English C1+ vocabulary 2T - others 1 Flashcards
Convencer a alguien
To get SO to change SO’s mind
It’s is a waste of time trying to get her to change her mind
I’m trying to convince her
Estar en peligro de
To be in danger of
The whole building is in danger of collapsing
Nadie sabe cómo acabará algo
There’s no telling what the outcome will be
There’s no knowing how ST will be
There’s no telling/knowing how SO will do ST
Pasarse por la cabeza
To cross SO’s mind
It never crossed my mind that I would lose my job
Dejar a alguien sin palabras
Leave SO speechless
Your comments have left me completely speechless
No verle utilidad a algo
Can’t see the point of/in doing ST
Many teenagers can’t see the point of staying on at school
Comparación: uno mucho más que el otro
Far more/-er than You are far better dancer than me Far less than The turnout is far less than hoped A lot more I'm a lot more likely to keep on with a class if I'm enjoying it Loads less It is loads less beautiful than Die Walküre Not nearly as ... as I'm not nearly as good at dancing as you
Comparación: uno considerablemente más que el otro
Considerably more than
You eat considerably more than me
Much lower than
My consumption is much lower than yours
Far fewer than
There are far fewer good films than before
Significant fall
There has been a significant fall in the number of good films
Many more
Many more people are buying things
Great rise
It’s been a great rise in the number of online sales
A decline in the number of
It’s been a decline in the number of online sales
Comparación: uno un poco menos que el otro
Not quite as
News isn’t quite as bad compared to yesterday
Slightly less than
News has been slightly less bad than yesterday
Only just
He’s only just tall enough to be a cop
If he were any shorter, he wouldn’t be able to be a cop
Abolutamente nada, ni la más mínima
Absolutely nothing
You know absolutely nothing about me
Not the slightest
You haven’t got the slightest idea about who I am
Mucho, una cantidad considerable
Considerable attention must be paid to this exercise
A great deal of
We have to take a great deal of care with this exercise
Poner excusas, buscar pretextos
Make excuses
He made his excuses and left
Romper una promesa
Break a promise
You should never break your promise to a child
Hacer un chiste, decir una parida
Crack a joke
He’s funny, he’s always cracking jokes
Cometer un error, hacer una estupidez, meter la pata
Commit a blunder
He commited a blunder with that deal
Plantear una pregunta, ponder algo en el tapete
To raise a question
To raise an issue
Hacer que alguien que está nervioso se relaje
Put SO at ease
Thank you very much for putting me at ease during the exam
Dar prioridad
Give priority
I always give priority to my girlfriend when taking important decisions
Dar el paso, decidirse a hacer algo
Make a move
I will make a move and ask her out
Ir bien, hacer(te) bien
Do good
Going to see a film will do you both good
Poner a alguien al corriente de las últimas noticias
Bring SO up to date on
The boss asked Joe to bring him up to date on the latest news
Explicar algo como causado por algo, achacar algo a algo
Put ST down to ST
I put his bad humor down to his illness
Don Juan put his success with women down to his charm
Tomarse algo/alguien en serio
Take SO/ST seriously
Janet refused to take him seriously
Colapsar por trabajo o estrés
Crack under the strain of
He finally cracked under the strain of working too much
Dar por finalizado
Put paid to
An injury put paid to Jim’s professional career
Llegar al final
Come to an end
The celebration came to an end about midnight
Cumplir plazos
Meet deadlines
The successful completion of the work is more important than meeting deadlines
Interferir, alterar negativamente
Play havoc with
Extreme weather conditions have played havoc with traffic today
No tener nada que ver, no guardar el menor parecido
Bear no resemblance to
Conditions in his new job bear no resemblance to the advertisement
Vivir con, ganarse la vida con, pasar con
Make ends meet on
It is impossible for most families to make ends meet on just one salary
Llegar a la conclusión
Jump/come to the conclusion
With insufficient information it is easy to jump to the wrong conclusion
