English C1+ vocabulary 4T - others 2 Flashcards
Levantar falso testimonio
To bear false witness
Bear witness, witness stand, witness statement
Tener a tu disposición
To have at your disposal
Tomarse molestias para hacer algo
To go to trouble
I don’t want anything to eat, so don’t go to any trouble
En virtud de
By virtue of
They stimulate the imagination by virtue of their appeal to memory
Haciendo eso, …
By so doing, by doing so …
Poner el énfasis, hacer hincapié
To place the emphasis
Eso sí, …
Mind you, …
He doesn’t really like new ideas. Mind you, he did get interested in those Tai Chi classes
Ser la viva imagen de
To be the spitting image of
Ana is the spitting image of her mother
Evocar algo
To be reminiscent of
The atmosphere in the novel is reminiscent of the way of life 50 years ago
Tener afinidad con
To have an affinity with
Llegar a un acuerdo tras una larga y dura negociación
To hammer out an agreement
No es de mi gusto
It isn’t to my taste
Quedarte tranquilo, tener por seguro, tener la tranquilidad
To rest assured
Rest assured that when I arrive I’ll call you
Estar de humor para hacer algo
To be in the mood for doing ST
He wasn’t in the mood for going out last night
Causar una impresión a alguien
To make an impression on SO
She made an immediate impression on me
En vista de que
In view of
In view of your actions, …
In view of the fact that it’s raining, …
Perder el hilo
To lose your train of thought
Ver pegas
To pick holes
My boss picks holes in virtually every suggestion I make
No hablarse
Not to be on speaking terms
They aren’t on speaking terms since their massive argument
Envolver algo en una atmósfera de secreto
To shroud ST in secrecy
Tener relevancia en/para algo
To have bearing on ST
The length of service will have no bearing on who will be fired
Jugar con la suerte
To push your luck
Tener el ojo en algo, vigilar algo
To keep an eye on ST
Inundar de cumplidos a alguien
To heap praise on SO
Estar enterrado de trabajo
To be snowed under
Dar permiso para hacer algo
To grant SO permission to do ST
The guard granted us permission to go there
Obtener o sacar placer de algo
To derive pleasure
I’m sure the workers don’t derive any pleasure in resorting to strike action
Hacer muchas ventas de algo, hacer el agosto
To do a brisk trade in ST
The shops were doing a brisk trade in flags during the World Series
Ver el lado cómico de algo
To see the funny side of ST
Quedarse bloqueado, perder el control
To go/fall to pieces
After his nervous breakdown he went to pieces whenever he tried to go outside
No poder creer lo que estás viendo
Not to be able to believe your eyes
My father couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw it
Al romper el alba
At the crack of dawn
A su debido tiempo
In due course
You will be hearing from us in due course
En el transcurso de, a lo largo de
Over the course of
Over the course of the year, …
Imagina my sorpresa
Imagine my surprise, …
Llover sobre mojado, para ser todavía peor
To add insult to injury
Para resolver el problema, le solicito…
To resolve the problem I require you to…
Ser una autoridad en
To be an authority on ST
Drenar la energía, consumir la energía
To sap SO’s energy
To let off steam
Chimps let off steam by drumming and thrashing around
Acumular deudas
To run up debts
Igualmente, asimismo
Can you tidy your bedroom and likewise the living room?
Tal y como se ve, según se muestra en sí mismo
At face value
We accepted the photographs at face value
Ganar o perder, cara o cruz
Sink or swim
No one else is going to do it for you. It’s sink or swim
Abrir puertas
To open doors
It has opened doors for me
He sido apercibido de que …
It has been brought to my attention that …
Estar muy atareado y casi desbordado
To be rushed off your feet
Pillarte con el pie cambiado
To be caught on the wrong foot
Abrir el camino, ser pionero
To lead the way
Volver a tus cabales
To come to your senses
Comenzar una amistad, entablar
To strike up a friendship
Estar bien guardado, bien escondido
To be tucked away
We found a lovely restaurant tucked away in the old part of town
Estar en el aire, estar en la cuerda floja
To be on the line
His job is on the line
Es necesario un poco de diversión además de trabajo
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
En el peor de los escenarios…
The worst case scenario…
The worst case scenario is the shoulder might require an operation
Estar entre uno y otro, no saber qué elegir entre dos
To be torn between
I found myself torn between fish or meat
In one chamber alone he found two pieces of the sword
Parar a alguien con un dedo en el pecho
To give SO a dig in the ribs
He pushed in front of the woman so she gave him a dig in the ribs
Estar atento a, estar pendiente de
To be on the lookout for
Cortesía de la casa
On the house
An extra starter on the house
A través del cual, por medio del cual
It lies in that curious inversion of values whereby compassion is reversed on the field of play
Dentro de lo razonable
Within reason
Within reason the more you practise, the better your chances of winning
Captar el mensaje
To get the message
Eventually they might get the message
Ha recorrido un largo camino
Has come a long way
Dentistry has come a long way since the days of simple extractions
Ser galardonado como
To be hailed as
Julia Roberts has been hailed as the gold standard in smiles
Además de, en adición a
Over and above
Over and above the design, clever positioning ensures success
Completamente terminado
Well and truly over
Those days are well and truly
Estar alerta y dispuesto a actuar
To keep your wits about you
We have to keep our wits about us to resist the retailer’s ploys
Ser considerado como
To be reputed to be/do/have
Mantener a alguien desinformado
To keep SO in the dark
Cualquier cosa desde … hasta …
Anything from … to …
The decline has been blamed on anything from cats to garden pesticides
Otro aspecto refrescante …
Another refreshing aspect …
Si tuviera que poner un pero a …
If I had one complain about … It would be that …
If I had one complain about the presenter it would be that many of the examples he gave …
Hubiera preferido …
I would have preferred to …
I would have preferred to hear those that related more closely to my own profession
My sugerencia para mejorar … todavía más sería …
My suggestion to improve … further still would be …
Conseguir un ahorro importante
To make huge savings
We could make huge savings in terms of staff time
En contra de los puntos anteriores, debemos considerar lo siguiente
Against the above points we need to consider the following
Hacer una inversión considerable en
To make a considerable investment in
Estar situado entre los más …
To rank fairly high amongst …
Crimes still rank fairly high amongst the anxieties of young people
Se puede manifestar de diversas maneras
It can manifest itself in various ways
Mantener abiertas las líneas de comunicación
To keep lines of communication open
Dar la voz de alarma
To raise the alarm