exam 21 Flashcards
Question 1:
Please read all the explanations. They have lots of really good info. This is new material and tends to be highly testable… Question 1…While operating at an odor of gas in an occupied place of assembly, members of Engine 101 encounter the following: A licensed plumber using a 16.4 ounce cylinder of propane with a torch. They would be correct to believe which one of the following?
A: The use is lawful, only if the LPG is being used for emergency repairs.
B: The use is lawful, if being used for minor or emergency repairs.
C:The use is unlawful.
D:The use is lawful, if being used for emergency repairs and provided that the cylinder is never left unattended, and it is removed at the end of the work day.
c Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 3 P 12
Key word is OCCUPIED, for an occupied place of assembly it is never lawful to use LPG for indoor repairs.
Question 2:
While crawling down a smoke filled hallway Captain Jones sees a residential fire emergency marking. The marking contains a box with two upward pointing arrows adjacent to each other. He would be correct to know that this indicates?
A: A two floor apartment with two separate interior stairs.
B: A two floor dwelling unit.
C:A three floor dwelling unit.
D: An apartment on the second floor.
c Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 3, ADD 7
B. Two floor dwelling units have a single arrow.
C. Figure G
Question 3:
Which of the following is an accurate description of backdrafts?
A: Generally, backdrafts will occur away from the main body of fire and require a sudden change in ventilation.
B:Generally, backdrafts will occur in proximity to the main body of fire and require a sudden change in ventilation.
C: Generally, backdrafts will occur away from the main body of fire and do not require a sudden change in ventilation.
D: Generally, backdrafts will occur in proximity to the main body of fire and do not require a sudden change in ventilation.
b Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation
A,B,C,D-Glossary pg. i
Question 4:
FF Brittle was reviewing ventilation for extinguishment with a newly assigned proby. He was only correct in which one point below?
A: This tactic requires venting the windows of the entire fire area while the engine company is extinguishing the fire.
B: When the member on the exterior hears the engine officer tell the IC that they have water on the main body of fire, he should immediately begin ventilation for extinguishment.
C: The horizontal ventilation for extinguishment tactic applies to all windows in the entire fire area and any members venting windows on the fire floor.
D:Upon hearing that water is being applied to the main body of fire, the member operating on the exterior prepared to conduct ventilation for extinguishment.
d Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation
A-sec. 11.2, windows of the IMMEDIATE fire area.
B-sec. 11.4, he should prepare to vent, before venting he must communicate with ladder officer inside the fire area to be vented.
C-sec. 11.4 NOTE: only applies to windows in the IMMEDIATE fire area, and only for the member venting the IMMEDIATE fire area.
D-sec. 11.4, RECENT CHANGE, instead of water being applied to main body it used to say knocking down visible fire
Question 5:
Which statement below regarding the potential blast zone at a major gas emergency is incorrect?
A: At major gas emergencies the potential blast zone shall be considered an exclusion zone for all personnel and shall only be entered for direct, life-saving purposes.
B:This zone will be determined by the IC and identified by red hazardous materials tape.
C: Tactics inside the potential blast zone shall be limited to rapid evacuation.
D: The size of the potential blast zone shall include the area likely to be affected by structural collapse.
B. This zone will be determined by the IC and identified by red “DANGER DO NOT ENTER” TAPE.
Natural Gas Section 9
Question 6: The second ladder company to arrive at a 10-77 for a fire in a class 1 high rise multiple dwelling (FPHRMD) has a number of responsibilities and may be assigned a myriad of other tasks by the Incident Commander or fire Sector Supervisor. Which of the following is not an accurate description of a concern of that ladder company?
A:They are responsible to search the attack stairwell for 5 floors above the fire.
B: They are responsible to ensure all elevators are recalled and searched.
C: They are responsible to ensure all evacuation stair doors are closed on the fire floor.
D:If a fire window blanket is ordered deployed by the IC, they shall coordinate the procedure. The officer should be aware that both Rescue and Squad Companies will deliver their blankets to the floor below the fire.
d Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires 6.15.1
D-sec 6.15.1 & Training Bulletins Tools 3 sec. 3.3 The Squad Company will deliver their Window Blanket to the floor below the fire (recent Change l, Rescue no longer brings it)
NOTE: As per MDs if a WCD (KO Curtain or Blanket) is ordered deployed by the IC, the 2nd to arrive ladder is responsible to coordinate deployment.
