EXAM 19 UPDATES Flashcards
Question 1: Which one of the following choices is not in accord with FDNY policy for fires in class 2 high-rise multiple dwellings?
A: The 3rd ladder will search apartments above and below the fire as necessary.
B: The 3rd ladder will search all hallways and stairs above the fire on a continual basis.
C:The 4th ladder roof FF will proceed to the apartment directly above the fire with the KO curtain.
D: If the 3rd ladder is operating in the apartment above the fire, the 4th ladder will search all hallways and stairs above the fire on a continual basis.
C Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires
C-8.8.11 references sec 6.16.4, 3rd ladder roof firefighter.
The Roof Firefighter shall proceed to the apartment directly above the fire with a KO Curtain, in addition to his/her normal complement of tools, to assist members operating on that floor.
Question 2:
If an engine officer discovers contraband (kerosene heater, LPG cylinder without permits) that needs to be confiscated, he shall take all of the following actions except which one?
A:He transported the items to the firehouse, because they were properly contained.
B: He should provide full particulars in the company journal.
C: If the Incident Commander is not a Battalion Chief, request one to respond.
D: Notification to vendors need not be made when an emergency condition exists.
A Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 4, ADD 5, A-3.2, under no circumstances is any unit other than hazmat logistics to transport this contraband B-6.1 C-Top pg 1 D-1.
Question 3: While conducting a drill at a class 2 high-rise residential building, the captain of Engine Company 99 would be right to correct her members on all except which point below?
A: If 4 lengths of hose are required, that particular information, need not be included in the building’s CIDS message. However, if more than 4 lengths of hose is required, that should be identified in CIDS.
B:The fifth assigned/arriving engine is responsible for placing the high rise nozzle into operation.
C: The 3rd engine may need to assist in getting the first line into operation. In this case, the 3rd engine officer must notify the IC and 2nd due engine officer.
D: If the 3rd engine is assisting with the first line, the 4th engine should relieve them, in order to allow the 3rd engine to stretch the second line.
B Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.7 top pg 99, More than 3 lengths should be identified in CIDS, NOTE: More than 4 lengths may be required. B-6.11, NOTE: The bulletin indicates the 5th engine to arrive and the 5th assigned engine. The assumption is they are 1 in the same. C-8.7.3, Notify IC and 4th engine officer. D-8.7.4, In this case, 4th engine should stretch a second line.
Question 4:
Which of the following is an inaccurate description of residential fire emergency markings?
A: A star indicates that door is the main entrance.
B:A pentagon indicates that door is a secondary entrance.
C: An arrow pointing up or down indicates the door serves a multi-floor dwelling.
D: Sandwich apartments have no living space on the entrance floor.
B Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 3, ADD 7, A-Table bottom pg 1 B-A triangle, bottom pg 1 C-Bottom pg 1 D-Bottom pg 1
Question 5: At a fire in a class 2 high rise residential building, who must make a determination whether roof access for ventilation will be attempted?
A: The Incident Commander.
B: The 1st due Roof FF.
C: The Fire Sector Supervisor.
D:The First Ladder Officer.
D Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A,B,C,D-8.8.2, First Ladder Officer.
Question 6:
Complaints received by units must be inspected within 24 hours. What is an inaccurate point about proper FDNY procedure for handling complaints?
A:After conducting the required inspection the officer shall email the A-17 (interim or final) through the chain of command.
B: After conducting the required inspection, the officer shall fax an unendorsed copy of the A-17 to the BISP unit.
C: If a complaint is received by a unit for a location not in their administrative district, record the particulars in the company journal, and convey all the information to the proper unit by telephone.
D: If a complaint is received for a place of assembly, immediately telephone the administrative Battalion Chief.
A Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 3, ADD 6, A-2.3 Only final reports shall be emailed through the chain of command. B-2.3, Yes FAX (interim or final). C-1.2 D-1.3, The BC will investigate with the admin unit, if a place of assembly. NOTE: Complaint with no access, at least 1 attempt per day for 72 hours. Still no access call BISP unit.
Question 7:
Which of the following is an inaccurate description of fire resistive residential buildings (A.K.A. Class 2 high rise residential buildings)?
A: The majority are 8-18 stories, and some apartments may have more than 30 rooms.
