English C2 vocabulary 2T - others 2 Flashcards
No pasa un día sin que …
Seldom does a day go by that …
Seldom does a day go by without SO’s doing ST
Ni uno/a …
Not one …
Not one postcard did she send while she was traveling in Argentina
No quiero que haya …
I don’t want there to be …
I don’t want there to be any redouble over paying this bill
Enterrar a alguien, ponerlo a descansar
To lay SO to rest
She was laid to rest next to her husband
Traer algo a la memoria
To bring/call ST to mind
I can see his face, but I just can’t bring/call his name to mind
Realidad compleja, alejarse de los dogmas
Reality is so complex that we must move away from dogma
Llevar gobiernos razonables al espacio globalizado
To bring sensible governments to the global space
Donde va el poder, los gobiernos deben seguirlo
Where power goes, governments must follow
Compartes un destino con tus enemigos
You share a destiny with your enemies
Trabajar muy tarde por la noche
To burn the midnight oil
During that summit, the participants burnt the midnight oil in meetings
No preguntes por quien doblan las campanas, doblan por ti
Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee
Estropear la diversión
To put a damper on ST
The accident put a damper on their holiday
Hay más de lo que parece en él/ello
There’s more to SO/ST than meets the eye
Initially Brian appears shy and introspective but there’s more to him than meets the eye
Ricos según Hemingway
The rich are different from you and me. They have more money
Pensar en imágenes
To think in pictures
Teenagers are not even sure of who they are
Where they fit in the world
Peer groups and external appearance tend to increase in importance
They feel insecure due to hormonal imbalances
El humor es útil para difuminar situaciones difíciles
Humour is useful to diffuse difficult situations
Reírte de los absurdos de la vida
To laugh at life absurdities
Mucho de los que llamamos humor tiene que ver con víctimas
Much that we call humour is victim related
Broma en el juzgado
Order in the court!
I’d like a sirloin steak and a paint of beer
Procedencia término “humor”
According to an ancient theory, there were four fluids in our body: blood, phlegm, bile and humour, which was responsible for the sense of well-being. Hence the term ‘sense of humour’
Hay muchos peces en el mar
There are plenty more fish in the sea
Me suena a chino
It’s all Greek to me
No poder hablar por que tienes la garganta seca
To have a frog in your throat
Funciona de maravilla (a veces por sorpresa)
It works like a charm
It is very easy to set up and use and it works like a charm
Desnudar tu alma
To bare your soul
I can’t understand these people baring their soul on TV
Casarse (INF)
To tie the knot
When is your sister going to tie the knot?
Tocar la fibra de alguien, causar impacto en alguien
To strike a chord with SO
His speech struck a chord with unemployed voters
A las puertas de la muerte
At death’s door
Tener tiempo libre para gastar
To have time on your hands
Your problem is that you have too much time on your hands
Ha llegado a ser visto como …
Has come to be seen/known as …
Estarías mejor haciendo algo
You’d be better off doing ST
You’d be better off not seeing me loose my temper
You’d be better off working for a bigger company
Mejor que hagas algo
You had better do ST
You’d better move your car immediately or else I’ll call the police
Estar echado boca abajo
To lie face downwards
He was lying face downwards on the pavement
De la mano/del brazo
Hand in hand/arm in arm
We were walking hand in hand
We were strolling arm in arm
Estar lleno de admiración por algo
To be full of admiration for ST
I am full of admiration for the changes you have made to your diet
Stevenson y los viajes
The Scottish writer, Robert Louis Stevenson, used to say that he travelled ‘not to go anywhere but to go’. He loved traveling for its own sake
No sea que, en caso de que
I said naught lest they see my anger
Lest anyone forget his name, we erect this monument to the late admiral
Como secuela de
In the aftermath of
In the aftermath of the hurricane, many people had to live in temporary accommodation
Entrar en situación de ruina
To fall into disrepair
The house has fallen into disrepair
Enarbolar la bandera de
To carry the torch of
The challenge before you now is to continue to carry the torch of pluralism forward
Cargar con la cruz de
To carry the cross of
Many people around us carry the cross of injustices
El anterior suelo firme está cambiando
Previously hard ground is shifting
Darle a algo/alguien un nuevo soplo de vida
To give ST/SO a new lease of life
What appeared to be an old law firm has been given a new lease of life
Si acaso, como mucho
If at all
Most new words sparkle briefly, if at all, and then fade away
Superar a alguien
Outdo SO
Coca Cola outdid itself this year
Contra toda adversidad
In the face of all adversity
La realización de todas las aspiraciones
To find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
Dirigir tu atención hacia
To turn/give your attention to
Por causa de interés
For interest’s sake
No pegar ojo
To not sleep a wink
I didn’t sleep a wink last night with all that noise
En el fondo, por naturaleza
At heart
She’s always been an animal lover at heart
Poner los ojos en algo/alguien por primera vez
To set eyes on SO/ST
I’ve never set eyes on him before
Considerar algo de gran/poca importancia
To set great/a lot/little store by ST
She’s setting a lot of store by this job interview
Mejorado con intensidad y rapidez
In leaps and bounds
Her Spanish has come on in leaps and bounds this year
Enterrar el hacha de guerra
To bury the hatchet
¡Es un dispositivo con una única función!
It’s a single function device!
Un niño de tres años no es medio niño de seis años
A three-year old isn’t half a six-year old
El fin justifica los medios
The end justifies the means
Interpretado estupendamente por …
Played superbly by …
Los problemas se esconden en los detalles
The devil is in the details
Algo parecido a …
ST along the lines of …
This House has heard comments along the lines of ‘the budget before us is small but good’
Cuando/si la cosa se pone realmente mal, como último recurso
When/if push comes to shove
Hacer de abogado del diablo
To play the devil’s advocate
Me dijeron que cerrase al salir
I was told to lock up when I left
No te parece?
Don’t you feel?
Otello en titulares
Love-crazed immigrant kills senator’s daughter
Broma hombre conduciendo Ferrari
SO who’s driving a Ferrari is incredibly vulnerable and in need of love
Venirse la sala abajo
To bring the house down
The performance brought the house down last night
Cuando alguien hace algo, …
On doing ST, SO…
On finding a suitably desolate spot of their own, they drill a hole
Por mucho que …
For though …
For though ice-fishing may appear to be safe, it can be dangerous indeed
Estamos asistiendo al hecho de que …
We are witnessing the fact that …
Alguien se resbala con una piel de plátano
SO slips on a banana skin
Alcanzar la redención a través de …
To achieve redemption through …
He achieved redemption through sense of humour