English C1+ vocabulary 2T - verbs Flashcards
Seleccionar, recoger, escoger, adquirir, tomar
Pick and choose, pick grapes, pick a card, pick up speed, pick up accent
Aliñar, vendar, vestir, decorar
Dress the salad, clean and dress the wound, dressed for success, dress a room
Apartarse, arrancar, rasgar, desgarrar
Tear away from soap operas, tear your hear out, tear a paper, tear a ligament
Dibujar, correr (cortinas), empatar, desenvainar, inhalar, atraer, extraer
Draw a picture, draw the curtains, draw level with, draw a weapon, draw in a breath of smoke, draw SO with poetry, draw inspiration
Dirigir (guiar), dirigirse, liderar (encabezar)
Head the ball into the net, head to the door, he heads the list of candidates
Probar (poner a prueba), procesar (ley), hacer un esfuerzo
Try the patience of a saint, try for fraud and evasion, try hard to achieve ST
Situar, postularse, tener (oportunidad), estar de pie, ponerse de pie, reconocer, ser procesado
Stand in good stead, stand for election, stand a chance, I stand corrected, stand trial for murder
Largarse, aclarar, despejar, abonarse en cuenta, cancelar, absolver
Clear off, clear up, clear the table, the check will clear, clear a debt, clear the suspect
Caerse el alma a los pies, ponerse el sol, hincar, apagarse, ocultar, grabar
His heart sank, as the sun sunks, sink teeth into a sandwich, he sank and finally died, sink the story, sink the initials into the cup
Afectar (hacerse notar), distinguir, regañar, decir (revelar, contar)
The strain is beginning to tell, tell the difference, tell apart, tell off, tell the truth
Derramar, llorar, perder las hojas, mudar, repeler, quitarse, perder, arrojar luz
Shed blood, shed tears, the trees shed in autumn, snake sheds its skin, the fabric sheds water easily, shed your clothes, shed several kilograms, shed light on
Pegarse, quedarse atascado, mantenerse fiel, introducir, perforar
Stick to the pan, get stuck behind a lorry, stick to salads and fruit, the dog stuck his head out the window, stick a hole in the plastic
Desvariar, no parar de hablar
Go on about
What are you going on about? I can’t understand anything
Agrupar, juntar, apiñar
Bunch together
It can only be misleading to bunch them together
Mostrar, señalar, puntualizar, remarcar
Point out
As pointed out by writers…
Dispersar, desvanecer
It was the first step to dispelling my nerves
Parlotear, cotorrear
I was gabbling my sentences
Plantear, proponer, hacerse pasar por
Pose a question
Pose as
Poner el nombre de alguien a algo o alguien
Name SO/ST after SO
John was named after his grandfather
Encargar, encomendar
Every work is individually commissioned
Reservar para cierto uso, apartar, destinar, señalar
He earmarked a random selection of works
Conducir a
Lead to
An overload of stress at work can lead to serious problems with your health
Resultar en/de
Result in/from
Sleepless nights can result in stress
Health problems may result from overloads in the office
Desatar, encender (causar)
Spark off
Trigger off
This can spark off sudden outbursts of temper
It could even cause the breakdown of a relationship
Originarse de, venir de, surgir de
Stem from
Spring from
Stress could even stem from overloads in the office
Diferir, diferenciarse, distinguirse, discrepar, disentir
The technique involved differs between the two mediaI beg to differ
Disimular y no admitir que un problema existe
Brazen ST out
I decided to brazen it out and hoped they wouldn’t notice the scratch on the car
Notarse, empezar a tener efecto
Kick in
The effects of the tranquilizer should begin to kick in within a few minutes
Estar enganchado a
To be into
I’m really into classical music
To be hooked onJenny is hooked in cocaine
Encargarse de
My friends and I manned the booth at the fair
Man the pumps!