B: They can be as tall as 32 floors with a single stair.
C: The structural elements are constructed of concrete and steel, with some interior wood framing and flooring.
D:Compactor chutes may be present, but dumbwaiter shafts will not be.
D Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.3 & 8.3.3 B&C 8.3 D8.3.2 Both may be present.
Question 8: Which of the following actions taken at a class 2 high-rise residential-building fire was not in accord with FDNY protocols?
A: Because no exterior operations were feasible, the 1st ladder Chauffeur (LCC) proceeded to the fire floor to team up with his officer.
B:The 3rd due ladder officer informed his unit that they were responsible to ensure all elevators were recalled and searched.
C: The 2nd due truck officer ordered The 2nd OV firefighter to assist with KO curtain deployment.
D: The 2nd truck officer ordered the 2nd OV firefighter to assist with the search of the fire apartment.
B Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-7.7.2 D B-8.8.6, 2nd ladder ensures all elevators are recalled and searched. C-8.8.8 D-8.8.8
Question 9:
When may an FDNY unit issue a criminal court summons to a city agency?**1-To the custodian or the principal of a school for a locked exit.**2-When directed by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.**3-To a NYCHA manager or super for a standpipe or sprinkler shut-down without prior FD notification.
A: 1 only.
B: 1 & 2 only.
C: 2 & 3 only.
D:1,2,& 3.
D Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 3, ADD 3 sec. 9.4.1
Question 10:
While conducting Building Inspection at a Pharmacy, Ladder 88 is denied access by the owner. From the choices below, what is the only correct action they can take?
A: Transmit a 10-47, stating, “for access denied”.
B: Request Fire Marshals to respond.
C: Issue an FDNY summons for “denied access”.
D:Issue a summons, if the area to be inspected is open to the general public at the time of inspection.
D Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 9 A-Wrong. B-sec. 3, Request a BC to respond. C-sec. 5 D-Correct
Question 11: Which of the following is not one of the five most common types of open stairs encountered in class 2 high rise residential buildings?
A: Service stair.
B: Primary open stair.
C:Secondary open stair.
D: Shared fire stair.
C Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.5.3, pg. 95 B-8.5.3, pg. 95 C-Wrong answer. D-8.5.3, .95 1-Service stair, 2-Primary open stair, 3-Open fire stair, 4-Shared fire stair, 5-A stair separated from public hall/vestibule that has 1 or more apt doors in the stairwell.
Question 12:
At 3 AM, Ladder 99 receives a response for an automatic-alarm activation in a commercial premises. Upon arrival they soon realize the building is void of people, sealed up and no access is available. They would be incorrect to perform which action below?
A: For an alarm system activation, they conducted an exterior investigation. There were no indications of a fire condition and they had the dispatcher notify the alarm company.
B:For a water flow alarm caused by a defective sprinkler system that required to be shut down, they notified the fire marshals for potential notification to the responsible party.
C:For a water flow alarm activation they conducted an exterior investigation. Then they asked the dispatcher if the alarm system has reset. After the alarm was reset, they took no further action.
D: If the water flow alarm did not reset, they considered forcible entry.
B Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 4 A-4.6 B-4.6-Notify the fire marshals if the system is NOT MONITORED BY AN ALARM and it is defective and/or needs to be shut down. In this case it was monitored by an alarm. C-4.6 D-4.6 NOTE: If forcible entry was required, notify NYPD for security
Question 13:
Which of the following is not a common characteristic of any of the 3 types of fire stairs found in Class 2 high rise multiple dwellings?
A:Fire stairways are of standard width, rise and run.
B: They usually terminate in a bulkhead at the roof level.
C: If a penthouse is present, the stair will usually terminate at the roof terrace level of the penthouse apartments.
D: Entry to these stairs may be in the lobby or street, or they may bypass both and start in the cellar.
A xplanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.5.3 Mid page, Steep & narrow stairwell. B-8.5.3 C-8.5.3 D-8.5.3
Question 14:
Under the administrative code, illegal storage of LPG (of a non-minor nature) is dealt with using which type of enforcement?
A:Immediate summons and confiscation.
B: Notice of Violation order (NOV) and confiscation.
C: FDNY summons ordering forthwith removal.
D:Violation order (VO) ordering forthwith removal .
A Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 3, top pg 9 A,B,C,D, NOTE: this is for illegal use or storage. Certain minor items can be enforced with FDNY summons or VO. Also the NOV no longer exists.A
Question 15:
A sharp Ladder officer would know which point regarding FDNY operations at a Class 2 high-rise residential building fire is correct?
A:Some stairs may by-pass the lobby and terminate in the cellar.
B: Some elevators open directly into apartments or serve isolated vestibules with no access to stairways. These elevators provide an excellent way for Firefighters to access the upper floors.
C: If no outside operations are indicated, and there is no fire service elevator, the 1st OV firefighter shall not operate the elevators and they shall report to their officer for assignment.
D: In any instance where the OV operates on the exterior of the building, the IC must be informed.
A Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.8 top pg 100 B-8.8 top pg 100, These elevators should be avoided if possible. C-6.14.3 & 8.8.3, top pg 103, Elevators may need to be operated in the manual mode, if elevator ops are not required then report in to officer. D-8.8.3, First ladder officer must be informed.
Question 16:
If members respond to a reported fire in building under construction that is ________ in height, they should know the structure is required to have a hoist or elevator in readiness at all times for FDNY use.
A: 75 feet.
B:Greater than 75 feet.
C: 70 feet.
D: Greater than 70 feet.
Question 17:
While operating on a rooftop, a member encounters a pipe that is yellow with black stripes. He should know that it contains?
A: Low voltage electric wiring.
B: Natural gas.
C: High voltage electric wiring.
D:Fuel oil.
D Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 3, pg 5 A-Orange-low voltage electric wiring. B-Yellow-natural gas piping. C-Red-high voltage wiring. D-Yellow with black stripes-fuel oil piping. NOTE: Yellow, labeled at regular intervals with type of gas-other compressed gas piping (not natural gas).
Question 18: Members must use balanced judgment, and notify their officer prior to using a fire escape at a class 2 high-rise residential building. Which is not listed as a factor to consider prior to using the fire escape at one of the buildings?
A: Condition of the fire escape.
B:Presence of a suspected life hazard.
C: Weather conditions.
D: Height of the fire floor.
B Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.5.4 B-8.5.4, A known life hazard. (not suspected) C-8.5.4 D-8.5.4 1-Condition of FE. 2-Height of fire floor. 3-Presence of known life hazard. 4-Weather conditions. 5-Ability to access the roof via alternative route. 6-Fire conditions.
Question 19:
Legally, a loft building may contain up to two individual units used for living purposes. Which of the following is an inaccurate statement regarding these occupancies?
A: The building may not have these living units if it has any occupancy listed as high hazard.
B: A sign displaying “A.I.R.” indicates an artist in residence.
C: An “R” under “3F” stands for rear.
D:A “3F” under the A.I.R. on the sign indicates the living unit is in apt 3F.
D Explanation:
AUC 5< CH 2, ADD 1 A- B- C-Indicates third floor, not apt. 3F. D-
Question 20: Horizontal bands or belt courses are an architectural design encountered on class 2 high-rise residential buildings. These are the single best architectural feature to identify these structures. Which of the following points is accurate regarding these features?
A: These features will always be found on class 2 buildings.
B:They may also be found on some class 1 buildings.
C: When found on the lower floors, they will usually only be present above the windows on the 1st and/or 2nd floor.
D: Typically this design feature will be found on all of the exposed walls of a structure.
B Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.3 B-8.3 C-8.3.1, Above windows on the 1st,2nd &3rd floors. D-8.3.1 NOTE: Non-street facing wall will typically use only plain brick.
Question 21:
Ladder 100 responds to a water leak and discovers the problem is caused by 2 defective sprinkler heads. What point below is contrary to FDNY policy, when it comes to replacing defective sprinkler heads.
A:A company officer can order replacement of sprinkler heads.
B: FDNY members should not perform this action if the required heads and wrench are not in the occupancy’s metal cabinet.
C: FDNY members may not replace heads in a shaft, a compactor chute or other unsafe areas.
D:-If building staff is available, but they are not capable of replacing the heads, FDNY members may replace the heads.
A Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 4 A-5.1.5, We only replace if they have the heads, wrench, and there is no danger to our members. B-5.1.5, Unsafe areas are determined by the IC. C-5.1.5, Only BC or above can order replacement of sprinkler heads. D-5.1.5,
Question 22:
Which of the following is inaccurate regarding the duties of the 2nd ladder at a fire in a class2 high-rise residential building?
A: This unit is responsible to ensure all evacuation stair doors are closed on the fire floor.
B: Upon arrival they shall contact the 1st ladder to see if their assistance is needed on the fire floor.
C: If not needed on the fire floor, the Inside team will operate on the floor above.
D:For a top floor fire, the 2nd arriving ladder officer will ensure that h
D Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.8.6 B-8.8.6 C-8.8.7 D-8.8.7, bottom pg. 104, Ensure KO curtain is brought to roof. 2nd due roof FF brings LSR to roof.
Question 23:
Members may encounter portable propane cylinders on routine responses or during inspections. Which one choice below is a correct statement regarding these objects?
A: A tenant may only store a maximum of two 16.4 ounce cylinders inside their one apartment in a tenement building.
B: The owner of a single family-detached home may store a maximum of two 20 lb. cylinders indoors.
C:LPG containers with a capacity of 20 lbs. or less may be moved to another floor inside of a building via elevator or stairwell.
D:LPG cylinders with a capacity of over 20 lbs. may only be moved from one floor to another inside of a building via the stairwell.
C Explanation:
AUC 5, CH2, ADD 3 A-Max of 4, pg 3. B-Cannot store 20 lb cylinders indoors, on roofs, or on balconies of R-3 occupancies (PDs), pg 3. C-Bottom pg 11. D-Bottom pg 11, only via elevator when approved.
Question 24:
The Multiple Dwelling Fires bulletin mentions 3 types of fire stairs that are found in Class 2 high-rise buildings. Which of the following is not listed as one of those 3?
A: Enclosed fire stair.
B: Open fire stair.
C:Single fire stair
D: Shared fire stair.
C Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.5.3 Bottom pg 94 #2 B-8.5.3 Middle pg 95 #3, Is most common one found. C-Wrong answer. D-8.5.3 Mid page 95 #4
Question 25:
An officer is crawling down a smoky hallway in a non-sprinklered residential building that has 10 apartments per floor. He would be correct to assume which one of the following points?
A: Each dwelling unit should be identified on the door on the public hall side of the door.
B:Each dwelling unit should be identified on the door jamb on the public hall side of the door.
C: Each unit should be identified with a fire emergency marking not less than 12 inches from the bottom of the floor.
D:A duplex or triplex apt will only have its primary entrance marked with the approved fire emergency marking.
B Explanation:
AUC 5, CH2, ADD 3 A-pg 6, On the door jamb, not the door. B-pg 6 C-pg 6, Not more than 12 inches from the bottom of door ( not from the floor). D-pg 6, Every door that opens into a public corridor or other means of egress shall be marked.
Question 26: A newly promoted lieutenant made the following statements about open stairs in class 2 high-rise residential buildings. In which point was he wrong?
A: A service stair will have a standard width, rise and run; it usually contains a standpipe, a service elevator, & doors to the apartments.
B: Open stairs will have no fire-rated doors between the apartment doors and the stair.
C: Primary open stairs usually end in a bulkhead on the roof, but occasionally will terminate on the top floor.
D:A shared fire stair, is an open stair that accesses more than 1 apartment in the same wing.
D Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-pg 95 #1 B-pg 95 top of pg C-pg 95 #2 D-pg 95 #4 Shared by apts. in two separate wings.
A standard CIDS worksheet has been created for class 2 high-rise residential buildings. Which of the following information should be included in the CIDS: **1-stair descriptions, **2-standpipe locations, **3- best roof access, **4-various types of secondary egress (if applicable and space permits).
A:1,2,3, &4.
B: 2,3, & 4 only.
C: 1 & 3 only.
D: 1,3,& 4 only
A Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.4
Question 28:
While conducting holiday inspection, a sharp officer would be correct to state that stock shall be kept a minimum of ____inches below sprinkler head deflectors.
B: 24
C: 6
D: 12
A Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 3 A-Pg 4 18 inches. NOTE: 2 feet or more from ceiling if there are no sprinklers.
Question 29: A salty engine lieutenant would know that which of the following points regarding standpipe operations at a class 2 high-rise residential building fire is least correct?
