English C2 vocabulary 1T - others 1 Flashcards
Acabar cuadrando
To fall into place
Everything fell into place and the situation became the way I wanted
Estar escrito
To be on the cards
His terrible fate was on the cards
Conocer a la media naranja
To meet Mr Right
I met Mr Right and now I’m married
En unos años
In a few years’ time
I’ll be married in a few years’ time
Dios te oiga
From your lips to God’s ears
Ser muy difícil de controlar o coordinar
To be like collecting frogs in a bucket
To be like spinning plates
Casi nos hizo llorar
It almost had us crying
Hacerle a alguien el tercer grado
To give SO the third degree
Mirar mal, echar una mirada reprobadora
To give SO the evil eye
As I interrupted the class, the teacher gave me the evil eye
Podemos ayudarnos mutuamente
If you scratch my back, I will scratch yours
Cambiar de manos
To change hands
That restaurant is nowhere near as good since it changed hands
Cambiarle el puesto a
To change places with
I wouldn’t change places with him for the world
Por nada del mundo
For the world
I wouldn’t miss it for the world
Cambiar de tema
To change the subject
Let’s change the subject or we’ll end up arguing again
Perder la noción de
To lose track of
I’ve lost track of what we’re supposed to be doing
I’ve lost track of time
Mantener a alguien informado
To keep SO posted
To keep SO in the loop
I’ll keep you posted if there are any further developments
Dejar las cosas claras
To set the record straight
He assumed that they were married, but she soon set the record straight
Las malas noticias vuelan
Bad news travels fast
He’ll be fine, because bad news travels fast
Un mal trabajador siempre culpa a sus herramientas
A bad workman always blames his tools
Estar en la lista negra de alguien
To be in SO’s bad books
Sacar ventajas de lo peor
To make the best of a bad job
Temiendo lo peor, …
Fearing the worst, …
Fearing the worst, I decided to apply for another job
Entrar en vigencia, entrar en vigor
To come into force
The law came into force
A lo grande
In a big way
They always do things in a big way
Me invitaron a un viaje
They invited me on a trip
Cambiar tu comportamiento, cambiar tus maneras
To change your ways
If he wants to live here, he’s going to have to change his ways
Desmelenarse, volar
To run wild
She let her imagination run wild when she painted her room
Soportar el peso, soportar una carga
To shoulder the burden
It’s part of my job to shoulder the burden of complaints made by guests
Seguir la línea, seguir a pies juntillas
To toe the line
I always toe the line with company policy, even if I disagreed with it
Digerir la idea
To stomach the idea
She couldn’t really stomach the idea of moving to a big city, so she turned the job down
La ausencia de noticias es buena
No news is good news
Cuando las ranas crien pelo
When pigs fly
Simplemente porque sí
Just for the sake of it
Acabar siendo
To go on to become
Later in life he went on to become a leading figure in the movement
Enseñar a alguien lo que tiene que hacer en un trabajo
To show SO the ropes
A really nice person in the office showed me the ropes
De vez en cuando
Every once in a while
Vivir la vida a tope
To live life to the full(est)
Ser primera plana
To hit the headlines
The issue of war hit the headlines again
Aparte de
ST aside, …
Moral and philosophical issues aside, …
Cancelar un plan
To drop a plan
Plans for the celebration had been quietly dropped
Enamorar irremisiblemente a alguien
To sweep SO off his/her feet
That heartthrob had truly swept her off her feet
Sin casi ni
Without so much as
He spoked without so much as a glimmer of courtesy
Al ritmo de
In time to
I played in time to the cymbals
Tener tendencia a
To be given to
He was given to anxiety and low spirits
Estar compitiendo por
To be in contention for
There were five actors in contention for the role
Estar inmerso en
To be wrapped up in
She was so wrapped up in her work that she didn’t notice when I came in
En lo más mínimo, para nada, en absoluto
In the least
This bad experience didn’t put Anthony off in the least
Ir sobre seguro
To play it safe
I decided to play it safe and leave plenty of time for practice
Las 24 horas del día
Round the clock
The computer system is monitored round the clock
Comportarse fuera de lugar
To step out of line
She tells the children off if they step out of line
