English C1+ vocabulary 1T - verbs Flashcards
Hacer explotar, hinchar, ampliar fotos
Blow up
I watched the Hindenburg blow up
I blew up the balloon
I would like to have this photo blown up
Presumir, alardear
Boast (about/of), show off
He was always boasting of his skill in the kitchen
Toparse con, chocar
Two cars ran into this morning
Come across
Run into
Bump into
Disimular, tapar
Cover up
He covered up his grief
Encogerse, atemorizarse
To cringe with fear
To cringe with embarrassment
It makes me cringe
Poner a alguien al corriente de
Fill SO in on
Bring SO up to date on
Dejar de gustar, alejarse de
Go off
I’ve gone off the idea
Hacerse demasiado mayor para
Grow out of
You’ve grown out of your shoes again
The album showcases her strong voice
Emprender, empezar
Take up, undertake
He took up woodworking after inheriting his grandfather’s tools
Volunteers are needed to undertake a biodiversity survey
Rastrear hasta
Trace to
Trace something to someone
Identify someone as the origin or owner of something
Chirriar, cantar los pájaros
Chirrup, chirp
Surgir, aparecer por casualidad, aparecer pronto
Come up
It came up in the conversation
Turn up
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
Daresay, dare say
I dare say that you’re tired
Rogar, suplicar
Entreat Beg Plead To entreat someone to do something You've got me begging you for mercy We plead for ourselves and the gathered community
Sentirse capaz de, tener ganas de
Feel up to doing ST
Elogiar, halagar
You flatter me!
I was very flattered to be asked
Fruncir el ceño
Wear a frown
To frown at
Go over
Linger, delay
They lingered over their coffee
His memory lingers onI don’t want to delay you
Deber, adeudar
To owe something to someone
How much do I owe you for the tickets
You owe it to yourself
Entornar los ojos
Verter, escanciar
Callarse, aprisionarse
Shut up
I could have sworn it was blueI swear it!
Venerar, adorar, rendir culto a
He worships her
The church where we worship
Aclarar, recoger
Clear up
The police managed to clear up the case
We clear up after dinner
Tocar el claxon, pitar
Hoot, beep
Consistir en
Consist of
Our spectacle consists of music and dancing
Retroceder, recular
She recoiled in fear
Saltarse, evitar
I think I’ll skip dinner today
The company overstated its profits
Hurgar, escarbar
She rummaged around in the drawer
Perseguir, luchar por
Strive for ST, strive to do ST
Work hard to achieve
The animal strove to free itself
Calmarse, pasar los efectos
Wear off
After three hours, the effect of the injection wears off
Despreciar, menospreciar
Fastidiar, jorobar
What a hassle!
Run over
He ran over her bicycle with the car
Deshacerse de, eliminar
To get rid of
To dispose of
Waste disposal
Disposable nappies
Producir, dar paso, ceder
The yield this year was outstanding for corn farmers
You must yield at this intersection to let other traffic pass
Try (out), bid, attempt
Everest bid ends in failure
Apelar, llamar
Appeal (to)
Many brands appeal to what we would like to be
Distinguir, diferenciar
Tell apart (trans)
The twins are so alike that it’s not easy to tell them apart
Aprovecharse, sacar provecho
Play on (trans)
Profit by, benefit from
They play on our need to feel safe
Ponerse al día con
Catch up on
I phoned my brother to catch up on the latest news
Salir bien, resultar
Hacer ejercicio
Work out (intrans)
Things all worked out fine
He works out every day
Rebotar, ser incobrable (un cheque)
The buyer really let me down, because his cheque bounced
Compadecer, entender
She’s willing to listen to people’s problems and to sympathise with them when they are upset
Identificarse con alguien, sentir empatía
It’s easy to empathise with someone who has been trough the same experience as you
Resolver, arreglar, poner en orden, preparar
Sort out
We feel we ought to sort out our own problems
Julia went home early in order to sort out the dinner arrangements
Retirarse, retraerse en sí mismo
The troops had to withdraw from their position
