EXAM 18 Flashcards
Question 1:
Units are operating at an advanced fire in the cellar of a 4-story old law tenement type rowframe building. Hoselines were deployed in the following manner. Which hoseline was stretched to the incorrect location?
A: The first hoseline was advanced through the front door, then to the cellar via the interior stairs.
B: After the cellar fire was controlled by the second hoseline, the first line was advanced to the top floor.
C:The first hoseline was used to cover the first floor public hall, so the second hoseline was immediately stretched to the cellar via the interior stairs.
D: The first hoseline was stretched to the cellar and the second hoseline was stretched as a backup line for the first line.
C Explanation:
C. If the first hoseline is used to cover the first floor public hall, AND A BACKUP LINE IS NOT NEEDED, the second hoseline will be stretched into the cellar VIA THE OUTSIDE CELLAR ENTRANCE to extinguish the fire.
**NOTE: CROSS REF BROWSTONES 3.1: If the first line is used to cover the first floor, the second line is stretched to the cellar via the INTERIOR STAIRS.**
Rowframes 6.2
Question 2:
Choose the incorrect procedure when operating at a Manhole fire.
A:Members shall attempt to remove vehicles located in the danger area before they become involved
B: Inspect electrical services in surrounding buildings. Units should use carbon monoxide meters when performing these inspections
C:Precautionary lines shall be stretched as necessary. Units should not operate into manholes unless requested by a Con Edison employee at the scene
D: If requested to place water into a manhole, do not direct the stream directly into the manhole. Instead, let water flow or pour into manhole. Use a fog nozzle to reduce or prevent any shock hazard
A Explanation:
Members shall NOT attempt to move vehicles located in the danger area
AUC 180 sec 3
Question 3:
Company officers shall use the Hydrant Pressure Chart to monitor and record the psi of the hydrant nearest quarters during the first full week in which correct month?
B: June
C: July
D: August
A Explanation:
The Chart shall be posted at the HW area throughout the summer season
AUC 205 add 2
Question 4:
While operating at an explosion in a multi-story garage, the IC orders all units to change to the dedicated encrypted tactical channel. You would be correct to have your members?
A:Change to Channel 9. No further action is required to encrypt communications.
B: Change to Channel 10. No further action is required to encrypt communications.
C:Change to Channel 9. Encryption is accomplished by use of the concentric switch at the base of the channel selector knob on top of the HT.
D: Change to Channel 10. Encryption is accomplished by use of the concentric switch at the base of the channel selector knob on top of the HT.
A Explanation:
Two encrypted channels have been provided in the Tactical Zone, HT-9/TAC SEC (Tactical), and HT-10/CMD SEC (Command). These channels are Strapped (Encryption is always active). No further action is required to encrypt communications.
Comm 11 Add 3 2.1
Question 5:
One option for setting up a mass Decon is to utilize a handline. As per Department policy, all choices below are correct regarding this procedure except?
A: Stretch a 2½” handline equipped with an Aquastream fog nozzle.
B: The nozzle team should operate the nozzle in the fog position and the victims should be directed through the fog spray, rinsing any remaining contamination off them.
C:The members performing decontamination should avoid contact with victims until the proper PPE is in use. The recommended operating pressure range is between 100 to 125 psi.
D: Consideration can be given to the use of two handlines operating opposite each other, approximately 25’ – 30’ apart, to form a large shower area that multiple victims can move through at the same time.
C Explanation:
The members performing decontamination should avoid contact with victims until the proper PPE is in use. The recommended operating pressure range is between 50 to 80 psi.
Note: Care must taken to avoid pushing the contamination across to the opposing nozzle team.
HM 7 2.4.3
Question 6:
Ladder Company 199 arrives 1st due at a box in a subway station and observes smoke issuing from street gratings. As they enter the station, the officer notices an 8x8 black pictorial on a yellow background of a person walking on stairs. Which choice is CORRECT about the meaning of the sticker?
A: This station has no elevators leading to the mezzanine or down to the platform area.
B:This station has only one means of egress through which passengers can exit from the station platform to the street.
