Exam 2 PPTs - 8 Flashcards
Human races are not like dog breeds: refuting a racist analogy:
- dogs factored greatly into Darwin’s conception of evolution and he specifically pondered the similarities of … and dog breeds in The Descent of Man
- J.B.S. Haldane posed a question to a group of anthropologists at the Royal Society in 1956: “Are the biological differences between human groups comparable with those between groups of domestic animals such as greyhounds and bulldogs?”
- is race fundamentally … or a …?
human races;
social construct
Human races are not like dog breeds: refuting a racist analogy:
- compare genotypic and phenotypic variation within and between human groups and within and between dog breeds
- demonstrate the fundamental biological differences between … in the two different species
- fundamental distinctions between “race” in humans and dog breed categories
- discuss the sociocultural significance of this analogy and the importance of its refutaiton
patterns of variation
Population structure of human races and dog breeds:
- A key assumption of the race-breed analogy is that both human “races” and dog breeds are formed and structured in similar ways
- If this assumption holds, then one expects to observe both high levels of … and low levels of …
- this predicts that groups (whether races or breeds) are clearly distinguishable from each other while at the same time also being internally very similar
among-group diversity;
within-group diversity
Population structure of human races and dog breeds:
- patterns of among- versus within-group genetic diversity can be assessed using various tools and methods from the field of population genetics.
- Fst statistic and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) allow one to investigate patterns of …
- higher Fst values indicate a more … population
- AMOVA allows a researcher to partition the total amount of … in a sample into different levels
among versus within-group genetic diversity;
genetic variation
Population structure of human races and dog breeds:
Genetic diversity in Dogs:
- within-breed genetic variation was …
- Fst estimates indicated high levels of … among breeds
- AMOVA: about 27% of variation among dogs could be attributed to …
variation across breeds
Population structure of human races and dog breeds:
Genetic diversity in Humans:
- 4/5/7 broad geographical groups(populations) depending on the method and the data
- Within-group genetic variation was …
- Fst values between continental groups are far …
- AMOVA: differences among these groups accounted for only 3.3 - 4.7% of the variation. variation within populations accounts for about 92.9 - 94.3%
Population structure of human races and dog breeds:
Genetic diversity in Humans vs. Dogs:
- greater degree of global genetic variation in humans can be attributable to variation … rather than …
within local populations; between regional (racial) groups
Population structure of human races and dog breeds:
Genetic diversity in Humans vs. Dogs:
- greater degree of global genetic variation in humans can be attributable to variation within local populations rather than between regional groups
- substantial … can be found within these groups
- lower levels of … observed within dog breeds
- large amount of genetic variation that can be explained by …
breed differences
Population structure of human races and dog breeds:
Genetic diversity in Humans vs. Dogs:
- within the US, racial categories (as recognized by the US census) have shifted over time, reflecting concerns about slavery, immigration and access to resources
- alongside that ongoing history, there has been disagreement among geneticists about how human genetic variation is patterned, most famously between lewontin and edwards
- marks wrote: “The point of the biological theory of race was to discover large clusters of people that are principally … within and … between contrasting groups. Lewontin’s analysis shows that such groups do not exist in the human species, and Edwards’ critique does not contradict that interpretation”
Origins and evolution of biological variation within humans and domestic dogs:
- present human biogeographic variation has been shaped by Late Pleistocene … and …, …, …, …, … and … with other species, not to mention …
migration; gene flow; genetic isolation; genetic drift; selection; epigenetic change; coevolution; culture
Origins and evolution of biological variation within humans and domestic dogs:
- a number of very rare (and usually very young) alleles may be …, the majority of common genetic variants are not private to a particular continent, and are often shared across multiple regions
- in contrast with dogs, no modern human populations have ever been … over many generations
geographically localized;
completely reproductively isolated
Origins and evolution of biological variation within humans and domestic dogs:
- while the so-called “ancient breeds” like chow chows and salukis are as old as a few 1000 years, most dog breeds are younger than few 100 yrs
- some breeds (e.g. the Bernese mountain dog) arose by … breeds while others were bred from exiting breeds to …
- breeds arise due to breeders’ extreme control of … to maximize the presence of desired traits in the next generation of dogs
serve a particular role;
Origins and evolution of biological variation within humans and domestic dogs:
- in this process of …, dogs are prevented from mating outside their breed and only a limited number of animals are permitted to reproduce within a breed
- intense … is one of the main reasons why dogs have over 1000 inherited diseases and health disorders
artificial selection;
Genotype-phenotype relationships in comparable dog and human traits that vary:
- historically, human racial classifications included some combination of … characteristics, like pigmentation and body size and shape
- exploring the biology underlying these characteristics helps refute the human race dog breed analogy
- skin and hair color: controlled by … of genes in humans, … genes in dogs
Genotype-phenotype relationships in comparable dog and human traits that vary:
- exploring the biology underlying these characteristics helps refute the human race dog breed analogy
- the same goes for height, with humans having significant overlap among populations: it takes more than … genetic loci to explain only half of human height variation, only … major genetic loci explain roughly 50% the variation in size between breeds
Genotype-phenotype relationships in comparable dog and human traits that vary:
- These differences between humans and dogs in the genetic complexity and the diversity of their traits are due to the distinct impact of … on dogs
- human genetic variation has been shaped over many generations by relatively weak … on most traits, including height
artificial selection;
natural selection
Genotype-phenotype relationships in comparable dog and human traits that vary:
natural selection on height:
- may occur in certain … conditions
- nevertheless the majority of individuals across the phenotypic spectrum will still. …
- … dilutes natural selection’s ability to drive large differences in phenotypes between populations
- as a result, human populations are genetically very similar to one another with overlapping phenotypes
gene flow
The sociocultural and political construction of race:
- definitions and perceptions of racial categories vary person to person, culture to culture, and throughout time
- dog breeds are strictly defined in their …
breed standards
The sociocultural and political construction of race:
- For physician and anatomist, J.F. Blumenbach, Georgians or “Caucasians” represented “the closet approximation of … for human form, and other human populations departed from that manifestation of the ideal.” Eventually, Blumenbach’s favorite race became “white.”
- divided humans into 5 races: the …/… race, the …/… rice, the …/… race, the …/… race, the …/… race
God's intent; Caucasian; white; Mongolian; yellow; Malayan; brown; Ethiopian; black; American; red
The sociocultural and political construction of race:
- Further anatomical study led him to the conclusion that ‘individual Africans differ as much, or even more, from … as from …’”
other Africans;
- unfortunately, by some measures, the use of race as a biological category has increased in the postgenomic age
- we believe the use of biological concepts of race in human genetic research is problematic at best and harmful at worst
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois: - American and Ghanaian sociologist, socialist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author, writer and editor
- The first African American to earn a doctorate
- At the turn of 20th century, sociologist and civil rights leader W.E.B Du Bois was the first to conclude that the concept of race was not a …
- contrary to the then-dominant view, Du Bois maintained that health disparities between blacks and whites stemmed from …, not …, inequality
scientific category;
The sociocultural and political construction of race:
Theodosius Dobzhansky:
- Ukranian-American geneticist and evolutionary biologist
- Helped reimagine the race concept in the 1930s at the outset of the evolutionary synthesis
- Scientific study of human diversity had “floundered in confusion and misunderstanding”
- his transformation from … to … of the race concept in biology still resonates
Scientists continue to draw wildly different conclusions on the utility of the race:
- some have argued that relevant genetic info can be seen at the racial level
- others have concluded that race is neither a relevant nor accurate way to understand or map human …
- others have argued that race-based predictions in clinical settings, because of the heterogenous nature of racial groups, are of questionable use
- several meetings and journal articles have called attention to the issue of “race”: need to justify use of racial categories relative to the … and methods used
genetic diversity;
research questions asked
Should we use “racial categories in humans”?
careful consideration of the terminology:
- in some cases, using “race” as a variable may be important, esp when exploring how …, …, and other … determined factors may be responsible for health disparities
social discrimination;
structural racism;
Should we use “racial categories in humans”?
careful consideration of the terminology
- in other cases using “race” may simply obscure …. within these socially-defined categories that can have significant social and medical implications
- the goal is not to ignore patterns of human … or …
- there is no scientific support for the use of race for the … of people, neither for claims of superiority or inferiority
important variation;
biological; genetic diversity;
hierarchical organization