No hay moros en la costa
The coast is clear
Con motivo de, por causa de
On the grounds of/that
The judge closed the club on the grounds that there was too much noise being made
En vano, sin esperanza
In vain, pointlessly, for nothing
She tried in vain to open the door
No tener remordimientos por
To have no regrets for/about
I have no regrets about spending too much money
No tener dudas sobre hacer algo
To have no hesitation in doing ST
I would have no hesitation in booking a cruise
Meter la nariz en algo
To (poke your) nose into ST
I don’t want them nosing into my finances
Por muy cierto que esto sea, …
However much this may be true, …
En grandes cantidades y creciendo rápidamente
Thick and fast
The enemy soldiers came thick and fast
A falta de un mejor …
For want of a better …
For want of a better word, for want of a better term, for want of a better name
Recibir algo en préstamo
To be given the loan of ST
As part of the deal, we were given the loan of a house by the company
En conmemoración a
In remembrance of
The statue was erected in remembrance of those who had died in the war
Dar en el clavo
To hit the nail on the head
The editorial today really hits the nail on the head
Según se dice, supuestamente
This is the Oscar for authors allegedly behaving badly
Sin que fuera my culpa, …
Through no fault of my own, …
Con preferencia a, antes que
In preference to
He opted for computing in preference to marketing
Me doy cuenta de que …
I take it that …
I take it that you haven’t lost interest in travelling
Alegremente, sin preocupaciones
With a light heart
I will never leap aboard planes with a light heart
Hacerse con, imponer las manos
To lay hands on
I’ll bring you the CD as soon as I can lay my hands on it
The preacher laid hands on him
Sordo como una tapia
As deaf as a post
Una golondrina no hace la primera
One swallow doesn’t make a summer
Te está bien empleado!
It serves you right!
Ignorar a alguien completamente, como si no existiera
To cut SO dead
She cut me dead in the bank this morning
Pegarse golpes contra una pared
To flog a dead horse
I’ve been showing him how to use the computer, but it’s like flogging a dead horse
Sobre mi cadáver!
Over my dead body!
No me pillarás (haciendo algo)
I wouldn’t be seen dead (doing ST)
She wouldn’t be seen dead with him
Atacar a alguien deliberadamente, intentar ligar con alguien
To make a dead set at SO
He met a girl and made a set dead at her
Puedo moverme/desplazame fácilmente
I can get around easily
Es un lugar al que es fácil de llegar
Is a place that is easily reached
Me cuesta X ir y volver
It takes me 10 minutes to get there and back
Refrán cielo rojo y pastores
Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight
Red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning
Tus palabras no me dañarán
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me
Apañárselas con un presupuesto muy ajustado
To get by on a shoestring budget
Volver a la naturaleza
To get back to nature
Dejar obsoleto
To render obsolete
Were climatic changes to happen, weather lore would be rendered obsolete
Estar abierto a (mayor) discusión
To be open to (further) discussion
The manager stated that his decision wasn’t open to further discussion
En el horizonte
On the horizon
Change is on the horizon
Resultar muy atractivo
To hold great appeal
The subject matter of soap operas holds great appeal for viewers
Tener buena imagen para algo, dar la talla
To look the part
He really thinks he looks the part in that new suit of his
Tomar una decisión difícil después de pensarlo mucho tiempo
To take the plunge
They’re finally taking the plunge and getting married
Eliminar mal ambiente entre personas
To clear the air
The two colleagues are having a meeting to try to clear the air after their big disagreement
Hacer lo que se te ocurre sin pensar en las consecuencias para los demás
To do your own thing
You can’t just do your own thing in life. You have to think of others sometimes
Esconderse de los problemas, hacer como que no existen
To bury your head in the sand
Aprender cómo hacer algo no obvio o difícil
To get the hang of ST
It’s a tricky machine to operate but you’ll soon get the hang of it
Parar el trabajo que estás haciendo
To call it a day
I’m getting a bit tired now - shall we call it a day?