C: This station has multiple levels down to station platforms and egress will be difficult during emergency operations.
D: This station is undergoing a construction project and staircases are subject to closure during work hours.
B Explanation:
B is correct 1.1 – Note… There may be multiple stairway entrances leading to the street from the end of the platform that provides egress. The stickers are provided for any station where the egress from the platform area is restricted to only one end of the station platform.
Question 7:
The members of Ladder 99 were discussing the new Class 2 Buildings section of multiple dwellings and were discussing the priority order of access to the roof for the roof firefighter. Which choice below is CORRECT as the first option for the roof firefighter?
A:Adjoining Building
B: Fire Escape
C:Remote/unaffected Stair with Roof Access
D: Open Stairs
C Explanation:
C IS CORRECT – 8.8.4 – Remote/unaffected Stair with Roof Access followed by Adjoining Building, Aerial Ladder (usually not a viable option), Fire Escape, & Open Stairs. 8.8.4
Question 8:
Portable ladders may have to be used to assist with rescue of occupants at old law tenements and multiple dwellings with rear fire escapes. Which tactic below is described incorrectly?
A: Portable ladders may be used to rescue occupants in the event of a fire in a building constructed with party wall balcony fire escapes where the fire has spread to the adjoining building, thereby eliminating it as a second means of egress.
B: Because of its portability the 12’ hook ladder may be used to gain access to the various balcony levels by the roof or OV firefighters for search and rescue.
C:Portable ladders must, if possible be taken through the basement to the rear yard to effect rescue.
D: Overcrowding on the fire escape in the rear may be relieved by members assisting occupants to the roof via the gooseneck ladder.
C Explanation:
C. Portable ladders must, if possible be taken through the FIRST FLOOR PUBLIC HALL, APARTMENTS OR STORE to the rear yard to effect rescue.
Portable Ladders Pg 16
Question 9:
The NYC Building Code requires lightweight constructed spaces between the ceiling and the floor above or the ceiling and the roof above to be divided into approximately equal areas of ___ sq. ft. or less unless the building is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system.
A: 250
C: 750
D: 1000
Question 10:
During the semi-annual subway emergency inspection period, administrative units shall inspect the subway dry standpipe systems and test the sound-powered telephones. If defects are noted during semi-annual inspections, multi-unit drills, or at operations, which correct report shall be completed and forwarded?
A: A-17
C: DOB Referral
D: High-Priority DOB Referral
B Explanation:
AUC 207 add 10 sec 5
A-8 in this scenario is sent to Public Transportation Safety Unit (PTSU). For further info on A-8, A-17, DOB Referral see AUC 5 (Company Officer section)
Question 11:
The correct location of the Blue Light Station Power Removal Box in the Airtrain System can be found in which choice?
A:Every 800 feet along the guideway
B: Every 600 feet along the guideway
C: Every 400 feet along the guideway
D: Every 200 feet along the guideway
A Explanation:
Inside each Blue Light Station Power Removal Box, there is a red power removal button. When this button is depressed, the power on certain sections of the guideway is removed. The Blue Light Station Removal Box has a schematic that should be used to determine the sections of the guideway that have been de-energized
AUC 207 add 12 sec 6
Question 12:
The FAST Unit is an important resource at Fire Department operations. Of the following choices, which is incorrect?
A: A member assigned the FAST Pak must be designated at roll call. This member is responsible to manage the air supply of the distressed member, if needed.
B: An EFAS trained member assigned to monitor EFAS and the FAST Radio must be designated at roll call.
C:An EFAS trained member, upon arrival as the FAST Unit, shall report to the Battalion vehicle being used to monitor EFAS and remain in the Battalion vehicle to monitor both EFAS and the Battalion’s FAST Radio until the FAST Unit is given an assignment.
D: If no FAST Unit member is EFAS trained, the member designated to monitor the FAST Radio shall, upon arrival, report to a Battalion vehicle on scene to monitor the FAST Radio.
