English C1+ vocabulary 4T - others 1 Flashcards
Con respecto a, en cuanto a
As for
As for this guy, I think he’s stupid
Día tras día
Day in day out
It’s so boring, doing the same thing day in day out
Pensativamente, atentamente
Avistar, ver
To catch sight of ST
In this club you can catch sight of someone famous
Ir mal, ir cuesta abajo
To go downhill
The company went downhill rapidly
Estar muy ocupado
To have one’s hand full
Tener huevos
To have (the) guts
En cualquier caso
In any case
Hacerse el inocente
To play the innocent
Ponerse de pie
To rise in SO’s feet
Estrujarse las neuronas
To think hard
He had to think hard to remember the details
Al infierno con
To hell with
To hell with you!
Sin ninguna duda (COL)
Sure as hell
I sure as hell wouldn’t do it
They willingly agreed to make amends
El dinero manda
Money talks
De tal palo tal astilla
The apple does not fall far from the tree
A veces las cosas buenas son las pequeñas
Good things come in small packages
No es oro todo lo que reluce
All that glitters is not gold
No juzgues un libro por su cubierta
Do not judge a book by its cover
Dos cosas malas no hacen una buena
Two wrongs do not make a wright
Estar de acuerdo
Come to agree
We have come to agree on important matters
Desde el preciso instante…
From the minute…
From the minute we entered her home we became friends
Eso dicen
So they say
Más allá, más allá de
Beyond all understanding, beyond comparison, beyond control, beyond reach, beyond suspicion, beyond the bounds
Negociar duramente, saber regatear
To drive a hard bargain
The parliamentary delegation drove a hard bargain
Arremangarse y ponerse a trabajar
To roll SO’s sleeves up
Just roll your sleeves up and install linux
Lo pasado, pasado está
Let bygones be bygones
In between
Downing a cup of coffee in between meetings
This habit is comparatively easy to acquire
Fuere lo que fuere, en absoluto, nada en absoluto
There was no vegetation whatsoever in the area
Desde luego, de hecho
You’re doing very well indeed
Qué saco yo de eso?
What’s in it for me?
Caer en desgracia
To fall out of favor
Those who fall out of favour with the regime are in trouble
Dar cuenta, informar
To give an account of
The author’s book gives a vivid account of his childhood
Arrojar luz sobre
To cast some light on
Can you cast some light on how Jack made it?
Aceptar, asumir, apechugar
To come to terms with
She has finally come to terms with the fact that it is over
De hecho
Actually, in actual fact
In actual fact, they are identical
Siempre que, en la medida que
So long as
He didn’t care how old she was, so long as she was pretty
Mantener algo en secreto
To keep ST under your hat
Acoplarse como un guante, sentar muy bien
To fit (SO) like a glove My new shoes fit me like a glove
Tomar forma
To take shape
The work is beginning to take shape
Fuera de baja
Away on leave
She was three years away on maternity leave
Esforzarse mucho para hacer algo
To take pains to do ST
Many musicians take pains to protect their hearing
Adquirir la habilidad, aprenderse los trucos
To acquire the knack
This is an art, and you need time to acquire the knack
Apreciablemente, considerablemente, bastante
Standards have fallen appreciably
Oponerse a, objetar
To take exception to ST
I take exception to that comment
Reparar un mal hecho
To make amends for ST
This allows me to make amends for my unfair review
Irse de las manos
To get out of hand
These competitive games get dangerously out of hand
Calmarse, recuperar el control
To get a grip
He struggled to get a grip on himself
Emocionarse hasta las lágrimas
To move to tears
I was moved to tears during the final scene
Nada se mueve
Nothing stears
In the heart of Antarctica, nothing stears
Es decir, o sea
That is
Except, that is, in that lake
El corazón se acelera, el corazón se hiela
SO’s heart misses a beat
My heart missed a beat when I saw the burglar
Implacablemente, inexorablemente, incansablemente
These avertisements relentlessly condition us
Etcétera, por mencionar alguno
You name it
We are bombarded by TV, radio, newspapers, you name it
Dado que
Given that
You don’t understand, given that you weren’t listening
Cuestión de minutos
A matter of minutes
The storm broke out in a matter of minutes
Exagerar, irse de las manos
To go overboard
The fitness center has gone overboard with the air-conditioning
Ser consciente de algo, tener presente algo
To be mindful of ST
She was mindful of her need to study quite a bit before going to bed
Tomar partido, ponerse del lado de
To take sides (in)
He tried not to take sides in the quarrel between them
Todavía no…
To have yet to…