A: Standpipes may be found in unusual locations, including half landings, in wall recesses and with outlets that are higher than normal.
B:If encountering difficulty in removing the house line from the outlet, members must communicate this to the ladder officer.
C:In buildings without a public hall or small landings, engines may need access to adjacent apartments to flake out the hoseline.
D: If a second apt entrance is present and the 1st line may be endangered by fire from this door, the second line may need to be stretched to this location to protect the advance of the first line.
C Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.7 B-8.7 tell both the engine and ladder officers C-8.7, top pg 99, Apartment on the floor below, not adjacent. D-8.7.4 top pg 100
Question 30:
Where may an FDNY summons be affixed in a multiple dwelling? **1-Door to the supers apartment, **2-The wall near the mailboxes, **3-Outside the main entrance door, **4-The wall near the notice board, **5-A desk top in the supers office,**6-Inside the supers mailbox.
A: 1,2,3,4,5
B: 1,2,3,6
D: 1,2,4,5
Question 31:
Which statement is true regarding the upper termination points of fire escapes on Class 2 high-rise residential buildings?
A: All fire escapes must terminate within 2 floors of the roof or penthouse.
B: All fire escapes must terminate on the top floor.
C: All fire escapes must terminate on the roof.
D:In some instances, the upper termination point will be 4 floors below the top floor. Even when there is no set-back present.
D Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A,B,C-The literature does not mention this. D-photo 9, pg 114, FE only goes to 6th floor of 9 story building.
Question 32:
Which of the following is an incorrect point regarding proper notifications, when a standpipe system is discovered to be out of service during an operation. The system is out of service for other than a scheduled inspection, testing, or maintenance and it will not be serviceable by the end of the business day?
A:If no responsible party is present, notify the NYPD for potential notification to the responsible party.
B: -If the standpipe is in an occupied residential occupancy and no building staff are present, ask the dispatcher to notify OEM. OEM should be requested to have an HPD representative respond to the location.
C: If the administrative unit is not on scene, they shall be notified by telephone.
D: The administrative unit officer shall notify all first alarm units by telephone.
A Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 4 A-4.6 Top pg 5, Notify the fire marshals, however, notify the NYPD for security of premises if necessary. B-4.6, pg 5 C-4.7, NOTE: The unit on scene issues a VO, whether it’s the admin unit or not. D-4.10.1, Admin unit also submit A-500, if a commercial occupancy forward FPCU1, fwd an A-8 to fire prevention. NOTE: these enforcements are for commercial & large life hazards, but officer can always implement these enforcements if he feels it’s necessary.
Question 33:
After responding to an odor of smoke, an FDNY captain discovers a chiminea in use. He would be wrong to take which one action from the list below?
A:Nothing, because these devices do not meet the literal definition of “open fires”.
B: Order the use of the device discontinued immediately.
C: Issued a summons for a chronic problem at the same location.
D: Order the use of the device discontinued immediately for a chronic problem at the same location.
A Explanation:
AUC 5, CH2, ADD 3 A-pg 2 B-wrong answer C-pg2
Question 34: Regarding a fire in a class 2 high-rise residential building, which point indicates proper operations by the 1st and/or 2nd due roof firefighters?
A: The first roof FF ascended the stairs to the roof; he did this alone because the stairway was not an IDLH (Immediate Danger to Life and Health).
B: For a 7th floor fire in a 15 story building, the first roof FF will carry the halligan, maul, hydra-ram and Life Saving Rope(LSR). Typically, He will report to the apartment directly above the fire apartment.
C:The second due roof FF brought the LSR to the floor above the fire, prior to proceeding to the roof.
D: For a fire on the 13th floor of a 14 story building, the 2nd due roof FF reported to 14th floor directly above the fire apartment with the LSR.
C Explanation: Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.8.2, Two FFs must be assigned to vent the roof, whether or not the stairway is an IDLH. NOTE: 1st roof and member of the forcible entry team, or 2nd roof FF. B-7.7.3 & 8.8.4, To the roof without the LSR (typically operates as per low rise class 1 MD). C-8.8.9, top pg 106 D-8.8.9, top pg 106, If fire floor is within 2 floors of roof, 2nd due roof to the roof with LSR.