C Explanation:
An EFAS trained member, upon arrival as the FAST Unit, shall report to the Battalion vehicle being used to monitor EFAS and remain in the Battalion vehicle to monitor both EFAS and the Battalion’s FAST Radio for the duration of the incident, EVEN IF the FAST Unit is given an assignment.
Whether EFAS trained or not, the FAST Unit member assigned to monitor EFAS and/or the FAST Radio shall remain in the Battalion vehicle, even if the FAST Unit is given an assignment, until relieved.
MMID Ch2 5.1
Question 13:
Following confusion at a recent High-Rise Multiple Dwelling fire, the members of Ladder 99 were discussing the delivery and use of the Window blanket at a fire. Which Choice below is CORRECT regarding the blanket?
A: All Battalions carry the blanket and the 1st BC will assign a unit to deliver the blanket to the floor below the fire (the normal location of the fire sector supervisor).
B: The Squad & Rescue companies will deliver their window blanket to the floor above the fire and assist in deployment if necessary.
C:The Squad Company will deliver their Window Blanket to the floor below the fire (the normal location of the fire sector supervisor).
D:The Squad will deliver their Window Blanket to the Command Post and the IC will assign a unit to deliver and deploy if necessary.
C Explanation:
C IS CORRECT 6.20.1B - Recognize the change 12/19/19… Only the SQUAD is responsible for delivery of the Window Blanket and the location is to the FLOOR BELOW THE FIRE. Any unit can still be used to deploy, assigned by the fire sector.
A – Only select Battalions carry the Window Blanket – Training Bulletin 3 – 2.3
B – Only the Squad & to the floor below.
D – To the floor below.
Question 14:
In order to provide easy access and prevent unnecessary damage to housing authority building entry and elevator doors, Key FOBs and Elevator Machinery Room keys have been provided to department units. Which of the following regarding these items is INCORRECT?
A:Elevator Machinery Room Keys are standard issue with serial numbers which when issued must be recorded in the Office Record Journal.
B: Key FOBs have an individual serial number assigned to them which when issued must be recorded in the Office Record Journal.
C: Should a Key FOB fail to unlock a NYCHA door, it can be opened remotely by Housing Security by calling the Housing Emergency number directly or through department dispatcher.
D: In the event of a power outage, the electromagnetic lock will deactivate but the doors will remain locked. A special key not issued to the department will be needed to unlock the doors.
A Explanation:
A IS Incorrect – Elevator Machinery Room Keys are Standard issue and do not have serial numbers. 2.1
B – Correct – 3.1
C – Correct – 1.3
D – Correct – 1.4
Question 15:
Many curb valves are old and require skill to shut to avoid breaking the valve. Newer plastic valves can also be easily broken if too much force is used. Which statement below concerning curb valves/service valves is incorrect?
A:If the curb valve/service valve on a low or medium pressure system becomes inoperative, mitigation of the leak will involve a utility company construction crew ripping up the street to isolate/repair the leak.
B: Although the FDNY is authorized to shut curb valves/service valves, it should only be done as a last resort and in consultation with the utility company.
C: If the curb valve/service valve of a high pressure distribution system becomes inoperative, mitigation of the leak will involve the utility company shutting the main valve.
D: The curb valve/service valve is usually found on the sidewalk side of the curb and shuts the natural gas supply to the entire building.
A Explanation:
A. If the curb valve/service valve on a LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM ONLY becomes inoperative, mitigation of the leak will involve a utility company construction crew ripping up the street to isolate/repair the leak.
Also: FDNY is NOT permitted to shut a main valve
Natural Gas Section 6 Pg 24
Question 16:
The placement of the aerial ladder apparatus is key to utilizing it effectively at a fire operation. Which of the following comments is incorrect regarding the general placement of the aerial apparatus?
A: Where no immediate rescue effort is required, the placement of the apparatus is based on the size of the frontage of the building to be covered in case of future need.
B:The roof firefighter shall assist the chauffer in proper placement of the apparatus before carrying out their other assigned duties.
C: While operating at a fire or emergency, the apparatus shall not be backed up unless the chauffer has the assistance of at least one guide person.
