English C2 vocabulary 2T - verbs Flashcards
Back, support
You should back your arguments with facts
Decaer, bajar, menguar
Go out
Ebb and flow, ebb tide
Put another log on the fire before it goes out
Pasar sin, prescindir, vivir sin
Go without
A camel can go without water for a week
Eliminar, erradicar, barrer
Wipe out ST
With this new weapon, we can wipe out the competition
Fisgar, husmear
Snoop around
Chirriar, crujir madera
The stairs creaked as he tiptoed up to his room
Tintinear (campanilla, vidrio roto)
The glass tinkled as it broke on the floor
Chapotear (barro)
The farmer’s shoe squelched as he pulled it out of the mud
Chirriar (pájaro, frenos)
The car screeched to a halt
I was kept awake last night by the tap dripping
Calar a alguien, darse cuenta
Suss (out)
He never sussed out that they had tricken him
I’ll try and suss him out
Prevenir, poner sobre aviso
To tip SO off
The police were tipped off about the bank robbery
Fantasear con, juguetear con, acariciar la idea de
Toy with
Toy with the idea of, toy with SO’s feelings
Centrarse en, ir dirigido a
Home in (on ST)
Police are homing in on drug dealers
The missile homed in on the target
Juntar, evocar, reunir
Summon up
Summon up courage, summon up a memory
Evitar, asustarse
Shy away fom
The government seem to be shying away from taking any decisions that will make them unpopular
Hacer algo diferente de algo
Set ST apart from ST
What sets the company apart from its competitors is the diversity of projects
Hacer el tonto, divertirse haciendo el mono
Lark about
The children were larking about in the garden
Discutir largo y tendido (INF)
Thrash out
Bob and Jane were determined to thrash out their marital problems
Anotarse, apuntarse (una victoria)
Chalk up
Our team chalked up another victory today
Recobrar, recuperar
Claw back
You’ll spend a lot in the property but you’ll claw back most of that later
She learned to dread her father’s anger
Repartir, distribuir
Dole out
The pittance that they dole out wouldn’t keep a dog alive
Ligar, atar
What you do for the young binds them to you
Enviar, canalizar (paranormal)
It was channeled towards me
I feel like I am channeling my grandmother when I cook
He arrived in court handcuffed to two police officers
They do not handcuff children
Socavar, minar, debilitar
Such a situation would undermine the system stability
Seriously undermined by
Embellecer, adornar
Embellish with images
Empapar, saturar, impregnar
Drenched in sweat
A sudden thunderstorm had drenched us to the skin
Comparar, asemejar, equiparar
Liken to
Liken ST/SB to ST/SB
Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to a pearl of great price