English C1+ vocabulary 1T - others Flashcards
Atraer la atención de alguien
Catch someone’s eye
Grab someone’s attention
Pretender ser, suponerse que, tener la intención de
Be meant to + INF
Exactamente tan bueno como
Every bit as good as
Focus the mind, concentrate
Intentar, probar algo
Have a go/shot at doing ST
I’m not sure if I can make it, but I’ll have a go/shot
En dosis pequeñas
In small doses
Me pone de los nervios
It gets on my nerves
It gets my goat
Conservative ideas really get my goat
Ser bastante fácil
Be on the easy side, be easy-ish
Es un golpe bajo
It’s below the belt
Por curiosidad
Out of interest
A largo plazo, a la larga
Over the long term
In the long run
Para mí
To my mind
Más pronto o más tarde
Sooner or later
Tomar contacto
To touch base
De todos modos
All the same
Entre medio
Among, (amidst)
Como si
As if
As though
A voluntad, cómodamente
At someone’s ease
Besides, moreover, furthermore
Por tu causa
For your own sake
Por el bien de
For the sake of
Por casualidad
Happened to
Por cierto
Indeed, by the way
Al filo de
On the brink of
On the verge of
On the brink of doing something
Descompuesto (nervios)
Out of sorts
Hacia atrás y hacia delante
Back and forth
To and fro
Tener manía a alguien
To have got it in for someone
My teacher has got it in for me
Afinar tus habilidades
To hone your skills
Pasar de algo
To cop out of something
Resultar, salir
Turn out to + INF
It turned out to be a lier
Prove to + INF
She proved to be an excellent secretary
Recaudación de fondos
Raising funds
Somos tres en la familia
There are three of us in my family
Así, de modo que, por consiguiente
Thereby (Adverb or connector)
He withdrew from the competition, thus allowing his rival to win
Corruption exists, thereby lowering economic growth
Considerando que
Considering that
Considering the fact that
Considering that I’d like to go
Tomar parte en
Take part in
I’d like to take part in the event
Tener en cuenta
Bear in mind
I hope these comments will be kept in mind
Marcar el principio de
Mark the beginning of
Estar dirigido a, estar pensado para
To be aimed at
The concert is aimed at young people
Al pie de la letra
To do something by the book
Es un secreto a voces
This is an open secret
Muy puro, impoluto, sin mancha
As pure as the driven snow
Whiter than white
Squeaky clean
¡Menos mal!
Just as well!
Hay muchas/pocas posibilidades de que…
There is every likelihood of it raining
There is every likelihood that it rains
There is little likelihood of their/them winning the cup
There is a strong/distinct/real possibility I could get an Erasmus grant
There is a slight/remote/outside chance she will love you
You have/stand every/a strong/a good chance of getting the job
Marcar la línea, decidir no hacer algo
To draw the line at doing something
Tiene vida propia
It has a mind of its own
Hacer economías, ahorrar
To scrimp and save
Estar en números rojos
To be in the red
To be overdrawn
La intención es lo que cuenta
It’s the thought that counts
En el medio está la virtud
More than enough is too much
Boca a boca
Días de vacas flacas
The rainy days
Irse de juerga
To go on a spree
I went on a spending spree
On impulse
Sleepwalkers buy things on impulse
Gastar el dinero muy rápido y alegremente
Spend money like water
Get through money like water
Go through money like water
No quedarse a la zaga, no ser menos, no quedarse atrás
Not to be outdone
Nadal is a very good player, but Federer is not to be outdone
De mala gana, de manera reacia
Por lo tanto
I think, therefore I am
Mantener las apariencias, querer tener lo que tiene el vecino
Keep up with the Joneses
Keep up with the appearances
Keep up with the Gateses
Llegar tu San Martín, recibir tu merecido
To get your come-uppance
El elemento sustancial, el todo, el sine qua non
The be-all and end-all
The aspects are not the be-all and end-all that modern astrologers make them
Como si no hubiera mañana
Like there was no tomorrow
As if there was no tomorrow
Jim’s spending money like there was no tomorrow
Mientras que (conjunción adversativa)
Buying online is easy, whereas selling can be complex
Zigzaguear entre el tráfico
To weave in and out
The cyclist was weaving in and out of the traffic
Pujar en una subasta
To bid at an auction
To make a bid
De la nada, sin avisar, inesperadamente
Out of the blue
My cousins turned up out of the blue on Christmas Day
Jazztel rings you up out of the blue
¡Venga ya!
Come off it!
Estar sin blanca
To be broke
Una mano de pintura
A coat of paint
Jugarse la vida
Dice with the death
Dar ventaja
Give an edge, give advantage
Llevar algo a la mente de alguien
Bring something to mind
I use verbs, because they bring vivid and vibrant images to mind
Llevar algo a la memoria de alguien
To drive something into someone’s memory
This image drives the message deep into people’s memory
Crear una imagen
Create an image
These ads create a powerful mental image
Cubrir tus espaldas
Cover your back
Cover your ass
Watch your back
Algo verdaderamente sin éxito
A bit of disaster
My attempt was a bit of disaster
Haber conseguido algo, tener éxito en algo
To be home and dry
When I signed the contract I thought I was home and dry
No saber qué hacer
To be at a loss
I’m at a loss to know what to do now
A posteriori, en retrospectiva
With hindsight
With hindsight, I think I was naive
Enseguida, ahora mismo, de inmediato
You don’t have to tell them straightaway, just wait for the right time