English C2 vocabulary 2T - others 1 Flashcards
Se argumenta …
It is argued …
La muerte es un agujero en la realidad
Death is a hole in reality
Es una creencia común …
It is a common belief …
Nunca esto ha sido más obvio
Never has this been more obvious
Cambiando de tema
On another note
Hacerte un lío
To get yourself into a mess
No quiero ponerme serio aquí
I don’t want to get heavy here
El jefe entre ellos
Chief among these
Presumiblemente es ya un cadáver
Presumably would now be better called Mr Bones
Subirse a la cabeza de alguien
To go to SO’s head
Winning the beauty contest has gone to Sheila’s head
Decir algo públicamente y que queda grabado
To go on record (as saying ST)
Are you prepared to go on record as supporting the council?
Ser desperdiciado o no usado
To go to waste
Eat your potatoes! Don’t let them go to waste!
Irse de repente por la tangente
To go off at a tangent
It’s hard to get a firm decision out of him - he’s always going off at a tangent
Intentar que algo tenga éxito trabajando mucho
To try to make a go of ST
She’s really making a go of her new antique shop
De manera muy clara
In no uncertain terms
She told him what she thought of his behaviour in no uncertain terms
No coneguir nada con lo que estás haciendo
To get nowhere (fast)
He was trying to persuade her to let him drive, but he was getting nowhere fast
Morir con las botas puestas
To go out in a blaze of glory
The Japanese decided to go out in a blaze of glory and fight to the very last man
Se revela en
It reveals itself in
Sentar las reglas
To lay down the rules
Tener a alguien en alta estima
To hold SO in high esteem
SO is helded in high esteem by SO
Estar completo y acabado
To be done and dusted
By now the deal is done and dusted
Dar algo a alguien en bandeja de plata
To give/hand ST to SO on a plate
The team did very little to impress, yet the game was handed to them on a plate by their opponents
Estar grabado a fuego
To be set/written in concrete/stone
The financial plan is set in stone
Dar luz verde a algo
To give the green light to ST
Dejar a alguien que haga lo que quiera
To leave SO to their own devices
In the afternoon students are left to their own devices
Proporcionar luz, clarificar
To shed light on ST
Can you shed any light on when it was built?
Rodar cabezas
To roll heads
The manager is furious and I think heads will roll
Mis labios están sellados
My lips are sealed
Caer en algo
The penny drops
I had been listening when finally the penny dropped and I realised it
Dar los últimos toques a algo
To put/make the finishing touches to ST
Presentar cargos
To press charges
Por la fuerza
The protestors were forcibly removed from the building
Por razones mejor conocidas por …
For reasons best known to …
Sustancialmente, considerablemente
Substantially, considerably
A un tiro de piedra de …
A stone’s throw (away) from
The cottage is just a stone’s throw from the sea
Hacer un esfuerzo para entender o gestionar una situación
To come/get to grips with
The government have failed to come to grips with the two most important social issues of our time
Con la esperanza de que …
In the hope that …
Arrojar luz sobre algo
To shine a light on ST
We shine a light on human rights business
Avergonzados por nuestra carencia de conocimiento sobre …
Ashamed of our lack of knowledge of …
Engañados por falsas promesas …
Tricked by false promises …
La esclavitud de hoy tiene que ver con el comercio
Today’s slavery is about commerce
Nos vemos unos a otros como hermanos seres humanos
We see one another as fellow human beings
Poner objeciones a algo
To raise objections to ST/SO’s doing ST
Hacer exactamente lo que se necesita para tener éxito
To oush the rights buttons
With its modern design and functionality, it pushes all the right buttons
Calentito de la prensa, …
Hot off the press, …
Estar a años luz de algo