As per TB Tools 3, if a BLANKET is deployed the fire sector supervisor will assign a unit. Any unit may be used to deploy the blanket.
Coordinating and deploying may not be the same thing.
Question 7:
Capt. Breezy made the following statements about the FDNY’s Ventilation bulletin. In which one point was he least correct?
A: Members encountering rollover conditions must immediately open the hoseline to cool the environment or exit the area.
B:The neutral plane is unpredictable, and cannot be used to indicate the stage of the fire.
C: Changes of ventilation profile indicators must be communicated via handie-talkie to the ladder co. Officer operating in the fire area.
D: Changes of ventilation profile indicators must be communicated via handie-talkie to the IC.
b Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation
A-Glossary pg. vi
B-It can be an indicator of the stage of the fire, it will drop towards the floor as the fire grows in intensity.
C-Glossary pg. viii
D-Glossary pg. viii
Question 8:
Members responding to a bulk oil plant fire were reviewing the color-coded piping encountered at these sites. They were only correct in which one point below?
A:FD connections for a standpipe or yard hydrant system will be red, and its valves will be red with white bands.
B:FD connections for an automatic sprinkler will be green with green caps, and its valves will be solid green.
C: FD connections for a non-automatic sprinkler system will be green with red bands.
D: FD water connections for foam will be orange.
a Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 3 pg 8.
A,B,C,D-pg 8
-FD connections for a standpipe or yard hydrant system red; valves & pipes will be red with white bands.
-FD connections for an automatic sprinkler red with green caps; valves & pipes red with green bands.
-FD connections for a non-auto sprinkler aluminum; valves & pipes red with aluminum bands.
-Carbon dioxide extinguishing system valves & pipes red with brown bands.
-Steam system valves & pipes red with black bands.
-Foam valves & pipes red with orange bands.
-FD water connections for foam red with sign “water for foam”.
-FD foam connections red with orange band or cap & verbal signage.
Question 9:
The first arriving units at a scaffold emergency should contact a building representative to gather information. Which of the following choices is most correct regarding this process?
A:They should ascertain if the building’s windows are openable.
B: The information obtained should be communicated to the IC within a reasonable amount of time.
C: The type of work being done from the scaffold is not a consideration.
D: The information obtained should be communicated to Rescue after they are 10-84(on scene).
a Explanation:
Emergency Procedures, Suspended Scaffold Emergencies sec. 3.1
NEW info 1/2020
B-As soon as possible.
D-Should be communicated to the RESPONDING Rescue and Squad, as soon as possible.
Question 10:
Which one of the following descriptions of smoke explosions is least accurate?
A: They may not necessarily be a high heat condition.
B: They tend to initiate in a void space between floors or in a remote portion of the cockloft.
C: The expanding gasses may be ignited either internally or externally.
D:Typically, a light smoke condition may be present in the compartment above the void space prior to the smoke explosion.
d Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation A,B,C-Glossary, pg. vii
D-Glossary, pg. vii, below the void space.
Question 11:
Units operating at a suspended scaffold emergency operated in accord with FDNY protocols in which one choice below?
A: With an occupied scaffold in an inaccessible area they did not consider breaching a wall above the scaffold. This was to avoid having debris falling on top of the victim.
B:While operating at a stalled-occupied scaffold, in a building where the windows did not open, the first due Ladder company did not remove the window to retrieve the stranded worker who was trapped directly outside of the window. They waited for Rescue or Squad to arrive and remove the window.
C: If necessary, units may begin dismantling the scaffold. If possible this should be accomplished via the interior of the building.
D: Members Used the Tower Ladder to remove two trapped workers on an off-level scaffold.
b Explanation:
Emergency Procedures, Suspended Scaffold Emergencies
A-sec. 3.2 C, Consider breaching the wall, all tools and material need to be secured as you will be working above the scaffold.
B-sec. 5.3 window removal/cutting shall be performed by Rescue/Squad.