Estar en blanco, quedarse en blanco
Draw a blank
Inspector Clouseau has so far drawn a blank in his investigation
Retroceder mentalmente, remontarse a
Cast your mind back to
I would like you to cast your mind back to the beginning of the century
Gastarle una broma a
Play a trick on
The students played a trick on the teacher
No dar resultado, quedarse en nada, venirse abajo
Come to nothing
Jim’s plans to become a professional came to nothing
Resultar un desastre, encontrar la ruina
Meet with disaster
All his attempts met with disaster
Stand for, put up, tolerate
We will not stand for impertinent behaviour
Llamar la atención de alguien sobre algo
Draw SO’s attention to ST
Allow me to draw your attention to the emergency exits
Tener consideración con, ser flexible con
Make allowances for
You have to make allowances for his brusque manner
Dar la talla
Come up to scratch
This spaghetti doesn’t come up to scratch for this restaurant
Venirse abajo, irse al traste, fallar o acabar mal
Come to grief
In icy roads, many drivers come to grief when they go round bends
Parecer lógico, parecer razonable
Stand to reason
If you want to have children, then it stands to reasonthat you have to make sacrifices
Aprovechar el tiempo
Make the most of your time
Make the most of your time by enjoying life as much as possible
Hacer responsable de algo a alguien
Hold SO responsible for ST
I’ll hold you responsible if anything happens
Meter la pata hablando
Put your foot in it
Whenever I open my mouth, I seem to put my foot in it
Improvisar, actuar a primera vista
Play it by ear
With no preparation, we’ll have to play it by ear
Sembrar la duda sobre, dudar sobre
Cast doubt on
The scientific community cast doubt on his findings
Ponerse firme
Put SO’s foot down
Mum just put her foot down and said: ‘You can’t go’
Colaborar, tomar parte en, jugar un papel
Play a part
She played a part in promoting the event
Mantener opniones
Hold opinions
My aunt holds opinions on the subject of cruelty to animals
Satisfacer los requisitos
Meet the requirements
Your hotel doesn’t meet the requirements to be a five star
Echar un vistazo a algo
Cast eye over
You could cast your eye over this document
Por mucho que…
Much as…
Much as I enjoyed the holiday, I was glad to be home
Por muy ADJ que…
ADJ though/as…
Hot though/as the night air was, they slept soundly
Incluso así, a pesar de ello
Even so
Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost. Even so, their political influence should not be understimated
Sin embargo, no obstante
However, nevertheless
The weather was terrible. Nevertheless, we decided to go ahead with the picnic
No importa cómo, quién, qué, cuál, cuánto
No matter how/what/who/which
However much
However ADJ
However many times you ask me, I’m not moving
Whichever day you visit, I won’t be at home
No matter how hard he tries, he can’t get Mona to laugh
However much she wants to, she can’t do it
However far you run, you can never run away from yourself
Por mucho que alguien lo intenta/ó
Try as SO might, …
Try as he might, Jim couldn’t get his horse jump over the fence
Pese a todo/a/os/as, …
For all SO’s…
For all his efforts, Jim couldn’t make his horse jump the fence
A pesar de
Regardless of
Irrespective of
Scott carried on regardless of our advice to stop
The stamp is valuable irrespective of who sells it
Es inevitable que… (Certeza 1 máxima)
It’s a foregone conclusion that…
Will definitely…
It’s a foregone conclusion that Geoffrey will do this. He will definitely win a Nobel Prize
Hay muy pocas dudas de que… (Certeza 2 casi máxima)
There’s little doubt that…
Be bound to…
There’s little doubt that Harry will do this. He is bound to do well in his chosen career
Hay muchas probabilidades de que… (Certeza 3 mucha)
There’s every likelihood that/of…
Will very probably…
There’s every likelihood of Ivan’s doing this. He will probably set up his own business
Hay bastantes posibilidades de que… (Certeza 4 bastante)
There’s a strong possibility that…
May well…
There’s a strong possibility that Jasper will do this. He may well become the next director
Hay pocas posibilidades de que… (Certeza 5 poca)
There’s a slight chance of…
Might just…
There’s a slight chance of Kevin doing this. He might just get into the team