D: The placement of the aerial apparatus is dependent on whether immediate rescue is apparent.
B Explanation:
B. The OUTSIDE VENTILATION FIREFIGHTER shall assist the chauffer in proper placement of the apparatus before carrying out their other assigned duties.
Aerial Ladders 2.1; 2.2
The incorrect description of the FAST Pak can be found in which choice?
A: Scott Air Cylinder (45 min)
B:10’ high pressure hose with Universal Air Coupling (UAC)
C: 20’ low pressure hose attached to a manifold with Schrader fitting and Hansen fitting
D: Non-CBRN Regulator and Facepiece
B Explanation:
5’ high pressure hose with Universal Air Coupling (UAC)
Training Bulletins SCBA add 1 sec 2
The KO Curtain shall be inspected when?
B: Monthly
C: Semi-annually
D: Yearly
A Explanation:
Weekly during MUD and after each use. The inspection will include removing the curtain from the carrying sleeve and unfurling it. Inspect the deployment ropes, the 5 aluminum bars embedded in the curtain, and all stitching. IF THERE IS ANY DOUBT AS TO THE SERVICEABILITY OF THE KO CURTAIN, THE OFFICER ON DUTY SHALL PLACE THE CURTAIN OOS
Training Bulletins Tools 2 sec 3
While working in L100, you receive a ticket to respond as L100H. You would be most correct to anticipate operating under which BC?
A: BC01D
B: BC02F
C: BC03R
D Explanation:
L100H indicates you are responding as a High-Rise Roof Team.
BC01D - Tech Decon Task Force Leader
BC02F - Foam Coordinator
BC03R - Resources Unit Leader
BC04H - High Rise Roof Chief
Comm 2 p37
Question 20:
At a chemical suicide incident, responding fire units would be correct to following all of the procedures below except?
A: Conduct a scene survey for safety, don full PPE and use the SCBA.
B:Stretch a charged hoseline with a fog nozzle attached. Primarily for vapor dispersal; the line can also be used for decontamination and fire suppression in case of ignition or explosion.
C: Ventilate the vehicle or occupancy prior to entering. Remove the patient from the hazardous environment and check for responsiveness. If unresponsive and the assessment meets FDNY criteria for presumed death, handle the body as part of the crime scene investigation.
D: If the assessment does not meet the FDNY criteria for presumed death, provide patient care according to CFR protocols. Remove the patient’s clothing and flush with copious amounts of water as a part of emergency decon before transport.
B Explanation:
Stretch a charged hoseline with a fog nozzle attached. PRIMARILY for DECONTAMINATION; the line can also be used for vapor dispersal and fire suppression in case of ignition or explosion.
Note: Avoid disturbing the container, generally found in a bucket, as it may increase chemical mixing and poisonous gas emissions.
Note: When available, use meters to monitor oxygen levels, flammable vapor concentrations, and the presence of hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide or other chemicals.
HM 11 4.1
Question 21:
Which of the following choices CORRECTLY describes a lean-to collapse?
A: The collapse of one floor section down upon the floor below; when floor beams pull loose or collapse at both ends.
B: The walls of a building fall out as a monolithic piece similar to a falling tree. The top of the falling wall strikes the ground a distance from the base of the wall that is equal to the height of the falling section.
C:A floor collapse in which one end of the floor beams remain partially supported by the bearing wall and the other end of the floor beams collapse onto the floor below.
D: A type of wood frame building collapse indicated by the structure slowly starting to tilt to one side.
C Explanation:
A – Pancake Collapse #5
B – 90-Degree Wall Collapse #4
D – Lean OVER Collapse #1
Question 22:
FF Degree decided to return to school to finish up his Bachelors. There are a number of means available to assist with ensuring she has the needed time off. According to the PA/ID, which choice is CORRECT as the primary medium for getting time off to attend necessary classes?
A:Mutual exchanges of tours
B: Excusal Time
C: Comp time due for Memorial or Veteran’s Day
D: Any other comp time due
A Explanation:
A IS CORRECT – 3.1 – Mutual exchange of tours shall be the primary medium for arranging necessary time off to attend scheduled classes
Question 23:
Tidal conditions, wind conditions, and currents are just some additional size-up concerns that must be considered during a surf rescue. Rescuers should be familiar with tides and how they will impact the operation. Which statement below is correct?
