English C2 vocabulary 1T - nouns Flashcards
Un cambio de opinión
A change of heart
Domesticity seems to suit her, she’s really happy with her home life
Actividades extraescolares/extracurriculares
Extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities are now being offered at the school
Esbozo, borrador, armazón, infraestructura
They have the framework for the agreement in place
After completing the building, they remove the supporting framework
This framework is in place to ensure that customer complaints are responded to correctly
Mejora, incremento, repunte
There are now reasonable prospects for a significant upturn
A water treatment plant and a sea outfall
Dinero caído del cielo, fruta caída
The oil price windfall, a windfall profit
The local terrain acts as a windbreak
Perdición, ruina, caída
You can be your own downfall
Afinidad, parentesco
He is equivalent to the second degree of kinship
Golpe de suerte
Stroke of luck
By a stroke of luck, I found a parking space
Acento marcado
Pronounced accent
He spoke English with a pronounced French accent
Cambio de escenario, cambio de aires
Change of scene
She was bored and needed a change of scene
Cambio de ropa, muda
Change of clothes
She took a change of clothes in her suitcase
Inquina, resentimiento, mala sangre
Bad blood
There’s been bad blood between the two brothers ever since their father’s death
Un mal bicho
A bad lot
He had been in prison, he’s a bad lot
Mala época
Bad patch
Our marriage is going through a bad patch, but it isn’t the first time
Tablón, mesa de dibujo, en todas partes, a bordo
Notice board, back to the drawing board, across the board, on board
Validity date
Cabeza de ratón
A big fish in a little/small pond
Riña de tránsito, furia al volante
Road rage
I got road rage after the other driver took my parking place
Término abarcativo, término genérico
Umbrella term
Rheumatism is often an umbrella term for approximately 400 different illnesses
Strenghthening exercises for my self-steem
Un visto y no visto
A flash in the pan
His success was a flash in the pan
Mast in ship, main mast, radio mast
Sonrisa amplia
Broad grin, grin at
Dramaturgo, autor teatral
The acclaimed irish playwright John B Keane
Defraudador, estafador, timador
Titular de un cargo
The incumbent senator has chosen not to run for office again
Recuerdo, souvenir
I decided to keep some small mementoes of my limited success
Vida entera, vida útil
Once in a lifetime, the adventure of a lifetime
Desafío, actitud de resistencia
Defiance (of)
He left his post in defiance of his sergeant’s orders
Actitud mental hacia la vida
Outlook on life
An enhanced self-image leads to a more positive outlook on life
Dolencia, mal, enfermedad
Physical activity is good for common ailments
Hueco, brecha, diferencia
Bridge the gap, narrow the gap, a gap in the market, generation gap, gap year
Borrón y cuenta nueva, comienzo desde cero
Fresh start
We’ll make a fresh start in Germany
Contendiente, aspirante
The writer may be a contender for a Golden Award
Lo que alguien se merece
Someone’s due
The attention that should have been his due
At last she has the justice that is her due
Con sus propias condiciones
On his own terms
He has enjoyed fame very much on his own terms
Empate total
Dead heat
The race finished a dead heat with both athletes recording exactly the same times
Silencio total
Dead silence
There was a dead silence in the room as the solicitor opened the envelope
Peso muerto
Dead weight
I can’t possibly carry this suitcase. It’s a dead weight
Algo inútil o pasado de moda, obsoleto
Dead wood
It’s time we brought these files up to date. We’ll start by throwing out all the dead wood
Edición en tapa dura
Traveller with a backpack/rucksack
Fama y fortuna
Fame and fortune
He went to New York seeking fame and fortune
Sangre de tu sangre
(Own) flesh and blood
I love my parents because they are my own flesh and blood