Question 35:
An intelligent Manhattan Fire officer was correct in all but which one statement below, regarding fire protection systems at construction, demolition & alteration sites?
A: Existing standpipe systems in structures undergoing a full demolition shall be capped above the outlet on the floor immediately below the floor being demolished.
B: Units inspecting standpipe systems, shall pay particular attention to the condition of the piping in the basement area immediately below the Siamese connection, as well as the floor and section valves.
C: At night Members can locate fire department Siamese connections by looking for a sign and a red light.
D:All exposed sprinkler piping must be painted green (excluding certain branch piping).
D Explanation:
AUC 5, CH 2, ADD 2 A-Pg 1, 2nd paragraph. B-Bottom pg 2. C-Top pg 3, All exposed standpipe and sprinkler piping must be red (exceptions for branch piping). D-Bottom pg 3.
Question 36: Which of the following is an inaccurate point regarding enclosed stairs found in class 2 high-rise residential buildings?
A:One type has a standard width, rise and run, and may or may not contain a standpipe.
B:An enclosed fire stair, will usually contain a standpipe.
C: There are two distinct types of enclosed stairs.
D: Only doors leading to a public hall or vestibule are present in these stairwells.
B Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.5.3 B #1 B-8.5.3 B #2 usually does not. C-8.5.3 B Normal and enclosed fire stair. D-8.5.3 B
Question 37:
Which of the following is not listed as a challenge that an open stair in a class2 high-rise residential building may pose during a fire operation?
A: Difficulty or delay with roof access and ventilation.
B: Rapid movement of heat and smoke throughout the floors above.
C:Positive stack effect, which could impact standpipe operations on the floors below.
D: Occupants trapped above the fire when attempting to evacuate.
C Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.6.1 B-8.6.1 C-8.6.1 Negative stack effect. D-8.6.1 Acronym: FORMS F-Fire extension via main stair or remote open stair. O-Occupants trapped above fire, when trying to evacuate. R-Roof access & ventilation difficult or delayed. M-Movement (rapid) of heat and smoke throughout the floors above. S-Stack (negative) effect could impact standpipe operations on the floors below.
Question 38:
Features found in fire-resistive high-rise multiple dwellings may hamper fire operations. Which one of the following choices is the only fully accurate description of these buildings?
A: When constructed to a height taller than 75 feet, a fire escape will never be encountered.
B: Due to the height of these buildings, well holes will not be found.
C:Some of these structures are divided into wings or sections above the first floor. In most these instances, members may only transverse from one section to another in the cellar, lobby and/or roof.
D: Standpipe outlets will be found at the standard height of 5 feet from the floor.
C Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.5 Fire Escapes (FE) may or may not be encountered, 8.5.4, FEs may be 18 stories or more in height. B-8.5.2 Some have well holes for entire height of stairwell. C-8.5.1-Sometimes they will have a shared fire stair, which will also allow access to different sections above the first floor. D-8.5.5- Stand pipe outlets will be at various heights, sometimes over 7’ high.
Question 39:
A smart Manhattan Captain knew that all of the following points regarding Class 2 high-rise residential buildings and their elevators were incorrect except which one?
A: Service elevators may be small and/or open into isolated vestibules.
B: Passenger elevators often provide access to standpipe and stair areas.
C: Service elevators will always have fire service installed. However, they may require the use of manual mode for firefighting operations.
D:At a fire operation, unused elevators without fire service, should be called to the lobby and chocked open.
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A-8.5.6 Passenger elevators. B-8.5.6 Service elevators. C-8.5.6-May not have fire service installed. D-8.8, bottom pg 100
Question 40:
What is the correct priority order for a roof FF to access the roof in a Class 2 High Rise residential building? **1-open stairs, **2-adjoing building, **3-remote unaffected stair with roof access, **4-aerial ladder, **5-fire escape
A: 2,4,3,1,5
B: 2,5,4,3,1
D: 4,2,3,1,5
C Explanation:
Firefighting Procedures, Multiple Dwelling Fires A,B,C,D-8.8.4 & 8.8.9 1-Remote/unaffected stair with roof access 2-Adjoining building 3-Aerial ladder (usually not a viable option) 4-Fire escape 5-Open stairs Mnemonic: Rip A Stinky Fart Outside, (RASFO) S stands for stick (aerial Ladder)