To be light years away from ST/doing ST
Hacer algo que impide que un plan o actividad tenga éxito
To throw a spanner in the works
The funding for the project was withdrawn so that really threw a spanner in the works
Reinventar la rueda, perder el tiempo intentando crear algo que ya existe
To reinvent the wheel
Trying to do it all ourselves may mean we’re just reinventing the wheel
Si no está roto, no lo arregles
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it
Dejar de funcionar de repente
To go haywire
The television’s gone haywire
Poner en marcha la maquinaria
To set the wheels in motion
Engrasar las ruedas
To oil the wheels
Ver las cosas de color de rosa
To see ST through rose-tinted spectacles
Más allá de tus sueños
Beyond your wildest dreams
En mi opinión, en mi pueblo, …
In my book, …
Encontrarse enfermo
To feel under the weather
Desequilibrar la balanza
To tip the balance/scales
Two quick goals from Robson tipped the balances in favour of England
Her lack of computer skills tipped the scales against her
Hagamos sitio para las cosas buenas
Let’s make room for the good stuff
Por motivos morales o religiosos
On moral/religious grounds
Novedo ningún mal en …
I see no harm in …
Causar estrechez o dificultad en algo
To put a crimp in ST
Her mother might put a crimp in her social life
Echarle un tiento a algo, intentar algo por primera vez
To try your hand at ST/doing ST
I tried my hand at short stories, but poetry is my field
Tener un golpe de suerte
To strike it lucky
A few writers strike it lucky by creating a bestseller
Por miedo a
For fear that/of ST/of doing ST
They don’t let the cat outside for fear that it runs over
I didn’t want to move for fear of waking her up
En vez (de)
In lieu (of) His family requested donations to a charity in lieu of flowers
Es la norma
Is the norm
As for global warming, indifference is the norm
La cubierta de un libro es un haiku de la historia
A book cover is a haiku of the story
Mostrar el poder económico
To display one’s wealth
Broma hombre equivocado y mujer
If a man speaks his mind in the forest and no woman hears him, is he still wrong?
Lleva un estigma grabado
It has a stigma attached to it
Ojo por ojo y diente por diente
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
La verdad es que …
The fact of the matter is that …
Pocos discutirían el hecho de que …
Few would dispute the fact that …
Tener ojo para
To have an eye for
You definitely have an eye for good restaurants
Volver a las andadas
To return to the old habits
My printer returned to the old habits and didn’t print anything
Mens sana in corpore sano
A healthy mind in a healthy body
Mantener las tradiciones vivas
To keep traditions alive
Pasar de generación en generación
To hand down from generation to generation
Ser vendido en una subasta
To go under the hammer
A private collection of early paintings is expected to go under the hammer next week
Qué se puede hacer con este escenario desolador?
What can be done about this gloomy scenario?
Sin gastarse mucho dinero
Without breaking the bank
Ejercitar tus derechos legales
To exercise your legal rights
El triunfo de la mente sobre los problemas
The triumph of mind over matter
Ponerte al límite
To push yourself to the limit
Rechazar la aceptación de la derrota
To refuse to accept defeat
Superar tus limitaciones
To overcome your limitations
Por lo que sabemos, …
For all we know, …
Por lo común, la mayoría de las veces
More often than not
When you read their books, more often than not they will come across as people…
No hay nada que me gustaría más que …
There’s nothing I’d like more than to do ST
There’s nothing I’d like more than to visit the art gallery again
Como último recurso
In the last resort/as a last resort
British police are supposed to use guns only as a last resort
Quieres poner las cosas en marcha?
Do you want to get things going?