Sec. 7.1 Glass cutting shall only be performed by Rescue or Squad.
C-sec. 3.4, Must be done from the interior. Utilize rescue & Squad, Await Dept. of Buildings Derrick and Crane unit.
D-sec. 5.3 Tower/Aerial Ladder removal is only an option for occupied stalled suspended scaffolds.
However, sec 5.5 also applies to occupied off level/hanging, Unless condition dictates immediate action, removal should be accomplished with high angle rope (are they referring to glass removal, TL/AL or both?)
Question 12:
The first due engine captain arrives at a scaffold emergency and he is the initial-on-scene IC for a few minutes. The incident will dictate which resources are necessary. Which of the following are listed in the FDNY’s new and improved Suspended Scaffold Emergencies bulletin as resources that may be needed? **1)-Rescue & Squad, **2)-Medical Assistance, **3)-NYPD, **4)-DOB, **5)-A scaffold mechanic, **6)-Glassier contractors.
A: 1,2,3 &4 but not 5&6
B: 1,2,4,5 &6, but not 3
C:1,2,3,4,5 &6
D: 1,2,3,4 &6, but not 5
c Explanation:
Emergency Procedures, Suspended Scaffold Emergencies A,B,C,D,-sec. 2.2
Recent additions to the list 1/2020: 1-Rescue and Squad for their high angle rigging and glass removal equipment. 2-Scaffold mechanic, 3-Building or glassier contractors.
NOTE: NYPD for crowd and traffic control NOT ESU for help & DOB for their Derricks and Crane Unit.
Question 13:
Which of the following is most correct regarding the hazards posed to Firefighters by vacant buildings?
A: In general, abandoned warehouses and factories present an equal amount of danger to firefighters as residential buildings.
B: When operating at vacant commercial buildings, stock and porous materials that have absorbed water may cause materials to expand. This expansion may apply an axial force to load bearing walls or columns.
C:Conical soot stains above windows is a sign of previous fires.
D: Vacant residential fires tend to occur most frequently during the late night to early morning hours, peaking from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.
c Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Vacant Building Fires. Sec. 4.2
A-In general, abandoned warehouses and factories present a greater danger to firefighters than residential buildings.
B-A lateral load. The expansion will be pushing on the side of the wall/column.
D-Between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m.
Question 14:
In a structure fire when there is a single vent opening that is on the same level as the fire, the exchange of air is ________?
A: Unidirectional.
C: Unidirectional & Bidirectional.
D: Unidirectional or Bidirectional.
b Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation A,B,C,D- sec. 2.2, Bidirectional.
Question 15:
Which member below operated contrary to proper FDNY procedures at a non-fireproof structural fire?
A: It is critical that the initial vertical ventilation be coordinated with door control of the fire area. The officer in the fire area communicated with the Roof Firefighter when vertical ventilation was not to be taken, or was to be delayed.
B:The ladder officer inside the fire area performed a ventilation profile at the entry point. He paid particular attention to the air being exhausted from the space.
C: The Roof Firefighter communicated life hazards and the ventilation profile to the ladder company officer.
D: Even though vertical ventilation was to be delayed or withheld the Roof FF still forced the bulkhead open.
Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation
A-sec. 9 & sec. 10.1.1
B-sec. 10.1.1-Particular attention to air being pulled in.
C-sec. 10.2.1
D-sec. 10.2.1, forced open TEMPORARILY to check for trapped occupants.
Question 16:
You are the first officer to arrive at a vacant building fire. As the IC you are correct to only consider which point below?
A:when determining the initial attack strategy (interior vs. exterior) the highest priorities in this risk assessment are the members’ safety and the life hazard.
B: Only minimal risk to the safety of members is acceptable when there is no possibility of saving life or property.
C: Primary searches should generally be conducted during the initial knock down of the fire.
D: When a building is heavily involved upon arrival, an exterior attack is called for. The initial consideration of the first stream is to protect the greatest amount of property.
a Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Vacant Building Fires.
A-sec. 5.1
B-sec. 5.1, No risk.
