Exam 1 PPTs - 4 Flashcards
The simplest model of selection is for … at …
one favored allele;
one locus
The simplest model of selection is for one favored allele at one locus:
Genotype: AA, Aa - chance of survival is 1
Genotype aa, chance of survival is 1 - s
s = …
chance of survival = … or simply …
selection coefficient;
relative fitness;
industrial melanism in moths evolved by natural selection:
- the species was historically … color
- a … form was first recorded in 1848 near Manchester
- high frequency of the … form in polluted areas in the mid twentieth century
- in unpolluted areas, the … form remained common
peppered (light);
dark (melanic);
industrial melanism in moths evolved by natural selection:
- peppered form: homozygotes - …
- melanic form: homozygote …
- … allele is dominant
what happens with the fitness of the genotypes in polluted areas?
industrial melanism in moths evolved by natural selection:
- Fitness of CC, Cc: …
- Fitness of cc: …
industrial melanism in moths evolved by natural selection:
- The melanic C gene had a frequency of … in 1848
- By 1898, the frequency increased to …
- 10^-5;
0. 8
industrial melanism in moths evolved by natural selection:
- what happens with the fitness of the genotypes in unpolluted areas:
Fitness for CC, Cc:
Fitness for cc:
1 - s;
selection can maintain a polymorphism when the … is fitter than …
either homozygote
when the heterozygote is fitter than either homozygotes:
- fitness of AA: …
- fitness of Aa: …
- fitness of aa: …
1 - s;
1 - t
Sickle cell disease:
- it is a nearly … condition in humans, responsible for about 100,000 deaths a year
- it is caused by a genetic variant of …
Sickle cell disease: - A allele: normal hb - S allele: sickle shaped hb - AA: normal individual - SS: sickle cell disease About 80% of SS individuals ...
die before reproducing
Sickle cell disease:
- attacks of …
- …
- … in the hands and feet
- …
- …
pain; anemia; swelling; bacterial infections; stroke
sickle cell anemia is a polymorphism with … in malarial zones
heterozygous advantage
The frequency of alleles can change at random through time in a process called …
genetic drift
a small founder population may have a … sample of the ancestral population’s genes
Founder effect: the establishment of a new population by a few original founders (in an extreme case, by a …) which carry only a … of the total genetic variation of the parental population
single fertilized female;
small fraction
founder effect:
chance of homozygosity =
[(p^2)^N + (q^2)^N]
Founder events can have important consequences:
- The Afrikaner population of South Africa descended from one shipload of immigrants who landed in 1652
- The early colonists included individuals with a number of rare genes like the gene for …, a lethal … disease
- Most cases of the disease in the modern Afrikaner population can be traced back to …
Huntington’s disease;
autosomal dominant;
a Dutch man
One gene can be … for another by random drift:
- the frequency of a gene is as likely to … as to … by random drift
- it is therefore possible for a gene to be carried up to a much … frequency. In the extreme case, its frequency could be carried up to …
substituted; decrease; increase; higher; 1
neutral drift over time increases … and reduces …
heterozygosity equation:
H =
1 - (p^2 + q^2)