English C1+ vocabulary 3T - verbs Flashcards
Suceder, ocurrir
Come about
Occur, happen
This came about thanks to the US air force
Hacer beneficios de, capitalizar algo
Cash in on ST
Her family have been accused of cashing in on her death
Colgar, poner, depender, pasar el rato, quedarse
Hang ST from a hook, our success will hang on our ability, teenagers hang out and meet with friends, hang here until the band arrives
Ser estafado, ser robado
Get ripped off
How not to get ripped off at the market
Tirar la casa por la ventana, gastar a manos llenas
Splash out (on ST)
Splurge money on ST
Women splash out on their favourite shampoo
Mirar varios sitios para comprar
Shop around for
It is normal to shop around for a house or a car
Transformarse en
Develop into
Turn into
Over the next years, table tennis developed into a worldwide sport
Convencer, persuadir
Talk SO into ST/ING
Yolanda was talked into entering the competition by her family
Llegar a, llegar a ser
Come to be
How did we come to be in this position?
Mentir, tumbarse, extenderse, estar situado, yacer, estar, radicar
Lie (lying, PAST: lied/lay)
Lie to our parents, lie on the bed, the papers lie all over the desk, the village lies at the head of a valley, her body lies in the cemetery, the book lies on the bookshelf, the problem lies in the fact, what lies ahead of us in the future, the responsibility lies with him
Extender, poner, hacer recaer
Lay (laying, PAST: laid)
Lay the plan on the table, lay a few eggs per week, lay the blame on you, lay the table, lay the foundation to the building
Tachar algo
Cross ST off
Ok, let’s cross that one off
Sobrevivir con
Survive on
She now survives on a carrot-free diet
Many people struggle to survive on less than a dollar a day
Reemplazar por
Replace by
His wife advised him to replace smoking by eating vegetables
Howling at the moon
The dog barked at the cat
The cat meows
The cat was purring
She stroked the cat’s fur
Controlar de forma excesiva
Oversee but don’t micromanage
Confiar en
Confide in
I will confide in you because I know I can tust you
Viajar diariamente al trabajo
Commute (to)
She has to commute to the city for work - she is a commuter
Abundar, ser numeroso
There is not a precise cause, although theories abound
Ser depredador de
Prey on
Another species may be preying on the seals
Imaginarse, concebir
What do you envisage will happen to our country in the years to come?
Vestirse, arreglarse, disfrazarse
Dress up
When I was a child, I loved to play dress up
The student was expelled from his school
Gustar, disfrutar
I don’t relish the idea
Desenredarse, aclararse, resolverse
They unravelled the mystery
Things start to unravel
Prometer, dar la palabra
We pledge today to sustain our strong policy response
Resistir, aguantar
Our house should be able to withstand an earthquake
They haggled over it for hours
Ir a, meterse en
Go on
Go on a diet, go on a journey, go on a strike, go on the merry-go-round
Pasar, atravesar, aprobar
Pass the salt, pass a test, pass through the war zone, pass a law
Doblar, curvar, inclinarse
Bend the knee, bend the truth
Relacionar, concordar, estar ligado
Tie in
They tie in precisely with the keywords
Hacerle la pelota a alguien
To suck up to SO
Desarrollarse, medrar, prosperar, florecer
She thrives on hard work, it is a thriving community
Buscar algo que te interesa en un libro
Dip into
I will dip into the encyclopaedia
The sailors waded ashore
Hojear un libro, revista…
Flip through
I flipped through the pages of the magazine
Rear young
You can rear young fish in an aquarium
Proponer, postular
Put forward
Maria put the proposed vacation schedule forward
Asolar, devastar, arrasar
Europe was ravaged by the plague in the latter part of the fourteenth century