C-sec. 5.3 Primary searches should generally be conducted after all visible fire has been knocked down and the IC completed a size-up and risk assessment.
D-sec. 5.2 Between the fire building and the most severe life exposure. No life endangered than the greatest amount of property.
Question 17:
Which of the following points is inaccurate regarding proper ventilation operations at a fire?
A: The ladder officer shall be notified when a search team enters from the exterior. The officer shall take appropriate action to assist and support any rescue operation.
B: The ladder officer shall be notified when a search team enters from the exterior to conduct a search for a known life hazard.
C:The ladder officer need not be notified when a search team enters from the exterior to conduct standard search procedures.
D: Prior to members entering the fire area from the exterior via a window, they may clear out the window for unobstructed access and entry.
c Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation
A-sec. 12.6
B-sec. 12.6
C-sec. 12.6, Shall be notified.
D-sec. 12.6
Question 18:
Out of the four choices listed, which is the proper tool assignment for a unit that is operating at a scaffold incident, where the scaffold is occupied and the need for possible rescue may exist?
A: Rescue and Squad companies will respond in with 1800 feet of ½” Kermantle rope.
B: Extra cans as a water source may be used in the area where walls are being breached.
C: Ladder companies’ complete tool assignment is their assigned tools and the lifesaving rope.
D:Engine companies’ lifesaving ropes may need to be utilized.
Emergency Procedures, Suspended Scaffold Emergencies
A-sec.3.3, Rescue and Squad have high angle equipment, rigging, and glass cutting capabilities. All mentions of the Kermantle rope has been removed as of 1/2020.
B-sec. 7.2, In the area where glass is being cut.
C-sec. 3.3, Complete assignment will be assigned tools, LSR, and utility ropes.
D-sec. 3.3
Question 19:
Class 2 high rise residential buildings pose unique obstacles to FDNY members during a fire. The proper operating positions of members can be confusing. Which members below are operating in line with the FDNY’s protocols for fires in these types of structures?
A: Typically, the first ladder roof firefighter proceeds to the apartment above the fire apartment.
B: When outside operations are not in progress and the building does not have fire service elevators; typically, the second ladder OV firefighter shall proceed to the floors above the fire to assist in the search.
C: Typically, if no outside operations are possible the first ladder Chauffeur (LCC) shall team up with the 2nd LCC and proceed to the roof.
D:If no outside operations are possible; typically, the second LCC should communicate with their officer to determine duties.
d Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires.
A-sec. 8.8.4, Typically op as per MD sec. 7.7.3 A (Low Rise FPMDs) ie: go to the roof
B-sec. 8.8.8, Typically op as per MD sec. 6.15.3 (High Rise FPMDs) ie: report in to officer on fire floor.
C-sec. 8.8.5, Typically op as per MD sec. 7.7.2 A-D(Low Rise FPMDs) ie: team up with officer on the fire floor. (if 2nd ladder is delayed officer may send LCC/OV to apt above.
D-sec 8.8.10 & 7.8.2 A-C. (Low Rise FPMDs)
NOTE: In the Class 2 HRMD section, when a position operates as per HRFPMDs they do so entirely; however, When they operate according to LRFPMDs it is not entirely. (ie: 1st roof as per sec 7.7.3 A only, 1st LCC as per sec.7.7.2 A-D only , & 2nd LCC as per sec.7.8.2 A-C only ) Also take note of the word TYPICALLY
Question 20:
A sharp Captain encounters a construction crew using three 20 lb LPG cylinders. He is correct that the storage, use, or handling of more than _____ standard cubic feet of LPG requires an LPG permit.
B: 40
C: 100
d Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 3
A,B,C,D-pg 9
NOTE: 400 (SCF) is about 46 lbs. so use of three 20 lb. cylinders requires a permit.
Question 21:
Which of the following engine companies did not operate contrary FDNY procedures at a vacant building fire
A: As first due, Engine 99 stretched a 1 ¾” hoseline into a vacant commercial building.
B: Engine 98 stretched a purely defensive hoseline to be operated from the exterior. This line was 1 ¾”.
C: Engine 100 was ordered to stretch a hoseline into exposure 2, to operate across a 10 foot alleyway into the fire building. This line was 1 ¾”.