Valorar algo (abstracto)
To place value on ST
That’s why I place value on everything that happens to me
Buscar algo más
To look for something more
Por lo que, consecuentemente, esa es la razón por la que
His mother was Italian, hence his name - Luca
Students need a certificate for foreign study, hence the huge demand for courses
Causar sorpresa o shock, hacer levantar la ceja
To raise some/a few eyebrows
Jemma’s miniskirt raised a few eyebrows at the board meeting
Tocarle las narices a alguien
To get up SO’s nose
People who drive like that really get up my nose
Cumplir con lo prometido
To come up with the goods
This chairman is good at making promises but he hardly ever comes up with the goods
Solidarizarse con alguien en un huelga y no trabajar
To come out in sympathy with
The pilots came out in sympathy with the cabin crew during the one-day strike las week
Uno puede verse fácilment influido hacia …
One can easily be swayed to …
Esto puede verse en …
This can be seen in …
Aunque pueda ser solamente una cuestión de …
Yet it might only be a question of …
Tener las primeras experiencias en algo
To cut your teeth
The minister cut her political teeth on student debates
Similarly, equally, additionally
Subir peldaños
To progress up the rungs
Todavía no se sabe, no se ha decidido
The jury’s still out (on, as to)
The jury’s still out on what implications this has for humans
Agachar la cabeza y evitar problemas
To keep your head down
He’s in a bad mood today - I’m just keeping my head down
La gente joven está más que dispuesta a trabajar sin cobrar o cobrando muy poco
Young people are usually more than willing to work unpaid or for minimal wages
All but
Nigh on
Well nigh
I have all but finished; just give me a few minutes
Our family has lived there well nigh/nigh on two hundred years
Relaciones personales a lo largo de los años
The infant seeks nurture-the child, responsiveness-the preadolescent, a close friend-the teenager, friendship with the other sex-and the adult, a spouse
En una realidad alternativa
In an alternative lifetime
In an alternative reality
Desde el principio
From the beginning
All along
They have known about it all along
Precisamente tú
You of all people
I never expected you of all people to say such a thing!
Abrirte el apetito por
To whet you appetite for
What she told me whetted my appetite for the rest of the story
Ser la niña bonita de
To be the apple of
Nada más que
Nothing other than
Nothing other than a full refund will satisfy her
Esperar tu oportunidad
To bide your time
Estar hecho para
To be cut out to
James realized that he wasn’t cut out to be an architect
Pensar por ti mismo
To think for yourself
Dare to think for yourself
Algo te hace hervir la sangre
ST makes your blood boil
His attitude really makes my blood boil
Contar la verdad sobre algo y desahogarte
To make a clean breast of it
Coger el toro por los cuernos
To take the bull by the horns
Revelar algo
To lay bare
It’s been promoted as the biography that lays bare the truth behind the legend
Estar equivocado con la manera de hacer algo
To be barking up the wrong tree
She thinks it’ll solve the problem, but I reckon she’s barking up the wrong tree
Estar obsesionado con algo y hablar de ello
To have a bee in your bonnet (about)
He has a bee in his bonnet about the dishonesty of lawyers
Las acciones hablan más que las palabras
Actions speak louder than words
Es mejor actuar de inmediato que dejar pudrir el problema
A stitch in time saves nine
Muchos patrones y pocos marineros
To many chiefs and not enough Indians
A quien madruga Dios le ayuda
The early bird catches the worm
Siempre hay algo positivo en lo malo
Every cloud has a silver lining
Las desgracias nunca vienen solas
It never rains but it pours
No vale la pena lamentarse por algo ya que ya no tiene remedio
There’s no use crying over spilt milk
Más vale tarde que nunca
Better late than never
El tiempo no espera
Time and tide wait for no man
Carpe Diem
Bien está lo que bien acaba
All’s well that ends well
No vendas la piel del oso antes de cazarlo
Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched
Nunca nos conformamos con lo que tenemos
The grass is always greener on the other side
La curiosidad mató al gato
Curiosity killed the cat
Mi única razón para hacer algo es …
My sole reason for doing ST is to do ST
My sole reason for coming was to see you
Esta afirmación es demasiado extrema
This statement is too extreme
Hacer trabajo en equipo
To do group work
Una generación criada con una dieta de pop
A generation reared on a diet of pop
Aprender practicando
Learning by doing
The most appreciated way of learning is learning by doing
Presidir una reunión
To chair a meeting
Jugar bien tus cartas
To play your cards right
Dejar las cosas estar para no causar problemas
To let sleeping dogs lie
Encontrar fallos, criticar
To find fault with SO
Our boss constantly finds fault with our work