English C2 vocabulary 1T - others 2 Flashcards
A esta invito yo
I’ll get you this
Llegar a comprar antes que nadie
To beat the crowds
En la dirección y sentido correctos
The right way round
The lid has to go on the right way round or it won’t fit
Hacer exactamente lo que se pide, lo acertado
To make all the right noises
He made all the right noises about my audition but I couldn’t tell if he was genuinely impressed
Estar en tu derecho
To be within your rights
I think I’m quite within my rights to demand a full refund
Tal y como toca
By rights
By rights you should always be speaking English
Ir de compras, a quemar la tarjeta
To hit the shops
Ready to hit the shops?
Al mismo tiempo (Shakespeare)
At one fell swoop
By criticising the company and the team, the new manager succeeded in upsetting everyone at one fell swoop
Comerse toda la comida que hay en tu casa (Shakespeare)
To have eaten me out of house and home
My nephews came to stay at the weekend and have eaten me out of house and home
Asustar mucho (Shakespeare)
To make SO’s hair stand on end
It was a terrifying film - it made my hair stand on end
En un instante (Shakespeare)
In the twinkling of an eye
I’ll be with you in the twinkling of an eye
Alabar exageradamente algo o alguien (Shakespeare)
To lay it on with a trowel
The TV presenter laid it on with a trowel when he was introducing the film star
Causarse problemas haciendo algo que se supone te ayudará (Shakespeare)
To be hoist with your own petard
The prime minister was hoist with his own petard when the tax laws he had introduced led to his downfall
Siempre hay dificultades que afrontar en una relación amorosa (Shakespeare)
The course of true love never did run smooth
Ridiculizar o despreciar
To pour scorn on
Critics of the company poured scorn on its customer service
En el ojo público
In the public eye
As a celebrity she was used to being in the public eye
Alegrarte el día
To make your day
You want to fight? Go ahead, make my day
Sobre el papel
On paper
She’s highly qualified and on paper is clearly the best candidate
Llegar hasta el fondo de
To get to the bottom of
The police said they were determined to get to the bottom of the incident
Ser muy despierto y avispado
To be on the ball
As a manager he’s really on the ball and knows how to run his business
Dar esquinazo a alguien
To give SO the slip
The thieves gave the police the slip
Y viceversa
And vice versa
La inspiración existe, pero que te pille trabajando
Inspiration exists but it has to find you working
En total
In all
There were seven guests at the hotel in all, including ourselves
Llevar a cabo un compromiso
To effect a compromise
Ser muy afectado por algo
To be hard hit by
The universities have been hard hit by the government cuts in spending
Tratar a alguien estrictamente
To be hard on SO
Bill is being unnecessarily hard on his son
Hacer algo de la manera más difícil
To do ST the hard way
I learnt French the hard way - years of irregular verbs at school
Hacerse el duro
To play hard to get
He hasn’t given us a response. Playing hard to get, is he?
En este estado de cosas
In this state of affairs
In this state of affairs, there are no offices where complaints can be lodged
Tan natural como respirar
As natural as breathing
To her, singing is as natural as breathing
I am because of you
People are not people without other people
Ubuntu emphasises the importance of empathy, sharing and cooperation
Reunir las ventajas de …
To gather the advantages of …
We have developed a new technique which gathers the advantages of both methods
Frase importancia de la tecnología
Technology is absolutely critical to managing our world, but even more important is the understanding and wisdom to apply it
Ponerse rojo como un tomate
To go as red as a beetroot
Whenever I talked about his past life, he would go as red as a beetroot
No poder apartarse de algo/alguien
To be all over ST/SO like a rash
You were all over her like a rash
Ser muy amiguitos y contarse secretos
To be as thick as thieves
Chiara and Rita are as thick as thieves
No poder competir con algo/alguien
To be no match for ST/SO
Gibson ran well but were no match for the young Italian
Lo que es más, es más, más aún
For that matter
How you feel with A, or for that matter how you feel with B is irrelevant
Estorbar, romper la armonía
To rock the boat
Don’t rock the boat!
Broma descuido cuerpo
We look upon our body simply as a means of transport for our head, a way to getting our head to meetings
Por alguna razón
For some reason
Ese no es el caso
That’s not the case
I thought you were angry with me, but now I see that’s not the case
Valorar algo
To put a value on ST
We only put a value on things that are scarce
Temo a los griegos incluso cuando traen regalos
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts
Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes
Frase problema movilidad
Mobility tends to get worse as societies become richer
Frase transporte público y sociedades avanzadas
An advanced city is not the one where even the poor use cars, but rather the one where even the rich use public transport