D:When ordered into the original fire building for a “wash down” Engine 101’s officer ordered the members to apply the ½” outer-stream tip to the nozzle. This may reduce the amount of water weight added.
d Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Vacant Building Fires.
A-sec. 6.1 letter A, Engines stretch lines consistent with FDNY ops for each particular building type. Commercial calls for a 2 ½”.
B-sec. 6.1 letter C, 2 ½”.
C-sec. 6.1 letter E, 2 ½”.
D-sec. 6.1, top pg 13.
NOTE: Question type, not contrary to means according to, they may try to trick you up using verbiage.
Question 22:
When a vacant building is first identified, the administrative unit shall take which one of the following actions?
A:Forward a memo to the Battalion within the first alarm area and also to the administrative Battalion.
B: When appropriate, forward a normal priority DOB referral report if there are structural integrity issues.
C: When appropriate, forward a high priority DOB referral report citing “Building vacant, open and unguarded.”
D:Items discovered that are not in compliance with the fire code may be enforced with a VO or FDNY summons, or referred to DOB via the appropriate referral report.
a Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Vacant Building Fires, Top pg. 3
A-Correct. NOTE: Admin Bat may be different from 1st alarm Bat, both shall get the memo.
B-High priority referral.
C-Normal priority referral.
D- Items discovered that are not in compliance with the fire code may be enforced with a VO or FDNY summons, or referred to FPOSU (Fire Prevention) via an A-8. Fire code is enforced by the FDNY not DOB.
Question 23:
Which unit below did not operate according to proper FDNY protocols for a fire in a tenement building?
A: The ladder company officer in the fire area should limit flow paths until there is a charged hoseline advancing within the fire area.
B: A member operating on the exterior informed his officer of a change to the ventilation profile caused by ventilation tactics or window failure.
C:The ladder company officer on the floor above the fire, determined that fire had not communicated to the floor above. He then had his unit completely ventilate the apartment to facilitate the completion of a primary search.
D: The Roof firefighter initiated vertical ventilation before hearing that the ladder company had control of the door and/or a charged line was moving in.
c Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation
A-sec. 8.1.1
B-sec. 8.2.1
C-sec. 8.3.1, In this instance LIMITED venting is justifiable if it facilitates search ops.
D-sec. 10.2 &10.2.1-BIG CHANGE, used to need permission or to hear door control and/or line moving in to apt before initial roof venting. Now Roof tells officer after vertical ventilation is completed.
Question 24:
Hazardous materials may be a concern at many scaffold incidents. Which point below is not an accurate description of these dangerous substances at scaffold incidents?
A: Open buckets may indicate that dangerous chemicals are in use.
B: Some chemicals encountered may damage and degrade rope.
C:If the scaffold is unoccupied it is not likely that the wall is coated with chemicals.
D: Chemicals may be on the wall above the scaffold, coating the scaffold and workers, or any level below the work area.
scaffold and workers, or any level below the work area.
Emergency Procedures, Suspended Scaffold Emergencies, sec 8.1
C-Even if it is unoccupied or not during usual work hours, the wall may be coated with chemicals. Some need to set up overnight.
Question 25:
Lt. Windy made the following statements about flow paths at multi-unit drill. In which point was she not fully correct?
A: The flow path can be bidirectional.
B: There may be multiple flow paths within a structure.
C: The flow path can be unidirectional.
D:In a bidirectional flow, fresh air is pulled into the compartment above the neutral plane.
d Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation
Glossary pg. i
D. Hot air and gasses exhaust out above neutral plane, and fresh air is pulled in below the neutral plane.
Question 26:
Which of the following ladder companies is the only one that operated according to proper FDNY policy at a vacant building fire?
A: As second due, the Ladder 100 officer assigned 2 members to search all floors above the fire.
B: When the stability of a stairway is in doubt, members should place a portable straight ladder over the stairway. It is imperative that the header beams at the top of the staircase support the ladder.
C:To the extent possible, fire escapes should be avoided.
D: Ladder company operations are generally devoted to ventilation and search.
c Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Vacant Building Fires.
