ESR Module (042) Histology and Function of the Female Reproduction System Flashcards
function of each component ?
Components of each structure ?
Define the Hymen
What will happen if a baby is born with an imperforate hymen?
Define the Cervix
Endocervix cellular structure ?
The clinical significance of Endocervical Reserve Cells ?
How does the histological SCJ moves outside the external os ?
Speak about the Transformation Zone (TZ) and it’s significances
what’s the pathology ?
High risk HPV serotypes ?
16 & 18
Low risk HPV serotypes ?
(6 & 11
HPV serotypes associated with genital warts ?
(6 & 11
All vaccines protect against at least HPV type …. and ….. that cause the greatest risk of cervical cancer
16 , 18
The ovarian epithelium ; explain it’s composition
No of primordial follicles at time of birth fill the ovarian cortex ?
Site of Primordial Follicles ?
superficial ovarian cortex
Composition of Primordial Follicles ?
The two main stages of Primary Follicle ?
Unilaminar primary follicle: single layer of cuboidal to columnar follicular cells & enlargement of the oocyte
• Multilaminar primary follicle:
- Stratified follicular epithelium, the granulosa. Follicular cells are now termed granulosa cells
-At this stage, an eosinophilic acellular layer, known as the zona pellucida, appears, encasing the oocyte
How are thecas formed from Primary Follicle ?
Secondary Follicle/Antral Follicle composition ?
How is the antral cavity formed in Secondary Follicle/Antral Follicle ?
How is the cumulus oophorus formed ?
• The oocyte enlarge and assumes an eccentric position at one pole of the follicle. At this site the granulosa cells proliferate to form a small hillock, the cumulus oophorus, which protrudes into the antrum
Define the Corona radiata
Ident. The structure
Secondary/Graafian follicle
Enumerate the different phases of ovarian follicle maturation
Hist. Charectaristics of Granulosa cells ?
What are Call-Exner bodies and what’s their clinical significance ?
,major difrence between granulosa and theca layers ?
ovarian folicle biopsy ; identify the chacaracteristic pathological structure and suggest diagnosis
Call-Exner bodies in granulosa cell tumor
Detial the composition of the Theca layers
Define the First polar body
First polar body: a very small nonviable cell containing a nucleus and a minimal amount of cytoplasm
Detaily define the Corpus luteum
Describe the gross
Fate of corpus luteum ?
Hist. Charectarist. Of Prepubertal ovary ?
Aging changes/Postmenopausal ovary histology ?
Fallopian Tube Histology ?
The Endometrium
the uterus
Explain the Proliferative Endometrium phase
Explain the Secretory Endometrium phase
Explain the Menstrual Endometrium phase
Corpus vasculature ?