ESR Module (021) Practical of Thyroid Gland Flashcards
• A 40 female patient complains of recent unexplained weight gain, increased sensitivity to cold whether and she feels easily fatigue.
• Physical examination reveals mild diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland which is confirmed by ultrasonography.
• Her thyroid hormone profile shows hypothyroid function.
• Further auto antibody testing shows anti-TPO (antithyroid peroxidase) and anti-Tg (anti-thyroglobulin) antibodies.
• Thyroidectomy is done
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Hashimoto’s thyroditis
• A 35 years old woman complains of neck swelling causing disfigurement. The condition started one year ago with slow progression but she seeked medical advice once she felt difficulty in swallowing.
• Her labs showed low T3 and T4 serum levels and high TSH level
• Ultrasound image shows enlargement of thyroid lobes
and isthmus multiple solid &
cystic thyroid nodules.
• A 35 years old woman complains of neck swelling causing disfigurement. The condition started one year ago with slow progression but she seeked medical advice once she felt difficulty in swallowing.
• Her labs showed low T3 and T4 serum levels and high TSH level
• Ultrasound image shows enlargement of thyroid lobes
and isthmus multiple solid &
cystic thyroid nodules.
What is meant by a hot nodule?
A nodule that is producing too much hormone and show up darker in the scan is called “hot “
A 45 years old female patient presented by right side neck slowly growing swelling of 9 months duration. The past week she experienced difficulty in swallowing. On physical examination the mass was rubbery in consistency, freely mobile and moves up and down with deglutition.
Her labs showed normal
thyroid profile.
Can you differentiate between follicular adenoma and follicular carcinoma by FNA?
You can’t differentiate between follicular adenoma and follicular carcinoma by FNA because capsular and/or vascular invasion is necessary to diagnose follicular carcinoma which is can be only detected in tissue biopsy.
A 45 years old female patient presented by right side neck slowly growing swelling of 9 months duration. The past week she experienced difficulty in swallowing. On physical examination the mass was rubbery in consistency, freely mobile and moves up and down with deglutition.
Her labs showed normal
thyroid profile.
What are the other microscopic types of thyroid adenoma?
• A 39 year old healthy male discovers left neck mass while shaving. On physical examination there was a palpable mass on left lobe of thyroid.
• His labs reveals normal thyroid function.
• Ultrasound showed a single left thyroid mass.
• Thyroid scan showed left lobe cold nodule.
• A 39 year old healthy male discovers left neck mass while shaving. On physical examination there was a palpable mass on left lobe of thyroid.
• His labs reveals normal thyroid function.
• Ultrasound showed a single left thyroid mass.
• Thyroid scan showed left lobe cold nodule.
• A 39 year old healthy male discovers left neck mass while shaving. On physical examination there was a palpable mass on left lobe of thyroid.
• His labs reveals normal thyroid function.
• Ultrasound showed a single left thyroid mass.
• Thyroid scan showed left lobe cold nodule.
• A 41 years old male presented to the surgery outpatient clinic by enlarged firm neck lymph nodes. On physical examination his surgeon felt a small thyroid nodule.
• Urgent neck ultrasound showed two nodules with unclear boundaries and
microcalcification and the
lymph nodes showed
What are the nuclear features of papillary thyroid carcinoma?
Thyroid FNAC
How can you confirm your diagnosis of Medullary thyroid carcinoma by IHC
Enumerate benign and malignant thyroid lesions