Exam 3: Ch 13 Blood Cardiac Cycle Flashcards
Plasma Protein
Constitute 7-9% of plasma
Three types of plasma proteins
- albumins
- globulins
- fibrinogen
Albumin accounts for
- 60-80% of PP and smallest;
- made by liver
Albumin Creates
colloid osmotic pressure that draws H20 from interstitial fluid into capillaries to maintain blood volume & pressure
Globulins: 3 types
- alpha
- beta and
- gamma globulin
Alpha and Beta globulins
made by liver and transport lipids and fat soluble vitamins
Gamma globulins
antibodies produced by lymphocytes
- (4% of PP);
- produced by liver;
- serves as clotting factor;
Fibrinogen Converted to
- insoluble threads called fibrin during clotting process
any condition in which there is an abnormally low [hemoglobin] or RBC count
Iron-deficiency Anemia
caused by deficiency of iron
Pernicious Anemia
caused by inadequate [vitamin B12], which is needed for RBC production
Aplastic Anemia
due to destruction of bone marrow
abnormal increase in RBC
Antigens present on RBC surface specify
blood type
Major antigen group is
ABO system
Type A blood
- has only A antigens
- People with Type A blood make antibodies to Type B RBCs, but not to Type A
Type B
- has only B antigens
- Type B blood has antibodies to Type A RBCs but not to Type B
Type AB
- has both A & B antigens
- Type AB blood does not have antibodies to A or B
- Type AB is “universal recipient”
because does not make anti-A or anti-B antibodies; Won’t agglutinate donor’s RBCs
Type O
has neither A or B antigens
- Type O has antibodies to both Type A and B
- Type O is “universal donor”
because lacks A and B antigens; recipient’s antibodies will not agglutinate donor’s Type O RBCs
If different blood types are mixed
antibodies will cause mixture to agglutinate
If blood types do not match
recipient’s antibodies agglutinate donor’s RBCs
Rh Factor
Is another type of antigen found on RBCs
Rh+ has
Rho(D) antigens; Rh- does not