Mover los hilos
Pull strings
Her father pulled strings to get her a job
Ocuparte de tus asuntos
To mind your own business
Nada más que
Nothing but
Nothing but troubleI have nothing but admiration for him
Hacerse público y notorio
To become public knowledge
Armstrong’s doping scandal became public knowledge all around the world
Denunciar algo a la policía
To report ST to the police
Most incidents are not reported to the police
Déjame que piense un poco
Let me gather my thoughts
Ser adecuado para, poder ser considerado para
To lend itsef to
That Leica camera lent itself to spontaneity and anonymity
Hasta tal punto quería … que …
To such an extent did he wish … that …
A razón de
At the rate of
He continued to take photographs at the rate of four per hour
Poner en peligro
To put at risk
To put in jeopardy
To jeopardise
Fracasar, estropearse, no materializarse
To fall flat
We had plans to visit friends, but they fell flat when father had to go into hospital
En apenas X (COL)
In X flat
When I told the children we were going to the park, they were ready in ten seconds flat
Tumbar a alguien de un golpe
To knock SO flat
Joe stood up and knocked him flat
The dreadful news knocked us flat
Hablar a alguien muy claramente
To tell SO flat (that)
She told him flat that she had no intention of lending him any money
Enfatizador de sorpresa, cabreo, impresión
Good grief/heavens/gracious!
Recuperar tu inversión
To recover your costs
To recover inflated production costs, a mass audience must be found
Estar en el corazón de
To lie at the core of
Class lies at the core of virtually every analysis of Britain
Es probable que hagas algo
To be liable to do ST
She is liable to have a fit when she finds out
Cabrearse mucho gritando
To have/throw a fit
She’ll throw a fit when she sees the mess you’ve made
Llegar al nivel de hacer algo
To reach the stage where SO do ST
I reached the stage where I had no more patience left
Conjura la idea de …
It conjurs up the idea of …
The sound conjures up the idea of asian societies
Está muy entrelazado con …
ST is heavily entwined with ST
Food is heavily entwined with culture
¿Quieres empezar?
Do you want to kick off?
Do you want to start the ball rolling?
Descartamos la última?
Shall we rule out the last one?
Me atrevería a decir …
I would even say …
I would even go so far as to say …
Hablando de …
Anger-wise, this one is clear
Es lo que (no) me va
It is (not) my cup of tea
La parte mas importante de algo
The lion’s share of ST
Charities spend the lion’s share of donations on aid
La guinda del pastel
The icing on the cake
I was content, but that really was the icing on the cake
Tener un montón de responsabilidades al mismo tiempo
To have a lot on your plate
Poner todos los huevos en el mismo cesto
To put all your eggs in one basket
Tener algo más importante que hacer
To have bigger fish to fry
Endulzar la píldora
To sweeten the pill
Contar información secreta
To spill the beans
Who spilled the beans about her affair with David?
Venderse como churros
To sell like hot cakes
The new game is apparently selling like hot cakes
Tener cara de tonto por algo que has hecho
To have/get egg on your face
This latest scandal has left the government with egg on its face
Tragarte tus palabras
To eat humble pie
After boasting, he’s been to eat humble pie
El mejor invento desde la coca-cola
The best thing since sliced bread
Saber cómo moverte con las personas para sacar provecho
To know which side your bread is buttered
La vida es así
That’s the way the cookie crumbles
Hablar con alguien de manera informal
To chew the fat
We sat in a bar most of the evening just chewing the fat
Tener celos o envidia del éxito de otros
To have sour grapes
Contarle a alguien todo sobre ti, especialmente tus problemas
To spill your guts
People take part in these shows and spill their guts on camera
Ser para bien
To be (all) to the good Learning something new would be all to the good
Hacerle un favor a alguien
To do SO a good turn
He did me a really good turn and I’ll never forget it
Para siempre, de manera permanente
For good
She’s gone to Canada for good
Haber tenido una vida plena
To have had a good innings
If he isn’t reelected, he can’t complain. After twelve years he has had a good innings
Mientras la situación siga siendo favorable
While the going is good
I’m taking a few days’ holiday while the going is good
Para abreviar
For short
The baby’s name is Gwendolyn, but they call her Gwen for short
Está ambientado en
It is set in
The story is set in Manhattan
Te mantiene pegado al asiento
It keeps you on the edge of your seat
Estar muy acertado, ser redondo
To hit the spot
Estar rodando por los suelos de risa
To be rolling in the aisles
The film had people rolling in the aisles