Ser una fuente de…
Be a major source of…
Work can be a major source of stress for many of us
Dar pie a, dar lugar a
Give rise to
It may even give rise to friction in our relationships
Give rise to SO’s doing ST
Her ugly face gave rise to my running away
Tener el efecto de
Have the effect of
All this can have the effect of making our lives seem not worth living
Ser provocado por
Be brought on by
Various symptoms can be brought on by stress at work
Ser un resultado de
Be one result ofArise as a result of
High blood pressure can be one result of too much pressure in the workplace
Your misery may arise as a result of bullying by malicious workmates
Ser causado por
Be due to
Be caused by
The may simply be due to a badly designed work spaceIt may be caused by having to perform monotonous tasks
Tener su origen en
Have its roots in
It may have its roots in something as important as a malfunctioning coffee machine
Se desprende que, se deduce que, por consiguiente
It follows that
All forms of life are interconnected, so it follows that human activity has an effect on the environment
Hacerse un nombre, labrarse una reputación
Make a name for oneself (as)
He is making a name for himself as an artist
Make SO’s name
He made his name creating this type of dresses
Prender fuego a algo
Set fire to
I set fire to a strip of magnesium
Prenderse fuego algo
Catch fire
Gasoline can catch fire very easily
Tener que ver con, estar asociado con
Be associated with
These problems are associated with the environment
Ayudar a hace algo
Help in/by doing ST
The lights helped in/by reducing the required exposure time
Ser valorado
Be valued
Spontaneity is valued by those watching or listening
Hacerse cargo de los costes
Meet the costs
The organisers agreed to meet the costs of clearing up after the pop concert
Cumplir los objetivos
Meet the targets
The company failed to meet the targets for the year
Aclararse, aparecer claro
Become clear
It soon became clear that Paula would not be able to finish the race
Simplemente por bondad
Out of the goodness of your heart
She made it out of the goodness of her heart
En términos generales, hablando en general
Broadly speaking
I think that, broadly speaking, we are all self-conscious
Día sí día no
Every other day
Llevarse una gran sorpresa
To be taken aback (at/by)
When Mary told me the news, I was taken aback for a moment
Pasarse de la raya
To go over the top
He went over the top by tipping waiters up to 30%
Estar involucrado con/en, tener trato con/en
Be involved with/in
He is involved with everything from racing himself
Sufrir una reprimenda, ser reñido
To get told off
You can drive as fast as you like and not get told off
Excitarse con, recibir un chorro de adrenalina de
To get a buzz from/out of
I get a real buzz from crossing the finishing line first
A la inversa, al contrario, en cambio
I feel good. Conversely, she feels really bad
Hacer tu parte del trabajo
To pull your weight
You are not pulling your weight, you are lazy
Achicar agua
To bail out the water
Man the pumps! We have to bail out the water
Muy poco, muy de vez en cuando
Few and far between
Service stations on this highway are few and far between
Distraerse, despitarse
To get sidetracked
I got sidetracked and forgot to tell him
No tener otra opción que
To have no choice but
The company has no choice but to go broke
Afrontar tus responsabilidades
To face the music
He commited a blunder and now he has to face the music
Ni la mitad
Half as many … as
I’ve not had half as many problems with my back as I used to
No tantos como…
Nothing like as many … as
There were nothing like as many classes when I started as there are now
Una y otra vez
Once and again
Again and again
Time and again
En la dicha y en la adversidad
Through thick and thin
He stood by his son through thick and thin
En líneas generales
By and large
By and large, he’s really good
En cada rincón, por todas partes
High and low
I’ve been looking for you high and low
Antes que nada, primero y principalmente
First and foremost
First and foremost, I’d like to thank you all for coming
De buena mañana, a primera hora
Bright and early
He likes to wake up bright and early on holiday
