English C1+ vocabulary 3T - nouns Flashcards
Impacto de carbono, huella de carbono
Carbon footprint
We produce solar modules with the lowest carbon footprint
Loco de los gadgets
Gadget freak
The iPhone has gained immense popularity among gadget freraks
Lápiz de memoria
Memory stick
You can use a USB memory stick or an external hard drive
Estudiante adulto, alumno de formación para adultos
Mature student
The mature student may be somewhat less proficient in mathematics
Formación profesional
Vocational training
Access to higher education or vocational training
Pase de temporada, abono de temporada
Season ticket
We have a season ticket for all the performances at our local theatre
Carril bici
Cycle lane
The cycle lane is separated from road traffic
Tráfico pesado
Heavy traffic
Heavy traffic is a danger to children walking to their schools
Temporada alta
High season
The hotels were expensive because it was high season
Trampa para turistas, gancho para turistas
Tourist trap
All of the shops near the beach are tourist traps
Espíritu aventurero
Sense of adventure
His sense of adventure has propelled him to bigger chances
Mareo por viaje
Travel sickness
Take anti-nausea pills if needed for travel sickness
Oscuridad total, boca de lobo
Pitch dark, pitch black
Entering the unknown in the pitch dark can be terrifying
Homólogo, equivalente
She had dinner with her counterpart from another division
Ritmo, paso
The runners set off at a brisk pace, the film lacked pace, keep pace with, set the pace, at your own pace
Sala de exposiciones, galería de exposiciones
Exhibition gallery
The exhibition gallery offers the cinema new forms
Toque personal
Personal touch
I like small shops, because you can find there the personal touch
Cadena de tiendas
Chain store
Many towns resemble each other as chain stores replace the independent shops
Cruce, intersección
The car turned left at the junction of 1st and 42nd street
Persona que busca trabajo
We have to secure employment for job-seekers
Campaña de reclutamiento
Recruitment drive
The staff costs arise from a recruitment drive
Acto de fe, salto de confianza, voto de confianza
Leap of faith
Acceptance of the plan will require a leap of faith
Quincena, período de dos semanas
Harvesting is carried out during the first fortnight of September
Incredulidad, desconfianza, recelo
The school stared in disbelief, it was received with disbelief by the conservative media
Escala, escalera
Climb the ladder, the propery ladder, a rope ladder
Casa adosada
Terraced house
It was a long, terraced house with gardens in the front
Búsqueda de casa
Before you begin house-hunting, you may want to read this guide
Grupo, racimo
There is a cluster of italian companies and brands
Pariente lejano/familia inmediata
Distant relative/immediate family
He is the nephew of my grandmother, a distant relative of mine, not immediate family
Cambio, turno, palanca de cambios, falla
The shift in the status of women, the night shift, work in shifts, push the shift to a lower gear, seismologists found the shift
El público en general
The wider public
Both policy makers and the wider public are finally in agreement
Cazador de fortunas
Fortune hunter
Brecha generacional
Generation gap
We have to bridge the generation gap in language learning
Nombre de soltera de una mujer
Woman’s maiden name
What is your mother’s maiden name?
Hermano biológico, hermano de sangre
Blood brother
Hombre de familia
Family man
I’m just a family man working hard
Padres biológicos
Biological parents
I’m adopted, but I met my biological parents 3 years ago
Vínculo de sangre, lazos de sangre
Blood ties
The homeland, with its blood ties
Hijo único
Only child
My mother is an only child, but my father has 3 siblings
Organización en defensa de los animales
Animal welfare organisation
Buen orador, orador talentoso
Gifted speaker
He is a gifted speaker and shares with sincerity and compassion
Fin de semana largo
Long weekend
We were blessed with mild weather throughout the long weekend
Derecho a vacaciones
Holiday entitlement
You acquire a holiday entitlement per year
Alrededores, inmediaciones, cercanías
His house is set in pleasant surroundings
Baja por maternidad
Maternity leave
We provide cover while an employee is on maternity leave
Estabilidad laboral
Job security
In the current economy, job security is vital for many employees
Trabajo sin expectativas
Dead-end job
She is a regular girl stuck in a dead-end job
Carrera de locos, mundo laboral moderno, competitivo y estresante
Rat race
I wanted to escape the rat race and work from home