Anatomy of endocrine glands Flashcards
Where does the pituitary gland lie ?
Lies in sella turcica
How is the pituitary connected to the hypothalamus ?
By the infundibulum
Superior relations of the pituitary ?
Diaphragm sellae & optic chiasma
Inferior relations of the pituitary ?
Sphenoidal air sinus
Lateral relations of the pituitary ?
Cavernous sinus
Arterial supply of the pituitary ?
Branches from internal carotid artery
Veinous drainage of the pituitary ?
Veins drain into cavernous sinus
Arterial blood supply and their nerve relations ?
Veinous drainage and where does each vein drain into ?
and lymphatic drainage ?
how to avoid hypocalcemia as a common complication of thyroidectomy ?
Posterior relations of the pancreas ?
Aorta and IVC , SMA , portal vein formation + Bile duct behind the head
Relation of the SMA to the pancreas ?
Posterior relation to the pancreatic head ?
Bile ducts
Posterior relation to the pancreatic neck ?
Anterior relations of the pancreas ?
Transverse mesocolon
What’s gb and sma ?
-weight ?
-location ?
Adrenal gland embryology ; explain