Haber olvidado completamente algo
Don’t have any recollection of
Have no recollection of
He was so drunk that he didn’t have any recollection of how he got back home
En lo que respecta a algo
As far as ST is concerned…
As far as swimming is concerned he is the best
Cuestión de tiempo
Matter of time (before)
It’s a matter of time before we have a problem
Poner a alguien a cargo de algo
Put SO in charge of ST
Make SO responsible of ST
He put me in charge of the children
Quiero expresar mi disconformidad con…
I wish to express my dissatisfaction with…
Hacer la diferencia, significar una diferencia
ST makes a difference (to SO)
I don’t mind doing it. It doesn’t makes any difference to me
Hacer un esfuerzo, poner de su parte
Make an effort to do ST
Try hard to do ST
You can’t give up smoking if you make no effort
Fijarse, darse cuenta de algo, prestar atención
Take a notice of
She wears short skirts in hopes that someone will take notice of her
En caso de
In the event of
In the event of a fire, exit the building inmediately
Tener la intención de hacer algo
Have every intention of doing ST
He has every intention of standing for Parliament
He has no intention of doing that
Ser más cuidadoso con, tener cuidado con
Take some pride in
It’s time you took some pride in your appearance. You should be more careful how you look
No hay opción de que alguien haga algo
There’s no question SO do ST
There’s no question Roger will change his mind
Al tiempo, al mismo tiempo
In the same breath
They are worthy to be mentioned in the same breath as the great explorers
Un cierto grado de
A fair degree of
Although not a native speaker, he can express his ideas in English with a fair degree of accuracy
No significa que, no se deduce obligatoriamente que, on implica necesariamente que
It doesn’t follow that
Just because your parents are both teachers, it doesn’t follow that you’ll be one
Tomar en consideración
Take into consideration
Take this into consideration before you make your decision
Perder los estribos
Lose your temper
Repair what happened after you lose your temper
Llámame (teléfono)
Give me a call
If you want to go out, give me a call
Decir lo que piensas
To speak your mind
It’s in my nature, I guess, to speak my mind
Coger a alguien desprevenido
To catch SO unawares
When she asked me to go out, it caught me unawares
Me enfurece
It infuriates me
It infuriates me when people do that kind of thing
Tratar de tener el tacto habitual
Try to be SO’s usual tactful self
I tried to be my usual tactful self but he took offence
De quién es la culpa?
Whose fault is it?
Who is to blame for…?
¡Qué vergüenza!
What a disgrace!
Fracasar en el último momento, nadar para morir en la orilla
To fall at the final hurdle
Peter was on course to win salesman of the month award, but on the very last day a constumer cancelled a big order, so he fell at the final hurdle
Establecer un récord
Set a record
Karl Lewis set a lot of records
Contra toda probabilidad
Against all the odds
He came first against all the odds
Dar en la diana
To score a bullseye
He scored a bullseye with his accusation
La pelota está en tu tejado
The ball is in your court now
Enfadarse súbitamente
To go off the deep end
He’s got such a short temper and really goes off the deep end if anyone argues with him
Saltarse la salida, empezar antes de tiempo y coger ventaja
To jump the gun
He took unfair advantage because he jumped the gun
Cambiar las reglas sin avisar, cambiar las reglas del juego
Move the goalposts
They moved the goalposts by changing the rules of the competition without warning
Ser otra historia, aer otro juego diferente
To be a different ballgame
They seem to have changed their minds, so in fact it’s a different ballgame now
Cuenta conmigo, no me dejes fuera
Don’t count me out
Continuar hasta el final
To go the distance
Remontar, recuperarse
To make up ground
De ningún modo
By no means
En el mejor de los casos
At best
At best, this aspect only has a very modest place in current legislation
Como cinco veces, como el quíntuple
Five times as much as
It weighs five times as much as real snow
En forma de
In the form of
Ponerse en contacto
Get in touch
He hasn’t got in touch with me for ages
Los objetivos de la vida
The goals in life