English C1+ vocabulary - verb patterns Flashcards
Accuse SO of doing ST
Advise SO to do ST
I advise you to stay in your job
Advise doing ST
He advised starting at once
Estar de acuerdo
Agree to do ST
We agreed to split up
Agree to SO’s doing ST
We agree to your living abroad
Apologize (to SO) for doing ST
Conminar, pedir
Ask SO to do ST
Avoid doing ST
Blame SO for doing ST
Compliment SO on doing ST
Congratulate SO on doing ST
Criticise SO for doing ST
Negar, desmentir
Deny doing ST
Desalentar, desanimar
Discourage SO from doing ST
Permitir, (posibilitar)
Enable SO to do ST
I will enable you to take part in the race
Allow SO to do ST
They allowed me to get out once a week
Alentar, animar
Encourage SO to do ST
She encouraged me to carry on
Forbid SO to do ST
Force SO to do ST
Llegar a, ponerse a, empezar a
Get to do ST I never really got to know him Get doing ST Right, let's get moving! Get SO to do ST They got Saddam to withdraw from Kuwait
Insist on doing ST
The strikers insist on higher wages
Insist that…
I would insist that these multiple problems are difficult to solve
Tener la intención
Intend to do ST What do you intend to do? Intend SO to do ST I intended him to do my homework Intend doing ST (rare, very formal) I intend writing to the press
Invite SO to do ST
Dejar, hacer que, causar
Let SO do ST
Esperar con anhelo
Look forward to doing ST
Hacer que, obligar
Make SO do ST
Lograr, poder
Manage to do ST
Oponerse a, no estar de acuerdo con
Object to (SO’s) doing ST
Offer to do ST
Order SO to do ST
Permitir (dar permiso)
Permit SO to do ST
I will not permit you to insult my family
Impedir, (prevenir)
Prevent SO from doing ST
She was prevented from attending the conference
Prevent (SO’s) doing ST
I want to prevent your dying early
Promise to do ST
Rehusar, rechazar
Refuse to do ST
Remind SO to do ST
She reminded me to pay the rent
Save SO from doing ST
Stop SO from doing ST Can't you stop him from doing that? Stop to do ST I stopped to have a break Stop doing ST I stopped laughing when I saw her
Tener éxito, surtir efecto
Succeed in doing ST
Finally she succeeded in being a model
Tell SO to do ST
Dar las gracias
Thank SO for doing ST
Amenazar con
Threaten to do ST
Want to do ST
I want to break free
Want SO to do ST
I want you to stay
Warn SO to do ST
We had been warned not to go
Tener ganas
Fancy doing ST
Do you fancy going to see a movie?
Suggest doing ST
I suggest going somewhere for a drink
Suggest that…
All these signals suggest that we must go
No aguantar
Can’t stand doing ST
Appear to do ST
Exigir, demandar
Demand to do ST
We demanded to see the Principal
Disfrutar, gustar
Enjoy doing ST
I enjoy playing the piano
Enjoy (SO’s) doing ST
I enjoy your playing the piano
Esperar con esperanza
Hope to do ST
What do you hope to gain from that?
Hope SO do ST
I hope she comes soon
Importar, molestar
Mind doing ST
Do you mind waiting for me?
Feel like doing ST
I don’t feel like going out, I’m tired
Permitirse, tener dinero
Afford to do ST
I can’t afford to go to Japan
Implicar, suponer
Involve doing ST
My job involves travelling a lot
Atreverse a, retar a
Dare to do ST
I dare not to tell him
Dare SO to do ST
I dare you to run faster!