A:Rip currents can be used by the rescuer to reach the victim quickly.
B: Rip currents are powerful, narrow channels of fast moving water and occur when the tide is coming in.
C: The water flow is most rapid in the “head” of the rip.
D: If caught in a rip current the correct action is to swim perpendicular to the shore until out of the head and then swim back to the land at an angle in the onshore throw.
A Explanation:
B. Rip currents are powerful, narrow channels of fast moving water and occur when the tide is GOING OUT.
C. The water flow is most rapid in the “NECK” of the rip.
D. If caught in a rip current the correct action is to swim PARALLEL to the shore until out of the head and then swim back to the land at an angle in the onshore throw.
Water Rescue 4 2.3; 2.3.3; 2.3.4
Question 24:
There are numerous concealed spaces in an old law tenement that must be opened up to ensure the fire is completely extinguished prior to leaving the scene. Which feature below is described incorrectly?
A:Beams in OLT’s generally run parallel to the side walls. Lath is attached at right angles to the beams and runs side to side.
B: When pulling ceilings the firefighter should not stand directly below the ceiling being pulled.
C: When pulling sheetrock ceilings be aware they may fall in large heavy sections.
D: The handle or point if the hook may be used to make small probing holes to check for extension or allow water to flow out as opposed to pulling.
A Explanation:
A. Beams in OLT’s generally run parallel to THE FRONT AND REAR WALLS. Lath is attached at right angles to the beams and runs FRONT TO REAR.
Ladders 3: 7.4.1
Question 25:
The Window Blanket is large enough to cover how many window(s)
A: 1 window
B:At least 2 windows
C: At least 3 windows
D: At least 4 windows
B Explanation:
Squad will deliver the blanket to the floor below the fire. Any Unit or units may be used to deploy the blanket. The assigned unit or IC shall designate a spotter to observe the deployment of the blanket from the exterior. The spotter should be equipped with a HT, and binoculars obtained from the battalion vehicle. The officer of the blanket deploying unit will assign members to the floor below to secure the Fire Window Blanket. These members must be in place prior to deploying the blanket. Can be lowered from two floors above, if the IC deems necessary
Training Bulletins Tools 3 sec 3
Question 26:
Which Engine Company ENSURES a 3 1/2” supply line is stretched to the first TL during a Collapse Operation?
A: 1st arriving Engine
B:2nd arriving Engine
C: 3rd arriving Engine
D: 4th arriving Engine
B Explanation:
1st considers it
2nd ENSURES it
Collapse Operations sec 7.2 and 7.3
Question 27:
Fire towers were required in what type of high-rise office building?
A: All High-Rise office buildings.
B: All High-Rise office buildings built before 1938.
C:High-Rise office buildings built between 1945 and 1968.
D:High-Rise office buildings built after 1968.
C Explanation:
ALL buildings erected between 1938 and 1968 were required to have a fire tower. SOME built prior to 1938 have fire towers.
HROB 2.3.2
Question 28:
The company journal is an official enduring record to be retained?
A: For 1 year
B: For 10 years
C:For 20 years
D: Indefinitely
C Explanation:
CJ 1
Question 29:
The members of Engine 99 were canvassing to find someone to work overtime on the 6x9 tour and several statements were made about members available for OT. When all else fails, which firefighter below is CORRECT as the only eligible member for the night tour?
A: Firefighter W, who has an incomplete mutual exceeding 30 days.
B: Firefighter X, who is on a self-mutual off.
C:Firefighter Y, a 6th grade firefighter with less than 9 months.
D: Firefighter Z, who is on vacation leave.
C Explanation:
C IS CORRECT – Where all reasonable efforts to cover with minimum staffing have been exhausted, firefighters 6th grade with less than 9 months service may work MSOT on the tour in question. Be aware of section 4. 4.2 - If all eligible firefighters offered MSOT decline, the Battalion shall order the junior, eligible members on duty to work such MSOT. 4.3 - A firefighter ordered to perform an MSOT tour may, for good and sufficient reason and if time permits, provide an eligible replacement.