A-sec. 5.4 members shall not conduct searches on the floors above until all visible fire is knocked down and the IC completed a size-up and risk assessment. NOTE: have 2 FFs search all floors below the fire has been removed from books 1/2020.
B-sec. 6.2 C, extension ladder.
C-sec. 6.2 F
D-sec. 6.2 Ladder company operations are generally devoted to facilitating engine companies’ efforts in getting water on fire.
Question 27:
While conducting a scaffold emergency drill, a newly promoted lieutenant stated the following points. In which one should he be corrected?
A: The anchor points of the scaffolding must be evaluated by the first arriving units as soon as possible.
B: Anchor points may be located on setbacks or suspended from BMUs (Building Maintenance Units)
C: If tie backs or hooks are damaged members shall secure them with utility rope. Rescue and squad can secure them with wire rope if necessary.
D:Due to the Building Code, anchor points will not be present in shafts.
d Explanation:
Emergency Procedures, Suspended Scaffold Emergencies, sec. 3.2
D. May be located in shafts. (Building code part is made up)
Question 28:
Modern fires are different from traditional fires in that they incur an earlier decay stage. Which one action below is the only one in accord with FDNY procedures, regarding the decay stage of fires?
A: Members encountering an early decay stage should make every effort to ventilate the windows to cool the area.
B: A fire that is in an elongated decay stage and kept ventilation limited is volatile, and firefighters cannot effectively operate in that type of environment.
C:Modern content fires may experience 2 growth stages and 2 decay stages.
D: The fully developed stage always occurs after flashover.
c Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation
A-sec. 2.4.6, make every effort to control ventilation of windows & doors.
B-sec. 2.4.7, FFs can effectively operate and extinguish the fire.
C-sec. 2.4.6
D-Glossary, pg v , usually occurs after.
Stages of modern content fires: 1-Incipient, 2-Rapid Growth, 3-Early Decay.
If ventilation is controlled early decay can be last stage. If not it will go to
4-Rapid Second Growth Stage & 5-A Second Decay Stage.
Question 29:
Tags and discs are used to indicate when a fire protection system (standpipe or sprinkler) is out of service. Which one choice below is accurate regarding these items?
A: The tags shall be carried on FDNY apparatus and, firefighters shall place them when warranted.
B: Tags only need to be placed if the fire protection system is partially unserviceable.
C:A white disc indicates the system is completely out of service.
D: A yellow disc indicates the system is not functioning as a fully automatic system and/or a portion of the system will work when supplied by the FD.
c Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 4
A-4.3.4, NOTE: FDNY does not provide or place these tags. The owner or impairment coordinator places them.
B-4.3.4, Indicating which system or part thereof is out of service. NOTE: tags shall be placed at each FD connection, standpipe & sprinkler control valve, and at the fire command station.
D-4.4.2, Blue disc. Yellow disc is for a frozen hydrant, ENG Company Operations sec. 6.5
Question 30:
The Captain of Engine 300 was only correct in which one point below regarding FDNY operations at vacant building fires?
A:When ascending the stairs in a vacant building, place the middle of your foot above the step riser as close to the supporting wall as possible.
B: Members’ preferred access to ascend the fire escape will be via the drop ladder.
C: Members shall climb fire escape ladders with their feet near the stringers, in order to maximize step deflection.
D: Members should utilize spotlights to illuminate specific hazards on the exterior of the building, but not the interior as this would blind the interior force.
a Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Vacant Building Fires.
A-sec. 6.2 letter E, Then it states: placing downward pressure on risers and climbing close to supporting springers is the safest way to climb stairs.
B-sec. 6.2 letter F, use of FDNY portable ladder is preferred.
C-sec. 6.2 letter F, to minimize step deflection. Deflection is bending.
D-sec. 7.1, Illuminate hazards on the interior and exterior.
Question 31:
Which choice below is most accurate regarding FDNY operations at scaffold emergencies?
A:A lifesaving Rope evolution is a very dangerous operation for the victim. However, lowering or raising a victim with high angle rope can be done in complete safety.
B: Before removing a window, a rescue company officer shall seek assistance from building personnel or a glazier.
