Exam 3 Quizzes Flashcards
What is the antagonist of PTH
Which cells makes bone in response to calcitonin?
bone is hardened with calcium phosphate cyrstal
resorb bone in response to PTH
Which one does thyroid gland does not secrete:?
a. Thyroxine
b. Triiodothyronine
c. Calcitonin
d. Parathyroid Hormone
d. Parathyroid hormone
Which one makes growth hormone?
anterior pituitary
Insulin like growth hormone (IGF) are similar to pro-insulin because it mediates many of GH’s effects are called?
b cells are destroyed by autoimmune attack; thus beta cells secrete little or no insulin is what type diabetes?
type 1 diabetes
Normal blood Glucose range
ACTH cause release of?
What kind of hormone is it if it enhances responsiveness of a target organ to 2nd hormone?
What is passage of digested end products into blood or lymp
liver - detoxification liver can remove hormones, drugs and other biological active molecules from blood by phagocytosis by?
kupffer cells
Which is responsible for the color yellow in urine?
Liver helps regulate blood glucose by removing it from blood or releasing it to blood via
glycogenesis and lipogenesis
liver helps regulate blood glucose by producing it via
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
bile acids forms bile salts that aggregate as micelles: forms tiny droplets of fat isolated in bile salt micelles
- Normal PCO2 systemic arterial blood has about 100 mmHg and systemic veins 40 mmHG
- Which one is the most crucial for breathing/primary drive to breathe
a. PCO2 because of its affect in pH
- Hyperventilation causes
a. Low CO2 and pH rises
- Low Blood PO2 leads to (need to breathe)
a. Hypoxic drive
- Which one is mediated by stretch receptors activated during inspiration and inhibits respiratory centers to prevent over inflation of lungs
a. Hering-Breuer reflex
- Carbon monoxide is dangerous/lethal because
a. Hemoglobin bond to carbon monoxide is 210 stronger than bond with O2
- Which blood type has no antibody
a. AB