Exam 2 Study Guide Flashcards
What are the components of the axial skeleton
Skull, vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, ribs
Characterize the “vertebral column” of Agnathans
It’s not a vertebral column it is a notochord
What are the characteristics of the cervical region of the vertebral column of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals?
Amphibians- only one cervical vertebra
Reptiles- 7 cervical vertebrae
Birds- variable am out of cervical vertebrae
Mammals- 7 cervical vertebrae
What is the axis and atlas
The atlas is the first vertebrae and the axis is the second
What are the functions of the atlas and axis
The axis supports the cl which carries and rotates the head
What groups possess an atlas and axis
Birds, mammals, and reptiles
What is the transverse foramen and what is it purpose
It is a opening in the vertebrae that is occupied by vertebral veins and arteries
Which vertebrae have a transverse process
Cervical vertebral
What is the sacrum, and synsacrum
The sacrum is a triangular bone made up of five sacral vertebrae; the synsacrum is an elongated sacrum in birds
What is the pygostyle, coccygeal
The pygostyle is a triangular plate formed of caudal vertebrae; the coccygeal is a small triangle shaped bone made of coccygeal bone.
What are vertebral ribs, eternal ribs, and floating ribs?
Vertebral ribs are ribs that only attach at the vertebrae and cartilage; sternal ribs are ribs that attach at the sternum; and floating ribs do not attach to the breast bone at all
Which groups possess a sternum
Birds mammals and amphibians
What are the functions of the sternum
Protect heart, lungs, and blood supply
Stability of the thoracic cage
What is the keel and which groups possess sternums with a keel
And extension of the sternum; birds
What is the function of the keel
Acts as an anchor for wing muscles
What are the components of the appendicular skeleton
Pectoral and pelvic girdle, lower and upper limbs
Which groups of vertebrates lack an appendicular skeleton
Agnathans, snakes and come lizards
What is the function of the pectoral girdle
Structural support of the shoulder
What were the components of the pectoral girdle in early fishes and how has that changed in later body fishes
In early fish the pectoral girdle was attached to the skull and no longer does
What general changes have occurred in the pectoral girdle of tetrapods
Was attached to the skull but move posteriorly forming a true neck
What are the components of the mammalian pectoral girdle
Scapula and paired clavicles
What is the function of the pelvic girdle
Transfer weight of upper body to the lower limb when sitting and provide attachment points for muscle that help 2/ locomotion and posture
What is the structure of the pelvic girdle of fishes
Puboischial bar
What are the components of the tetrapod pelvic girdle? What is the acetabulum, pubic symphysis?
Ilium, ischium, pubis; large socket for head of femur; a joint in between left and right pubic bone
What is the marsupial bone?
Also known as the epipubic bone, it supports mouth ears pouch in modern marsupials
What is the main function of fins
Swimming, balance and stability
What is the patella
Bone at the from of the knee joint
What is skeletal muscle, striated muscle, smooth muscle, involuntary muscle, cardiac muscle
Skeletal- muscle that connects to your bones and allows you to perform a wide range of motion
striated- generate force and contract in order to support respiration, locomotion, and posture
Smooth- muscle that shows no cross stripes under microscope magnification
Involuntary- muscle that connects w/o conscious control
Cardiac- muscle of the heart
What is somatic and visceral muscle
Somatic- skeletal muscle
Visceral- muscle tissue found in internal organs
What are axial muscles, appendicular muscles, branchiomeric muscles
Axial- muscles of the tail, trunk, and eyeballs
Appendicular- muscles of the upper and lower arm
Branchiomeric subset of head muscles
What is a tendon
Fibrous connective tissue- attaches muscle to bone
What is a fascia
Tissue that encases organs muscles and bones
What are myosepta, myomeres
Septa- thin layers of connective tissue
Meres- blocks of skeletal muscle
What six characteristics are used in naming muscles
Shape, size, fiber direction, location, number of origins, and its action
What is the línea alba
Thin band of connective tissue that runs down the Fron of your abdomen
What are the three long bundles of epaxial muscles
- transversospinalis
What is metamerism
Linear series of body segments
Which groups exhibit metamerism
Annelida, Arthropoda, chordata
Location- covers cranium
Actions- elevates eyebrows
Fronalis, occipitalis
Location- over forehead
Action- elevates eyebrows
Orbicularis oris
Location- circular muscle around mouth
Action-closes lips
Zygomaticus major and minor
Location- muscles that connects zygomatic arch to corner of mouth
Action-elevates corners of mouth
Location- hollow of cheek
Action-compresses cheeks
Location-lower border of mandible
Action- pouting muscle
Orbicularis oculi
Location-circular muscle around eye
Action- closes eye
Location- over lateral mandible
Action- elevates mandible
Location- convergent muscle over temporal bone
Action- elevates mandible
Location-major neck muscle
Action- flexion of head toward chest, rotation p/ abduction of head
Erector spinae
Location- group of midline dorsum muscles
Action-maintain posture
Location- trapezoid shaped muscle in posterior neck and upper back
Action-elevates pectoral girdle
Pectoralis minor
Location- muscle deep to pectoralis major
Action- scapula fixator
Serratus anterior
Location-saw- toothed lateral thoracic muscle
Action-scapula fixator
Pectoralis major
Location- large convergent chest muscle and
Action- flexes arm medially ( pull arms forward together)
Latissimus dorsi
Location- large back muscle
Action- adduction of humerus
Location- triangular shaped shoulder muscle
Action- abduction of humerus
Biceps brachii
Location- fusiform, parallel, anterior upper arm
Action- flexion of arm at elbow
Location- muscle beneath biceps brachii
Action- flexion of arm at elbow
Location- lateral muscle between upper and forearm
Action- flexion of arm at elbow
Triceps brachii
Location- posterior upper arm muscle
Action- extension of arm at elbow
Flexor carpi radialis
Location- anterior, lateral forearm muscle
Action- flexion of wrist
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Location- anterior medial forearm muscle
Action- flexion of wrist
Palmaris longus
Location- anterior forearm muscle located between flexor carpi radialis/ ulnaris
Action- flexion of wrist
Extensor digitorum
Location- posterior forearm muscle
Action- extension of wrist/fingers
Muscles of facial expressions
Epicranius, frontalis, occipitalis, Orbicularis oris,
Zygomaticuts major and minor, buccinator, platysma, Orbicularis oculi
Muscles of mastication
Masseter, temporalis
Muscles that move the head and vertebral column
Sternocleidomastoid, erector spinae
Move pectoral girdle
Trapezius, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior
Muscles that move the arm
Pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, deltoid
Muscles that move the forearm
Biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis, triceps brachii
Muscles that move the hand
Flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, llamaría longus, extensor digitorum