C: Only in an extreme emergency shall an FDNY member go out onto an unoccupied scaffold.
D:If ARC welding is being performed from the scaffold, ensure the unit has a proper secondary ground before commencing removal procedures.
a Explanation:
Emergency Procedures, Suspended Scaffold Emergencies
A-sec. 5.5
B-sec. This has been removed from bulletin. 1/2020.
C-sec. 4.3, At no time shall any member go out onto an unoccupied scaffold.
D-sec. 8.2, Recent change 1/2020, ensure all welding has ceased for the duration of the incident and that all power sources to the welders have been shut down.
Question 32:
Which of the following is not an accurate description of the general considerations at vacant building fires?
A: Protection of life is the most important concern during the size up process.
B:Member safety is the most important concern during the size up process.
C: Structural stability is a serious concern during all phases of the size-up process.
D: Extension to exposures is a serious concern during fire operations.
b Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Vacant Building Fires, sec. 4.1
B-Member safety is the highest priority during the risk assessment process.
The General Considerations, ACRONYM: LESS..L-Life (protection of), E-Extension to exposures, S-Safety of members, S-Structural stability.
Question 33:
Discretionary overtime is governed by different guidelines than minimum staffing overtime. Members may work discretionary overtime on a specific day or time when they are granted time off for which of the following reasons?
A: Vacation Leave.
B: Self Mutual.
C: Compensatory Time.
D:None of the Above.
PAID 1-2009
Sec. 2.7
A,B,C, &D-Members are not eligible to work discretionary OT while on: Vac Leave, Accrued Leave, Terminal Leave, or Comp time or Self Mutual off.
NEW UPDATE 12/16/2019
Question 34:
Which of the following would be defined as a vacant building according to the Vacant Building Fires Bulletin of the FDNY? **1)An unoccupied building that is sealed and well maintained. **2)A temporarily unoccupied building that is in good condition. **3)A partially unoccupied building, where the owner has abandoned all efforts to maintain the building. **4)A structure that is completely unoccupied, where the owner has abandoned all efforts to maintain the building. **5)A partially occupied building, where some sections have been abandoned.
A: 1,2,3,4 & 5.
B: 1,4, & 5only.
C: 1, & 4 only.
D:4 only.
d Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Vacant Building Fires, sec. 2.1
Vacant-completely unoccupied and owner has abandoned all efforts to maintain the building.
Question 35:
Smoke explosions and backdrafts are phenomena that can occur when fire burns within a closed compartment. Which point below is the only accurate statement listed regarding these events?
A:A backdraft can occur when air is introduced to a compartment that is filled with the products of combustion and contains insufficient oxygen to support flaming combustion.
B: A smoke explosion can occur when air is introduced to a compartment that is filled with the products of combustion and insufficient oxygen to support flaming combustion.
C: Generally, Smoke explosions occur in proximity to the main body of fire.
D: Additional ventilation is needed for either a backdraft or smoke explosion to occur.
a Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation
A-Glossary, pg. i
B-Glossary pg, vii- A smoke explosion can occur when the flammable products of combustion form a mixture with sufficient oxygen inside of a closed compartment and are ignited either internally or externally.
C-Glossary pg. vii, Remote from the main body of fire.
D-Glossary pg. i Generally, backdrafts require a sudden change in ventilation. Glossary pg. vii No ventilation is needed to occur for a smoke explosion to occur.
Question 36:
As a newly promoted Lieutenant you respond to a scaffold emergency. You mentally review FDNY protocols while in route to the incident. In which consideration below were you most correct?
A: In all instances, the NYPD should cordon off the area below the scaffold to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
B:All apparatus shall be kept clear of the danger area.
C: All members must only enter the building from an entrance outside of the danger area.
D: The area below the scaffold shall be taped off. This will mark the danger zone for all except operating members.
b Explanation:
Emergency Procedures, Suspended Scaffold Emergencies, sec. 3.1
A- In all instances, units should cordon off the area below the scaffold to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Cross reference AUC 276 ADD 2 sec.3.2.5 & AUC 276 sec. 3.2 -Area evacuation is CORE competency of NYPD, but establishing zones for protection of public and responders is life safety. FD has complete responsibility for life safety.