I’ve yet to meet a more generous person than him
Poner fuera de juego, rechazar
To kick SO into touch
He has failed to deliver on time, we ought to kick him into touch
En estado natural
In a natural state, in its natural state
The possession of coca leaf in its natural state is not illegal
Todo para ti, te lo puedes quedar
You can keep ST
I hate sand. No, you can keep it, as far as I’m concerned
No ser capaz de entender, no descrifrar, no tener ni idea
Can’t make head nor tail
We couldn’t make head nor tail of the film
En la práctica
In practice
That never worked for me in practice
Sin expresión, con cara de póker, sin entender
I used to stare blankly at the pictures, as I didn’t understand them
De todo esto se desprende que
Following on from this
Following on from this, it’s better to stay at home
A veces
At times, sometimes
Llegar a término, llegar a conclusión
To draw to a close
The last mission to the moon drew to a close in 1973
Poner en órbita
To send into orbit
It’s really expensive to send water into orbit
Invadir el silencio
To fall silence (over, upon)
Silence fell over the teachers
Poner la vista en, tomar como objetivo
To set SO’s sights on ST
He set his sights on making pure films
En su totalidad, en su conjunto
In its entirely
We aim to span the history of western music in its entirely
Environmental problems have unquestionably put science at the centre of public debate
Sentir el peligro
To sense danger
Cats get nervous when sensing danger
Por todas partes, por todos los alrededores
Far and wide
Concern for damage to the environment extends far and wide
Al tocar un botón
At the touch of a button
Sujeto a, siempre que
As long as
Subject to
The new cinema will be built subject to the council’s agreeing to it
Evaluar algo
To take stock of ST
I took stock of the situation
En lo principal, en la práctica, en lo más importante
To all intents and purposes
They created something which was to al intents and purposes a brand new car
Mucho más
Much more
A great deal more
A punto de, al borde de
On the verge of + ING
He was on the verge of making a comment
La ausencia alimenta al corazón
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Perder repentinamente las ganas de hacer algo planeado
To get cold feet about doing ST
No tener buen aspecto
To look a bit off-colour
Aguantar la cara seria sin reirse
To keep a straight face
Revelar un secreto o decir algo que no debes
To let the cat out of the bag
Engañar a alguien (COL)
To pull the wool over SO’s eyes
Abundantemente, a montones, en cantidad
There are ferries galore and water-taxis
A tu aire, por tu cuenta
Under your own steam
If you prefer to go under your own steam, you can do it
Huelga decir…
It goes without saying…
It goes without saying that I have listened very carefully
No tener consecuencias para
To be of no consequence to
It is of no consecuence to me which car you choose
Coger a alguien con las manos en la masa
To catch SO red-handed
They’ve just caught Jones red-handed, trying to get into the Principal’s drawers
Ser un estorbo que estropea la diversión
To be a wet blanket
I don’t want to be a wet blanket, I’ll be fine here at home
Cabrearse mucho y perder el control
To hit the roof
He nearly hit the roof when she said she had damaged the car
No tener nada que hacer, estar ocioso
To be at a loose end
Asking me out for a drink? You really must be at a loose end
Manejar la contabilidad falsamente, especialmente para robar
To cook the books
The firm’s accountant was cooking the books and now has disappeared
Hacer una montaña de un grano de arena
To make a mountain out of a mole-hill
You’re making a mountain out of a mole-hill, don’t exaggerate
Oler a chamusquina, olerse algo
To smell a rat
I don’t think this was an accident. I smell a rat
Tomarse algo con dudas, escuchar algo sin acabar de creérselo
To take ST with a pinch/grain of salt
Apuntarse al carro
To jump on the bandwagon
Engañar a alguien con mala intención
To lead SO up/down the garden path
Obtener información directamente de la mejor fuente
To get ST straight from the horse’s mouth
Ser muy torpe con las manos y cometer muchos fallos
To be all fingers and thumbs
Tener éxito en algo fácilmente, pasar con facilidad
To pass with flying colors
Don’t worry about the exam. You’ll pass with flying colours
Ser demasiado ATR
Be too much of an + NOUN
She is too much of an introvert to ever voice her opinions
Siendo este el caso, …
This being the case, …
Visitar o llamar a gente, organizaciones, sitios
To do the rounds
There are many email scams currently doing the rounds on the Internet
¿Dónde está el truco, dónde está el engaño?