A – 2.1.6 is ineligible
B – 2.1.4 is ineligible
D – 2.1.4 is ineligible
Question 30:
A member of Ladder 100 discovering fire extending into an exposure where any delay may considerably enlarge the fire problem shall immediately press the Emergency Alert Button, and then transmit to the IC “URGENT-URGENT-URGENT, Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT.” The IC will respond “Command to Ladder 100, go ahead with your URGENT.” The member shall respond in which format?
A:“Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT - FIRE ENTERING AN EXPOSURE.”
B:“Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT - FIRE EXTENDING.”
C: “Ladder 100 to Command, URGENT - EXPOSED PROPERTY.”
Question 31:
Laminated wood I-Beams are primarily comprised of 1/2” oriented strand board or 3/8”-1/2” plywood members, and 2x3” or 2x4” wood flanges. Which of the following statements regarding these types of beams is correct?
A:In some cases, they span lengths of over 80 feet.
B: The strength of the beam is a function of the mass of the web and depth of the flange.
C: These beams are usually connected to non-load bearing walls with sheet metal joist hangers.
D:A fire-retardant material sprayed on the beam will tend to dry out the wood over time.
D Explanation:
A. 60 feet
B. The strength of the beam is a function of the MASS OF THE FLANGE and DEPTH OF THE WEB.
C. These beams are usually connected to LOAD BEARING WALLS with sheet metal joist hangers.
Private Dwellings Ch 6: 3.3.1; 3.3.2
Question 32:
You’re the second arriving ladder company overhauling on the floor above the fire in an old law tenement. Which action below is correct?
A: When a wall or partition is too hot to keep your hand on, it should be opened at the hot spot to cutoff extension.
B: If fire is found in a bay, it and one adjoining bay should be opened for examination.
C:If fire is found extending to the floor above, the ceiling or walls should not be opened until a charged line has been called for, because of the possibility of intensifying the fire.
D:The officer assigned the task of overhauling the floors above the fire should make an examination of the room or floor where the fire originated.
D A. When a wall or partition is too hot to keep your hand on, it should be opened ABOVE the hot spot to cut off extension.
B. If fire is found in a bay, it AND BOTH adjoining bays should be opened for examination.
C. If fire is found extending to the floor above, the ceiling or walls should not be opened UNTIL A CHARGED LINE is in position because of the possibility of intensifying the fire.
Ladders 3: 7.3.2; 7
Question 33:
Choose the incorrect information regarding hydrant discs.
A: The company number and individual disc number shall be marked in black on one side of each disc
B: White disc can be placed on the 4 1/2” and 2 1/2” inch outlets of unservicable hydrants and 3” siamese of out of service auxiliary fire protection systems
C:Yellow disc can be placed on the 4 1/2” or 2 1/2” inch outlets of partially OOS hydrants
D: Blue disc can be used on 3” siamese of auxiliary fire protection system to indicate a system is not functioning as a fully automatic system and/or a portion of the system is such that it will operate effectively when supplied
Yellow disc is for Frozen hydrants
Engine Operations ch 6 6.5
Question 34:
Any hose will be taken OOS when it reaches a certain age. Choose the correct age.
A: When it reaches 5 years in the current calendar year
B:When it reaches 10 years in the current calendar year
C: When it reaches 12 years in the current calendar year
D: When it reaches 15 years in the current calendar year
B Explanation:
Company officer shall immediately notify the Fire Tools and Equipment Unit via fax
The age of the hose is determined by the first two numbers of the serial number stamped on the coupling
Also: Each engine shall maintain a minimum of 20 lengths 1 3/4, 30 lengths of 2 1/2, and 10 lengths of 3 1/2. This includes hose for winter operations, standpipe operations, and replacement lengths stored in qtrs as well as that which is carried in the apparatus hose beds
Engine Operations ch 7 sec 7.2.5 and 7.11.1
Question 35:
Under which haz-mat condition below would evacuation be preferred?