Derrumbarse, caerse, venirse abajo
Topple out
The parakiter topples out sometimes
Moverse rápidamente, ir zumbando
Whizz about
Kitesurfers whizz about on surfboards on the waves
Modificar, ajustar, afinar, tunear
He tweaks his bikes several nights a week
Superar, vencer
They were completely outplayed by the Australians
Insultar a
Swear at
Children should not swear at their parents
Take after
Sandra takes after her mother
Rezagarse, quedarse atrás
Lag behind That white dog always lags behind the rest of the pack Fall behindIf I don't study I'll fall behind with my class work
Hacerse con, pillar, atrapar
Get hold of
Where can I get hold of a watch like yours?
Apuntar, anotar
Take down, write down, note down, jot down
The policeman took down his name and address
Aparecer, mostrarse
Show up
Any imperfections in the material will show up under a microscope
Solicitar algo formalmente
Put in for ST
With a lot of extra responsibility at work, she felt justified in putting in for a rise
Salpicar con, sazonar, ametrallar
Pepper (with)He was peppering the conversation with jokes
Calarse hasta los huesos
Soak wet
The rain was falling and I was soaking wet
Pronunciar, decir
He didn’t utter a word
Unirse, formar equipo
Team up (with) He teamed up with the company to produce a computer bag
Proveer a
Cater for
My mother used to cater for weddings
Cazar furtivamente
The availability of ivory creates an incentive to poachPoaching
Invadir algo
Encroach on
Impinge on/upon
The resolution would encroach on the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
The spy impinged on our privacy
Operar, manejar, funcionar, dirigir
Operate a machine, operate your business, the surgeon will operate, this system operates
Liberar, soltar, lanzar, publicar, emitir
Release a prisoner, release a person, release a movie, release a book, release fumes, release a statement
Pedir, requerir, exigir
Call for
Being a teacher calls for a great deal of patience
Pelear, reñir
Scrap (with)
Get into a scrap
Percatarse, enterarse, darse cuenta
Pick up on ST
I made an error, but nobody picked up on it
Humillar, tratar sin respeto (coloquial)
You’re dising me!
Mantenerse alejado, evitar (coloquial)
Steer clear of ST
Avoid, keep awaySteer clear of that guy, he’s in trouble
Apuntalar, apoyar
Prop up
The Government will prop up his rule with subsidies
Inclinar, ladear, amartillar un arma
He cocked his head to the side
The dog cocked a legHe cocked his pistol
Referirse a
Refer to
Twain was referring to Shakespeare
Beneficiarse de
Benefit from
The company will benefit from the growth in sales
Abstenerse de
Refrain from
Refrain from talking in the library
Padecer de, sufrir de
Suffer from
He suffers from asthma
Especializarse en
Specialise in
Pediathrics are doctors who specialise in treating children
Informarse sobre
Learn about
How did you learnt about our company?
Reaccionar ante
React to
The Spanish Government didn’t react to the Prestige disaster
Decidirse por, decidirse a
Decide on
He decided on a career in fashion design
Afectar, tener impacto en
Impact on
Our family life can impact on later relationships
Buscar algo, echar un vistazo para encontrar algo
Browse for
I was browsing for shells on the beach
Explicar, justificar
Account for
You will have to account for your actions
Sobreproteger, consentir, malcriar
Overprotective parents mollycoddle their children
Abandonar, renunciar
She won’t forsake me
Desarrollar lazos, pegarse, amarrar
Children can bond with their grandparents
Fallecer, dejar este mundo
Pass away
My cat passed away two years ago
Apuntar a
Train on
The guns were all trained on the enemy soldiers
The cameras trained on him
Dejar atrás
Leave behind
Usain Bolt left them all behind
Ser aclamado por
Be cheered by
Authors are cheered by the fans
Caer, deslizarse, desprenderse
Fall off
Demand has fallen off in the winter months
A button fell off my coat
Acercarse todos
Gather round
The teacher asked the children to gather round her
Reunir, recolectar, abrazar, deducir
Gather the people together, gather a few strawberries, gather your children close, I gather that you are not interested in going out tonight
