exam 1: Ch 6 Membrane Potential Flashcards
membrane potential
difference in charge across membrane
Membrane potential results in part from
presence of large anions (phosphates and negatively charged proteins) being trapped inside cell and action of Na+/K+ pumps
the membrane is more permeable to? and less permeable to?
more permeable to K+ and less permeable to Na+ which must pumped out
what are the diffusable cations that are attracted into cell by the trapped anions (located intracellularly) thus they accumulate within the cell?
K+,mostly, but also Na+ and Ca2+
The magnitude of charge difference between the inside and outside of the cell is measured in ?
- K+ is attracted inside by the trapped anions but also driven out but the [gradient]
The electrical properties of cells is based on
on the difference in the [specific ions] and the permeability of the plasma membrane to each of these ions
equilibrium potential
theoretical voltage across cell membrane if only 1 ion could diffuse through the membrane
- difference in voltage across the membrane that would exactly balance the diffusion gradient and prevent the net movement of an ion
If membrane permeable only to K+,
it would diffuse until reaches its equilibrium potential (Ek)
K+ is attracted inside by
trapped anions but also driven out by its [gradient]
At K+ equilibrium
electrical & diffusion forces are = & opposite =
-90mV means
means that the inside of the cell has more negative charge than the outside because at this point there is not enough K+ inside to neutralize charge form the anions
voltage difference across the membrane =
- Please Note: In reality, more than one ion contributes to the resting membrane potential. Equilibrium potential only describes IFF voltage across cell membrane if only 1 ion could diffuse
Nernst Equation
allows theorectical equalibrium potential to be calculated if [ion] are known; gives membrane voltage needed to counteract concentration forces acting on an ion
Value of equilibrium potential (Ex) depends on
ratio of [ion] inside & outside cell membrane
Ex =
Ex = 61 log [Xout]
— ——–
z [Xin]
z =
z = valence of ion X
For concentrations shown
Calculate EK+ and ENa+
EK+ = 61 log 5
– —–
+1 150 = -90 mV
a membrane potential of -90 mv would prevent
K+ from diffusing out of the cell
a membrane potential of +60 mV would prevent
Na+ from diffusing into the cell
resting membrane potential
resting membrane potential
membrane voltage of cell in unstimulated state; RMP of most cell is -65 to -85 mV
RMP depends on
concentrations of ions inside & out, and on permeability of each ion
RMP is affected most by
most by K+ because the membrane is most permeable to it, but some Na+ diffuses in so RMP is less negative than EK+
Role of Na+/K+ pumps in RMP
Because 3 Na+ are pumped out for every 2 K+ taken in, pump is electrogenic
It adds about -3mV to RMP
Maintains [] gradients and thus membrane potentials