A:Immediate danger of fire or explosion
B: Low to moderate toxicity
C: Small quantity solid or liquid leak
D: Release can be rapidly controlled at the source
A Explanation:
Shelter in place is preferred when:
The hazardous material displays the following characteristics:
- Low to moderate toxicity
- Totally released and dissipating
- Small quantity solid or liquid leak
- A migrating vapor of low toxicity and quantity and people are safer indoors than outside
- Release can be rapidly controlled at the source
- Pre-planning has identified options for problem areas such as hospitals, jails, nursing homes, and public assemblies
- Evacuation cannot be properly managed
Evacuation is best considered when:
- There is an immediate danger of fire or explosion
- The potential for a discharge is great, it has not taken place, and there is time to relocate people
The discharge has taken place but people are sufficiently protected to permit time for evacuation
People not yet in the path of a release will be threatened by changing conditions
ERP 9.5.2, 9.5.5 C
Question 36:
The life hazard at taxpayer fires will vary with the type of occupancies found in individual buildings. Which choice below contains incorrect information?
A: The life hazard in a one story taxpayer may present a problem during the day since occupants could be trapped in the rear areas and cellars of these stores.
B: During night hours, these premises, for the most part, are unoccupied but the possibility of some workers being in the premises must not be overlooked.
C: The life hazard in two-story taxpayers can be a serious problem on the second floor. Occupancies such as restaurants, private clubs, dance halls, etc., open to large numbers of people may be found on the upper floor.
D:The second story of some taxpayers is divided into many small office or business spaces. These will normally contain occupants familiar with the building and any means of egress.
D Explanation:
The second story of some taxpayers is divided into many small office or business spaces. These will contain working occupants and transient occupants. The latter (transient occupants) will be unfamiliar with the means of egress.
Note: Security measures may also be a factor effecting means of egress.
Txpyr 4.1.2
Question 37:
The Officer transmitting a “10-75” shall also state if it is for a fire or emergency. If a building is involved, state each of the following except?
A:Location of fire - What floor?
B: Height of building - How many stories?
C:Type of construction- Fireproof or Nonfireproof?
D: Type of building - What kind of occupancy?
Question 38:
The bucket is the primary work area of the tower ladder apparatus. Which statement below concerning the operation of the bucket is incorrect?
A: All three boom functions (raise/lower, rotate left/right, extend/retract) can be performed simultaneously.
B:If two members are operating in the tower ladder bucket, one member must personally verify the placement of both door latches in the locked position prior to movement.
C: Due to the lack of space, the number of firefighters operating in the bucket should be limited to two.
D: Under normal conditions the member operating from an elevated position should control the movement of the bucket. However, the member on the pedestal should take over when delicate maneuvers are required, as long as this member’s line of sight is not obstructed.
B Explanation:
B. EACH member operating in a tower ladder bucket must personally verify the placement of both door latches in the locked position prior to movement.
Tower Ladders 1.3
Question 39:
At taxpayer fires, when dealing with overhead type doors that depend on spring tension to counter balance their weight, certain precautions should be followed. Which choice below is not in accordance with Department policy?
A: Avoid standing in the door path.
B: Secure the door from rolling by clamping vise grip pliers in the track under the roller, or place a ladder as a stop.
C: Check the integrity of the overhead track as soon as conditions permit.
D:It is good practice to attempt to force open large overhead doors; specifically those that have lost spring tension.
D Explanation:
Attempting to force large overhead doors that have lost spring tension will require lifting dead weight and normally may be futile. When the door can be opened electrically it should be serviced immediately.
Note: Treat every open overhead door for what it is - a heavy overhead hazard (like air conditioners, machinery trucks, etc)
Txpyr 3.11.4 B
Which Ladder Company is responsible for shutting the utilities during a Collapse Operation?
A: 1st arriving Ladder
B:2nd arriving Ladder
C: 3rd arriving Ladder
D: 4th arriving ladder
B Explanation:
Collapse Operations sec 7.6