B-Correct as written. Cross reference with sec. 5.3 If the scaffold is within reach of a TL/AL, this may be used to effect removal. This is for occupied stalled only. Sec. 5.5 unless imminently dangerous condition dictates immediate action, removal should be by high angle rope.
C-If possible not a must.
D-Danger zone for civilians and FD personnel.
Question 37:
Which point below is in accord with proper FDNY ventilation tactics at a high rise fireproof multiple dwelling (HRFPMD) fire?
A: horizontal ventilation for smoke removal is usually performed before the main body of fire is controlled.
B:Smoke and hot fire gasses increase air pressure in a fire compartment. This higher air pressure will always travel to areas of lower air pressure.
C: An engine and a rescue officer operating in the fire apartment both ventilated windows in the fire apartment without notifying the first ladder company officer.
D: The Member operating on the roof should immediately begin vertical ventilation tactics unless she receives a transmission to withhold or delay.
b Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation
A-sec. 14. After main body is controlled.
B-sec. 14. These lower pressure areas are public hallways, vertical shafts, stairwells, elevators, other open apt. doors and windows (especially on opposite side of hall from fire apt.)
C-sec. 14.1-a little different from non-fireproofs (NFPs), here it is notify the first ladder company officer operating in the fire apartment. In NFPs permission is always required from the ladder company officer in the fire area to be vented.
D-sec. 14.1 & 14.2, No, only the IC can authorize vertical vent in a HRFPMD, the same applies for low rise fire proof MDs.
Question 38:
What point below is most accurate regarding the Vacant Building Marking symbol used by the FDNY?
A:All vacant buildings shall be marked with the symbol.
B: The letters “FO” shall be made directly above the vacant building marking. These letters indicate that floors within the building have holes or openings that may endanger members.
C: Only administrative companies shall make these markings. If a deserving building lacking a marking is discovered by another unit, they shall telephone the particulars to the admin company.
D: Any unit discovering a vacant building lacking a marking, shall mark it and enter it into the eCIDS program.
Firefighting Procedures, Vacant Building Fires, sec. 3.1
B-New Material 1/2020. “FO” Below the marking, “RO” Above.
C-Any company may place a marking. Then as soon as practical notify admin company. NOTE: shall be marked when first identified as vacant, including during BISP.
D-Any unit may mark it; however, only administrative unit will submit eCIDS.
Question 39:
During a major storm you are the officer assigned as a Rapid Response Vehicle Task Force Leader. Which point below is most correct regarding protocols that you consider?
A: The initial Task Force shall consist of only 4 firefighters.
B: Each Task Force will be equipped with a complement of tools; if additional items are needed, you should notify the nearest Division, SOC will supply this equipment for SSLs (SOC Support Ladders).
C: Task forces shall be identified using the designation of one of the assigned RRVs. members within a task force communicating to each other shall use their task force designation and vehicle/unit type. For example: the task force that includes RRV 132 would communicate as such: “RRV 132 to BFU 132”.
D:You would be correct to think that DARS radios do not interfere with transmissions of normally assigned Handie Talkies (HTs).
d Explanation:
AUC 159, ADD#8
A-sec. 3.2, May consist of 3-6 Firefighters. RECENT CHANGE 11/20/19.
B-sec. 3.6, Contact Tech Services, SOC does not supply SSLs. RECENT CHANGE 11/20/19.
C-sec. 5.1, Task forces designations are flexible, consider identifying them using the designation of one of the assigned RRVs. members within a task force communicating to each other would use assigned unit designations to ID themselves. (eg. RRV 132 to BFU 2) BFU would not use 132, rather their normal designation.
Question 40:
Which point is true regarding the decay stage of fire development?
A:It can be characterized by a decrease in fuel load or available oxygen.
B: It can be characterized by an increase in fuel load or decrease of available oxygen.
C: Entering the decay stage will result in higher temperatures.
D: Entering the decay stage will result in higher pressure in the fire area.
Firefighting Procedures Vol 1, Book 10, Ventilation
It can be characterized by a decrease in fuel load or available oxygen, resulting in lower temperatures and lower pressure.