Solicitar, pedir, (requerir)
Request SO to do ST
Postpone doing ST
I always postpone calling to the doctor
No poder soportar
Can’t bear doing ST
The dog can’t bear being shut
Can’t bear to do ST
I can’t bear to look
Fallar en
Fail to do ST
I failed to pass my exam
No poder evitar
Can’t help doing ST
I can’t help eating chocolate
Mention doing ST
I mentioned having gone out with her
Mention (SO’s) doing ST
I can’t mention your giving up so early
Long to do ST
I long to be with you
Long for SO to do ST
I long you to come here
Lamentar, molestarse
Resent doing ST
He resents having lost his job
Valer la pena
Be worth doing ST
It’s not worth staying here
Proponerse, tomar como objetivo
Aim to do ST
I aim to drink five glasses of water a day
No poder afrontar
Can’t face doing ST
I can’t face making my exam
Consentir en hacer algo
Consent to do ST
No servir para nada hacer algo
Be no good doing ST It's no good staying here, the time is over There's no point (in) doing ST There's no point (in) being good It's no use doing ST It's no use waiting, she will not come
No ser bueno hacer algo
Be not good to do ST
It is not good to eat too much
Quedar en hacer algo
Arrange to do ST
I arranged to meet him at the cafe
Echar de menos
Miss doing ST
I miss having a garden
Hacer más fácil
Make it easier for SO to do ST
I’ll make it easier for you to leave home
Hacer más difícil
Make it more difficult for SO to do ST
She makes it more difficult for me to sleep
Persuade SO to do ST
I persuaded her to go out with me
Ser obligado a hacer algo
Be made to do ST
The prisoners are made to dick holes
Tender a
Tend to do ST
Ser ordenado (orden verbal) a hacer algo
Be told to do ST
Acostumbrarse a hacer algo
Get used to doing ST
Estar acostumbrado a hacer algo
Be used to doing ST
I’m not used to speaking English
Be accostumed to doing ST
I’m accostumed to running everyday
Ir a hacer algo en un momento cercano
Be about to do ST
Estar a punto de hacer algo
Be on the point of doing ST
Tener que hacer algo, alguien espera que hagamos algo
Be supposed to do ST
You were supposed to be in bed by ten
Suponerse que vas a hacer algo
Be meant to do ST
It’s meant to be a good car
Instar, animar, alentar, (urgir)
Urge SO to do ST
Esperar que alguien haga algo
Wait for SO to do ST
Tomarse la molestia de hacer algo
Bother to do ST
He didn’t even bother to write
Advertise for SO to do ST
I have to advertise for someone to share my flat with me
Apreciar, tener en cuenta
Appreciate SO('s) doing ST We really appreciate your helping us
Guarantee to do ST
I don’t guarantee to reply inmediately
Hear SO doing ST
We heard him talking about you
Hear SO do ST
I’ve never heard him shut at anyone
Pillar, atrapar
Cath SO doing ST
We catched him stealing some money
Estar preparado para
Be prepared to do ST
He wasn’t prepared to sack his own son!
Hate doing ST
I hate having my photo taken!
Hate to do STI hate to eat too much
No poder esperar
Can’t wait to do ST
I can’t wait to see your face again
Darse prisa
Hurry to do ST
I have to hurry to go to the airport
Prefer doing ST I prefer going to the cinema Prefer to do ST I prefer not to sleep with you Prefer SO to do ST I prefer your sister to be my friend
Pretend to do ST
I pretended to be talking on my mobile
Escoger, elegir
Choose to do ST
The council chose to narrow the streets
Renunciar a, dejar de
Give up doing ST
I gave up smoking
Tratar de, procurar hacer, buscar hacer
Seek to do ST
I seek to reeduce my impact on the planet
Proveer a alguien con algo
Provide SO with ST
We will provide the participants with a name badge
Remember to do ST (remember and then do ST)
Remember to turn off the lights when you leave
Remember doing ST (facts in the far past)
I rememeber going to school for the first time
Try to do ST (attempt an activity)
I tried to go to sleep
Try doing ST (attempt a method)
I tried counting sheep
Sentir o arrepentirse
Regret to do ST (saying)
We regret to inform that you have not been selected
Regret doing ST (in the past)
I regret not learning Spanish at school
Implicar o tener la intención
Mean to do ST (intention)
We mean to go to Canada this year
Mean doing ST (involve)
My new job means getting up at six o’clock
Go on to do ST (different activity)
After twlking about his health, he went on to talk about his family
Go on doing ST (same activity)
He went on talking about his health for hours
Forget to do ST (particular needed action)
She forgot to pay the rent this month
Forget doing ST (activity in the past)
She forgot reading the book when she was a kid
Admit to doing ST
He admitted to making a bad mistake
Adjust to doing ST
In hard times we must all adjust to having less money to spend
Adapt to doing ST
The cubs quickly adapted to being fed by their new mother
Aspire to doing ST
The British Empire aspired to making ever greater conquests in the first half of the 19th century
Confess to doing ST
Own up to doing ST
He eventually confessed to having killed the children
He owned up to putting salt in the sugar bowl
Confine to doing ST
The participants confined themselves to dealing with the most pressing issues
Consentir, aceptar
Consent to doing ST
The archbishop consented to having the new project brought to fruition
Contribute to doing ST
It is appropriate that we all contribute to making our organisation one of the most respected in the city
Dedicate to doing ST
He dedicated his life to opening up the dark heart of Africa
Devote to doing ST
I devote a large part of my free time to lying in bed thinking about the cosmos
Lead to doing ST
Lead to SO(‘s) doing ST
The new legislation led to fewer people being admitted to hospital
Resort to doing ST
When it is cold, I have to resort to peeing out of the window
Ser restringido, ser limitado
Be restricted to doing ST
We were restricted to raising our spending by a mere 2%
Risk doing ST
Imagine doing ST
I can’t imagine tou living there
Detest doing ST
I datest having to listen to old jokes
Merecer, tener merecido
Deserve to do ST
He deserves to be promoted
Esperar, anticipar
Expect to do ST
Employees are not expected to work every day
Desatender, descuidar
Neglect to do ST
Panear, planificar
Plan to do ST
Recommend SO do ST
We recommend you choose a six-figure combination
Consider doing ST
Consider creating an end to your relationship
Proponer algo
Propose to do ST
What do you propose to do?
Ordenar oficialmente
Command SO to do ST
The captain commanded us to leave
Conllevar, implicar
Entail doing ST
The job entails working hard