Exam 1 Part 3 Flashcards
Cricoarytenoid joint can move in what motions?
Medial-lateral rocking motion, sliding motion
What type of joint is the cricoarytenoid joint?
Superior tips of the arytenoid cartilage
Corniculate cartilage
T/F: The rocking motion is a medial and lateral movement of arytenoids where the vocal folds move closer and father apart respectively.
T/F: The sliding motion is where the arytenoids slide downward and upwards on lateral sides of cricoid cartilage where no tissue changes in vocal folds occur.
False; Tissue changes occur as vocal folds shortens and lengthens when the arytenoids move anterolateral and posteriomedial directions.
Two fused plates that form a V shape with superior and inferior horns
Thyroid cartilage
What does the thyroid cartilage form?
Thyroid or laryngeal prominence (Adam’s apple)
Part of the thyroid cartilage that are attached to the back of the hyoid bone
Superior horn
Part of the thyroid cartilage that is attached to the cricoid cartilage
Inferior horn
Allows the thyroid and cricoid to rotate relative to each other
Cricothyroid joint
Structure that arises from a narrow stalk near the thyroid notch
What is the function of the epiglottis?
Airway protection during the swallow
Valleculae are formed by what 2 structures
Base of tongue and lingual surface of the epiglottis
Vocal folds extend from the _____ to the inside of the ____
arytenoids, thyroid notch
Space between the true and false vocal folds
What are the vocal folds made of (5)?
Epithelium, superficial, intermediate, and deep connective tissue, and muscle
The connective tissues that make up the vocal folds
Lamina propria
What are the 3 layers of the lamina propria?
Superficial, intermediate, deep
What 2 muscles make up the vocal folds?
Thyrovocalis, thyromuscularis
Separates the epithelium from the vocal fold connective tissue
Basement membrane