Where/what’s the catch?
Hacerte acreedor de
To make yourself eligible to do ST
Pasar a codazos, entrar a codazos
To elbow your way through/into
Estar a la par de algo
To be on a par with ST
Acabarse la batería
Fail the battery
All batteries fail sooner or later
Desde el inicio
From the outset
From the outset of this debate, …
Sacar algo de tu cabeza
To get ST out of your mind
Tener algo delante
To have ST before you
What he had before him was the work of a matematical genius
En un futuro no muy lejano, en poco tiempo
Before very long
These technical matters are bound to disappear before very long
Hasta la fecha, hasta nuestros días
To this day
There are areas of research still being worked on to this day
Tener el hábito de hacer algo
To be in the habit of doing ST
Armar tanto revuelo
To make such a fuss
The manager made such a fuss that he only made the office stressed
Uno de cada cinco
One in every five
Con toda honestidad
In all honesty
Tiene poco que ver con
It’s a far cry from
A fuerza de, mediante
By dint of
He pretends to cover up this inefficiency by dint of controls, laws and decrees
No tener suficiente conocimiento o experiencia, estar sobrepasado
To be out of your depth
Dejar algo a la fortuna
To leave something to chance
Ha habido muchas veces que …
Many is the time that …
Tener una oportunidad de oro de
To have a golden opportunity of doing ST
Escapársete algo
To let ST slip
I didn’t know it was a secret and I let it slip that Sue was getting married
Encontrar placer haciendo algo
To take pleasure in doing ST
No hacerse ilusiones sobre
To be under no illusion about ST
Servir como ejemplo para alguien
To set an example to SO
Estar (no) en buena posición para conseguir algo
To be in (out of) the running for ST
Fuera de lugar, fuera de contexto
Out of place
As the only Europeans present, we felt a little out of place
Acabarse, agotarse, perderse
To run thin
My patience was running thin
Dar una ventaja competitiva sobre
To give a competitive edge over
We provide training to give you that competitive edge over your peers
Ser solamente trabajo y no diversión
To be all work and no play
A gap year needn’t be all work and no play
Cosechar beneficios para
To reap rewards for
It will reap rewards for your careerReap the benefit of
No tener fundamento para creer algo
Not to have a leg to stand on
This argument is illogical. You haven’t got a leg to stand on
Estar más allá de tu capacidad de comprensión
To go over your head
The new financial norms went completely over my head. I was lost
Ser incapaz de pensar en nada más
To have ST on the brain
All he thinks about is motorbikes, he’s got them on the brain
No poder aguantar el ver a alguien
Not to be able to stand the sight of SO
Jill can’t stand the sight of Jack
No gustarte alguien desde el primer momento por su apariencia
Not to like the look of SO
I don’t like the look of that suspicious-looking man
Querer obtener algo y poseerlo
To have your eye on ST
I’ve got my eye on something in this shop
Estar pensando en algo mucho tiempo
To have ST on your mind
She looks a bit worried, she’s got something on her mind