Cumplir con, acatar
Comply with
You have to comply with the dress regulations
Construir, crear
Put together
He put together a nonsense poem to the rhythm, of the ship’s engine
Considerar, contemplar
Look upon
Many critics look upon it as Wagner’s best work
Consagrar, dedicar
He devoted his talents to making documentary filmsDevote one’s life
Formar, armar, preparar
Make up
Professor Antle is studying the cells that make up the circadian clock
Estar en el buen camino, estar sobre la pista de algo
Be on to ST
The detective was on to something when he realized that the killer had left his finger prints
Informar, reportar, ampliar la información, denunciar
The journalist reports, report back to SO, report on this in more detail, report a crime to the police
Ir a la deriva, distanciarse, alejarse
Drift away
He fell asleep on the lillo and slowly drifted away from the beach
Extenderse, propagarse
Spread out
Look down at the mountains spreading out below
Agotar, fatigar
Wear out
My job sometimes wears me out
Poner de tu parte
Put in
I have to put in long hours so that everything can go smoothly
Palpar algo
Feel in ST
She felt in her bag hoping her wallet was there
Notificar algo a alguien
Notify SO of ST
Ensure that you notify us of any change
Atender a
Attend to
The staff will attend to you or to problems you may have
Presentarse algo a alguien
Be presented with
When they are presented with a situation, the feel they can handle it
Resbalar, deslizar, mencionar, escaparse hablando
They almost slipped on the newly polished floor, slip ST into the pocket, slip ST into a speech, slip by telling ST
Disuadir a alguien de hacer algo
Talk SO out of doing ST
Put SO off doing ST
Discourage SO from doing ST
Levantar, criar, recaudar
Raise your hands, raise the children, raise money for the charity
Subir, crecer, ponerse de pie
Heat rises, the stock market will rise, rise for the next prayer
Ocurrise algo, pasar por la cabeza
Hit SO, occur to SO, dawn on SO
It suddenly hit him that…
Then he hit on the idea of using the railways
It never occured to us that he might be planning to resign from his job
Later it began to dawn on Alan just how lucky he was
Hacer autostop
Hitchhike, thumb a lift
Abotonar, abrochar, correr la cremallera
Do up
Undo up
Tis bag does up with…
Let grandma do up your coat
Distinguirse, presentarse
His pictures of a runner feature in every history of photography
Reivindicar, pretender, asegurar, reclamar, cobrarse vidas
Claim a right, claim to be admitted without a ticket, claim that you have seen aliens, claim your expenses, claim the lives
Obtener, ganar, aumentar, alcanzar, adelantarse, llegar, convencer
Gain access, gain weight, gain a right, gain new customers, gain on an opponent, a watch gains, gain in popularity, gain SO over by talking, gain in popularity
Gustar a, llamar a, resultar atractivo a
Appeal to
Diving appeals to a wide range of people
The idea of a dull job doesn’t appeal to me
Aventurarse, atreverse, arriesgarse
I ventured inside the wreck
Extinguirse, desaparecer
Die out
Become extinct
Most of the polar bears will die out by 2050 as a result of global warming
Deducir, recoger, cosechar, averiguar
That includes information gleaned from fossil bones
Cancelar, suspender
Call off
Much to our disappointment the match was called off
Superar el pasado, resarcirse, superar la vergüenza
Live ST down
He was never able to live down the time when his trousers ripped open
Robar en coloquial
Esperarle algo a alguien
To be in for ST
He’s in for a surprise
We’re in for a hard timeTrouble, rain
Remontarse a, datar de
To date back to
This law dates back to 1606
Sobrellevar, superar, hacer frente
Cope (intrans)
Renoir coped with arthritis, the death was devastating but they learned to cope, you are in a diffcult moment but you’ll cope
Abatir, hacer caer, derribar
Bring down
Bring down power lines, bring down a government, bring down the prices
Ser arrastrado a la orilla por la marea
Be washed up
The driftwood was washed up on the beach
Separarse de, desprenderse de
Part with
I couldn’t part with my childhood teddy bear