Exam Four - Renal One Flashcards
3 main function of the kidneys
- homeostatic function
- excretory function (remove waste)
- endocrine function
the left kidney sits higher than the right, true or flase?
true (because of the liver on the right)
are kidneys intraperitoneal or retroperiotoneal
What are the 2 layers of the kidney
cortex and medulla
_______% of nephrons are in cortex and are called
80, cortical nephrons
_______% of nephrons are in medulla and are called_______
20, justamedullary nephrons
describe the blood flow path through the kidneys
renal artery, afferent arteriole (larger), glomerulus, efferent arteriole (smaller), peritubular capillaries/vasa recta, venules, renal veins, inferior vena cava
what are the different parts of the nephron?
glomerulus, bowmans capsule, proximal convoluted tuble, loop of henle, distal convoluted tubule, collecting tubule
filtration occurs in
renal corpuscle, fluid from the blood into the lumen of the nephron, called filtrate
materials in the filtrate are passed back into the blood, occurs in the peritubular capillaries
material from blood into lumen of tubule, occurs in peritubular capillaries
nephron modifies…
fluid volume and osmolarity
amount excreted =
amount filtered - amount reabsorbed + amount secreted
renal corpuscle
filtration of mostly protein-free plasma from the capillaries into the capsule
proximal tubule
isomotic reabsorption of stuff and water. secretion of metabolites
loop of henle
reabsorption of ion in excess of water to create dilute fluid in the lumen. countercurrent arrangements contributes to concentrated interstitial fluid in the renal medulla
distal nephron
regulated reabsorption of ions and water
glomerular capillar endothelium consist of
fenestrated capillaries
(basement membrane)
epithelium of bowmans capsule include
podocytes and mesangial cells
What creates a 3 layer filtration barrier
glomerular capillary endothelium, basement membrane, and podocytes
what 3 pressures influence glomerular filtration
- capillary blood pressure (Ph)
- capillary colloid osmotic pressure (n)
- capsule fluid pressure (Pfluid)
GFR is relatively___-
GFR is
volume of fluid filtered per unit of time
GFR is influenced by
net filtration pressure (renal blood flow and BP)
filtration coefficient (SA of glomerular capillaries and Permeability of filtration slits)
DPR is controlled primarily by regulating blood flow through renal_______-
increased resistance in afferent arteriole
decreases GFR
increased resistance in efferent arteriole
increases GFR
decreased resistance in afferent arteriole
increases GFR
decreased resistance in efferent arteriole
decreases GFR
GFR is subject to _______-
What are 3 responses that influence GFR
- myogenic response
- tubuloglomerular feedback
- hormones/autonomic neurons
myogenic response
intrinsic ability of vascular smooth muscle to respond to pressure changes
tubuloglomerular feedback
paracrine control
macula densa cells detect NaCl in filtrate and granular cells secrete anzyme renin
hormones and autonomic neurons influence GFR by…
changing resistance in arterioles and altering the filtration coefficient
reabsorption may be active or passive: true or false
reabsorption of Na requires
cotransport. to get Na+ out requires energy
max rate of transport that occurs when all carriers are occupied by substrate
transport max
transport rate at saturation
renal threshold
the plasma concentration at which a substance first appears in the urine
saturation occurs when _________- and __________- meet
transport max and renal threshold
peritubular capillary pressures favor________-
OAT is an example of
tertiary active transport
clearance is a noninvasive way to measure
rate at which a solute disappears from the body by excretion or by metabolism
clearance of x =
(excretion rate of X)/([x] in plasma)
_______ and _____ are used to measure GFR
inulin and creatinine
true or false, very little Na, Cl, or Ca is excreted
true or false, all glucose gets reabsorbed
true or false, all K gets reabsorbed
false, regulated absorption or secretion K depends on K intake
true or false, clearance is the same thing as renal handling
if clearance = GFR
neither absorbed or secreted
if clearance < GFR
net reabsorption
if clearance > GFR
net secretion
filtration rate of x =
[x] plasma x GFR
excretion rate of x =
urine flow x [x] urine
clearance =
excretion rate of x/[x] plasma
insulin clearance is ________ to GFR