Exam 1: Ch 1 Homeostasis Flashcards
study of how body works to maintain life emphasizing cause and effect mechanisms
how physiological processes are altered in disease or injury
Coparative Physiology
physiology of invertebrate and vertebrate groups
Key concept in collecting physiological data =
maintenance of fairly constant internal conditions
Allows diverse regulatory mechanisms to be understood in terms of “how” and “why”
Provides foundation for medical diagnosis
Homeostasis is maintained by?
Feedback looops
3 parts of all feedback loops
- Sensor
- Integrating center
- Effector
detect deviations from set point (average within physiological range set by the body) and send information to integrating centers
- Integratrating centers
receive information from sensors and will cause the increase or decrease of activity of effectors; determines a response
integrating centers usually part of ?
CNS and endocrine system
= usually muscle or gland; will respond to messages from integrating centers to bring back homeostasis; produces the response
2 types of feedback loops
- Negative feedback loops
2. Positive feedback loops
Negative feedback loops
- most common
- when the action of the effectors is in the opposite direction of the initial change
example of negative feedback loops
Ex: body temp. rises above normal and a negative feedback loop responds by lowering temp
Positive feedback looops
- Rare
- when the action of the effectors is in the same direction of the initial change; initial change is amplified
Homeostasis of a particular parameter generally is controlled by
several effectors with antagonistic actions; “push-pull”
Regular Mechanisms
control is built into organ being regulated
control comes from outside of organ; by nervous or endocrine systems
In extrinsic Homeostasis The nervous and endocrine systems are tightly coupled and work together to
control activities of most of the other body systems
***must know
Negative Feedback Hormonal Control of Blood Glucose:
↓ ↑
Eating ↓ ↑ Blood sugar ↓ Pancreatic Islets (of Langerhans) ↓ ↑ Insulin ↓ ↑ Cellular uptake of Glucose ↓ ↓ Blood Glucose
***must know
Negative Feedback Hormonal Control of Blood Glucose:
Fasting ↓ Blood Glucose ↓ Pancreatic Islets (of Langerhans) ↓ ↓ Insulin ↑ Glucagon ↓ ↓ Cellular uptake of glucose ↑ Glucose secretion into blood by liver ↓ ↑ Blood Glucose