Exam 1: Epithelium Flashcards
Simple squamous
blood-brain barrier, filtration, exchange
Simple cuboidal
Thyroid follicles, renal tubules, ducts of glands
Absorption, secretion, barrier, conduit
Simple columnar nonciliated
stomach & intestines
absorption, secretion, barrier
Simple columnar ciliated
uterine tubes
absorption, secretion, barrier
Pseudostratified columnar
Trachea, bronchi, ducts of male reproductive system (with sterocilia)
Secretion, absorption, barrier, transport
Stratified squamous
nonkeratinized - esophagus, distal anal canal, vagina
keratinized - epidermis
Transitional (urothelium)
Ureters, urinary bladder, urethra
Barrier, protection, distension
one layer all cells on basement membrane
2 or more strata
one layer, nuclei at different levels
motile and nonmotile (primary cilia)
Kartagenar syndrome
defective dynein arms lead to immotile cilia and flagella - respiratory infections, bronchiectasis, chronic sinusitis, situs inversus (reversal of organs)
one per cell
9+2 arrangement of microtubules
can be separated from one another and brought closer- interaction with terminal web
elongated microvilli
inner ear
Zonula occludens
Tight junction - made of Claudins and occludins
selective movement, establish functional polarity, prevent cells from separating
Zonula adherens
Intracellular anchor proteins - alpha and beta catenins, actinin, vinculin - actin microfilaments attach to these sites & form terminal web
Transmembrane adhesion - E-cadherin
Macula adherens (desmosome)
Intracellular anchor - desmoplakins and plakoglobin - intermediate filaments attach at these sites
Transmembrane adhesion - cadherin family
pemphigus vulgaris
antibodies against desmoglein 3 - blistering of ski
Focal adhesions
anchors cell to proteins of EC matrix
actin filaments attach
integrin family anchors cell to proteins of EC matrix
anchors basal plasma membrane of cell to basal lamina
Intermediate filaments attach to plectin and BP230
integrin family and collagen interact with extracellular matrix
Nexus gap junctions
connexon fromed from connexins
electrical and chemical communication