I’d like to withdraw a hundred pounds from my account
They had to withdraw the product from the market
Tomarle el pelo a, burlarse de
I got teased at school because my hair looked funny
Echarse atrás
Back down (intrans) Give in, yield She has no intention of backing down
To diminish in value
Merecer, ser digno de
I am angry over something which doesn’t merit such an outburst
She’s sulking
She’s in a sulk
She’s got the sulk
Ponerse en camino, proponerse algo, disponer
Set out
A French anatomist set out to prove this
A glass tube wrapped in paper
Ser injusto con
Wrong somebody
To feel that one has been wrong
You wrong me
Hipar, tener hipo
Tener paciencia con
Bear with
Bear with me
Pelear, reñir (usado mucho entre hermanos)
Bicker, squabble
Comunicar una idea
Get across
The teacher failed to get the idea across to them
Estimar, considerar
He deemed the concept vital to the success of the project
Llevar a cabo, realizar
Carry out
Attacks were carried out against the immigrants
Quedarse con poco suministro de algo
Run short of ST
I’ve run short of cigarettes
Scan, scour
Computers scour radio data for signs of life on other planets
Sign up
Millions of PC owners have signed up worldwide
Pujar, montar una tienda, modular (ajustar), lanzar
The agency pitched for the client’s business
The camperers decided to pitch their tent
Pitch your voice lower and you’ll sound more serious
To pitch a ball in baseball
To pitch a product at a specific market
Quejarse de algo, quejarse por algo
Complain about/of ST
I am writing to complain about the late arrival, of the tickets
Concentrarse en
Concentrate on
He decided to concentrate on a career in music
Marcar, parar con una seña, flaquear, comunicarse
Flag files for later, flag down the car, the runner began to flag, flag messages
Sellar (cerrar), acordonar, impermeabilizar
Seal an agreement, seal an envelope, seal off the area, the layer of concrete will seal the leaks
Prestar, evitar (ahorrar), reservar, administrar bien
Spare a couple of minutes, spare the gore details, spare a thought for poor people, spare your money
Apañárselas, arreglárselas
Make do, get by
We don’t have much, but we’ll make do
She had learned to get by with her small income
Tener éxito, hacer bien
Do well
As director he’s done well
Bajar el nivel de lenguaje, hablar en cristiano, explicarse con sencillez
Dumb down
Attempts to dumb down news coverage
Traer consigo, llevar aparejado
Bring about
This brings about a change in the law
Recibir noticias de alguien
Hear from SO (trans)
To get news from SO
I look forward to hearing from you
Make up SO’s mind, make SO’s mind up, make it up (trans)
Make a decision, decide, make SO’s choice
I’ve made up my mind, I’m keeping my baby
Reducir el consumo de algo, cortar con algo
Cut down on ST (trans)
Cut back on ST (trans)
Lower, cut off
You’re drinking too much, you really should cut down
Sugerir o proponer una nueva idea
Come up with ST (trans)
Suggest, propose
He came up with the idea of selling badges
Contar con algo
Count on (trans) Be sure ST will happen, budget for, depend on Count on ST happening Count on SO to do ST Count on SO doing ST He's counting on winning You can depend on me
Romper una relación, cortar con alguien
Split up (with SO) My parents split up when I was a child
Romper o desarmar algo en sus componentes
Break down ST in/into
Esperar a algo mejor, reservarse
Hold out for
I’m holding out for a better job
Continuar hablando de algo sin parar
Hold forth on
Map out
Everything for our trip has to be mapped out in advance
Librarse, salir impune, salirse con la suya
To get away with
The murderer got away with his crime
Cumplir con (una promesa, una esperanza, una expectativa)
To live up to
To come up toIt didn’t live up to our expectations
The film didn’t come up to expectations
Decepcionar(se), desilusionar(se)
Let someone down (trans)
She let her family down
Be let down (interns)
I was really let down when my friend didn’t even call on my birthday