axial skeleton vertebrae, ribs, sternum Flashcards
the axial skeleton includes
skull, vertebrae, notochord, sternum, ribs, and the hyoid bone
types of bone
nonlamellar, lamellar, and haversian
nonlamellar bone is _____ bone
nonlamellar bone is “_____” bone
nonlamellar bone is the ______ to form
lamellar bone is _____ bone
lamellar bone is made of ______ ____ fibers
parallel collagen
Haversian bone is
modified lamellar bone with osteons
compact bone is a
solid mass of lamellar bone
spongy bone is also called
cancellous bone
cell types in bone
osteoblasts, osteocyte, and osteoclasts
ostoblast produce bone _____
osteoblasts are located in the ______
what is osteogenesis
the production of bone
osteoblasts become ______ when they become embedded in the matrix
endochondral bone formation
cartilage first then bone, examples- long bones, chondrocranium, vertebrae and pelvis.
intramembranous bone formation
bone formed without cartilage intermediate ( examples, dermatocranium, pectoral girdle, maxilla, mandible, sesamoids perichondral bone)
endochondral bone begins as _____ cartilage
appositional bone growth increases ________
Interstitial bone growth increases ______
intramembranous bone growth starts with the aggregation of _______ cell
intramembranous bone growth produces ______ tissue
intramembranous bone growth causes
blood supply and osteoblasts to develop
osteoblasts deposit _____ _____ into matrix
calcium salts
osteoblasts will become ______ in matrix then they become ________
encased; osteocytes
continuous layers of bone are added at the surface where _______ _______
osteoblasts remain
the C1 is also called the
C2 is also called the
parts of the human spine
cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx
parts of intervertebral disc
nucleus pulposus, and anulus fibrosus
parts of human vertebrae
Body, transverse process, spinous process, vertebral arch, vertebral foramen, superior articular facet, inferior articular facet
human cervical vertebrae
spinus process, transverse foramen (vertebral artery and vein), superior articular facet, interior articular facet
the atlas has a ________ _______ _______ that articulates with the _______ ______
superior articular facet; occipital condyles
the axis has a_______ _______ ______ that articulates with the _______
superior articular facet; atlas
human thoracic vertebrae
transverse costal facet, superior costal faucet, inferior notch
three parts of the skull
splanchnocranium, chondrocranium, dermatocranium
the sacrum is made up of
fused bones
the coccyx is also called
the tailbone due to the fact that it is a vestigial tail
the human sternum is made of the
manubrium, sternebrae, and the xiphoid cartilage
the human ribs are made of
true, false, and floating ribs
the tail region in gnathostomes is made up of
centrum, neural arches, and hemal arches
gnathostomes spines incluse
centrum, vertebral canal (dorsal to notochord), neural arch, neural spine, hemal spine, hemal arch, and gill support
hag fish have no _______
in hagfish and lamprey the ______ acts as axial support
in lampreys they have a ________ vertebral pieces
in lampreys they have annular cartilage which supports
the mouth
in lampreys they have lingual cartilage which supports the
lampreys have a pericardial cartilage which surrounds the
in adult sharks there is no
in sharks the vertebrae provides
axial support
sharks have two types of vertebrae being
the trunk and cadual
in sharks the trunk vertebrae is missing the
hemal arch
in sharks the caudal vertebrae is missing the
hemal arch and hemal spine
(bony fish) the sturgeons vertebral column is
in bony fish the ribs are attachments for ______ muscle
Bullfrog vertebrae includes
Dorsal neural spines, neural canal, transverse process, centrum, cervical, trunk (transverse process) and sacral (transverse process)
toad vertebrae
Dorsal neural spines, neural canal, transverse process, centrum, cervical, trunk (transverse process) and sacral (transverse process)
in mudpuppies the ribs are
in mudpuppies the sternum is
in mudpuppies the cervical spine is
In Mudpuppies the atlas only articulates with the
occipital condyles
in mudpuppies the trunk has
a persistent notochord, neural arches, neural spines, and a transverse process that articulates with the ribs
in mudpuppies the sacral is single and has a ___
the cadual in mudpuppies has a
hemal arch
Reptiles like the alligators has
true ribs and false ribs
in reptiles like alligators the vertebrae are made up of
cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and caudal
in alligators the gastralia has
dermal bones in the ventral body wall
in chickens the vertebral column is mostly
birds have a single
occipital condyle
in chickens the axis allows rotation between the ____ and the ____
atlas and axis
in chickens the ribs fused to the
thoracic vertebrae
in chickens the floating ribs are not attached to the
in chickens the keel is used to
widen attachement for flight muscles
in chickens the pygostyle is the plate of bones that forms
a tail
in pigeons there is a synsacrum
where most vertebral bones are fused to the pelvis
types of human teeth
incisors, canine, premolars, and molars