentiation of stromal cells
o Has fibroblasts and smooth muscles
Theca externa
Primary Follicle
What secretes androstenedione?
Theca interna
Estrogen precursor
Familiarize the mechanism of androstenedione conversion
→ the luteinizing hormone (LH) causes the conversion of cholesterol into androstenedione within the theca layer
→ androstenedione crosses the basement membrane and enters the granulosa cell layer of the follicle to be converted into estradiol with the help of FSH
→ it then enters the systemic circulation to finally be converted into estrogen
In this part of antral follicle wall, cells appearing vacuolated and lightly stained because of their cytoplasmic lipid droplets producing cells
Theca interna
The cells of this type of follicle secrete clear follicular fluid (liquor folliculi). There are small spaces that appear between granulosa layers.
Antral Follicles
These are small fluid-filled spaces that fuse forming a cavity
Familiarize the components of the follicular fluid
Hyaluronic acid
Growth factors
Heparin sulfate proteoglycan
High concentration of steroids (progesterone, androstenedione, and estrogen)