English C1+ vocabulary 2T - nouns Flashcards
Intento, puja, OPA a una empresa
Bid to climb Everest fails, bid at an auction, a hostile overtake bid
Peaje, cuota, daño, pérdida
Toll of the motorway, death toll on the country’s roads, diseases exact a heavy toll in children
Campo de conocimiento, campo (parcela), campo de juego, manto (extensión), fondo
History is my field, he works in the field, field events like javelin, a field of snow, a field of blue in the picture
Planta (piso, nivel, tramo de escaleras), huida, vuelo
It’s up one flight of stairs, the army were put to flight, the fight was delayed
Piercing nariz, semental, broche de presión
A stud in her nose, the horse will be put to stud, a stud from the collar
Intento, turno, actividad, brío
I passed the test first go, it’s my go now, she is always on the go (moviéndose), she has a lot of go
Papel (rol), parte (trozo), cualidad
I want a part in your scheme, I played the part of Siegmund, part of the problem, for the most part, he is a man of many parts
Navío, artesanía, habilidad
A river full of crafts, jeweller’s craft, used all his crafts to escape
Alcance, gama, cordillera, pasto en prado, registro de voz, hábitat
Out of range, stock a full range of things, a range of mountains, cows prefer to eat the grass on the range, his voice has a range of three octaves, the range of the elephant is over Asia
Mano, aplauso, caligrafía, firma
Have a hand in doing ST, a big hand to the guest, help is at hand, a very elegant hand in writing, I set my hand in the paper
Fase, escenario, etapa, parada
The stage of the process, the stage of a theatre, the third stage of the race, stop at a stage near London
Jaleo, raqueta, fraude
Make noise and racket, the tennis racket, arrested for running a racket
Atadura, corbata, empate, viga
Ties to keep me in this country, a man wearing a tie, a tie in the competition with no winner, a metal tie in the structure
Idea equivocada, confusión
Misconception, misperception
The misconception that words constitute the whole of communication
Suposición, conjetura
Your assumptions about product quality are based on its high price
El dominio absoluto sobre algo
Stranglehold on SO/ST
Vienna’s stranglehold on the internet chocolate
Condición, estipulación, cláusula
The main proviso is that the copy cannot be sold
Barandilla, pasamanos
The bannister of a stair
Descansillo de escalera
The landing of a stair
Escuela pública
State school
Escuela privada
Public school
Public schools are expensive
Plaza de aparcamiento
Car parking space
Parking spot
Little fib
I can tell a little fib
Trola, bola, mentira gorda
I told him a whopper and he believed me!
La oferta y la demanda
Supply and demand
An adequate balance between supply and demand
Motor de cuatro tiempos
Four stroke engine
Eufemismo, narración incompleta
This is an understatement as he won virtually every race
Contratiempo, percance
Mishap, misadventure
He has an occasional mishap when working out
Mantenimiento, cuidado
He spends a lot of time on the upkeep of his equipment
Atasco, retención, atraco
A broken water main is causing a hold-up on Main Street
There was a hold-up today at the Bank of America
El que queda segundo o tercero
Runner up, runner-up
Linda was chosen Queen and her friend Amy was the runner-up
To be dissatisfied
I wish to express my dissatisfaction with…
The joints are wrist, ankle, knee, elbow
Calma y tranquilidad
Peace and quiet
Dar y recibir
Give and take
Deterioro por mucho uso
Wear and tear
The older hings are, the more wear and tear they have
El alma, el centro de atención
Life and soul
Jenny is always the life and soul of the party
Empujones y atropellos
Pushing and shoving
I can’t stand people pushing and shoving on buses
Los más importante, el resumen de todo
The long and short
The long and short of it is I’ve found somebody new
El ladrillo, el mundo de la construcción
Bricks and mortar
You can’t put your money in bricks and mortar anymore since this housing crisis
La tropa, los miembros ordinarios
The rank and file
The party’s rank and file members began to question the leadership’s decisions
Preaviso, notificación
He gave his two weeks’ notice to his boss after he was offered another jobI handed my notice at IBM and went looking for business
Golpe militar
Military take-over, military takeover
Fantasía, ilusión, quimera
Flight of fancy
Pipe dream
Retorno, vuelta
David Bowey has made a comeback with his new album
El que nunca gana, el que es del montón
He is an also-ran, he can’t win anything!
Manada, rebaño
Herd of bulls, herd of horses, herd instinct
Especie extinguida
Extinct species
Become extinct
Especie amenazada
Endangered species
Tigers are endangered species and must be protected from exploitation
Garganta, desfiladero
This mountain is full of gorges
Operating theatre
The patient arrived in the operating theatre
Paga, asignación económica
Pocket money
I asked my parents to raise my allowance
Old people’s home
Pelmazo, individuo muy pesado
Silly old fart
Boring old fart
Tarea, quehacer
I’ll do all my homework and chores tomorrow
Oxymoron, frase con términos contradictorios
Contradiction in terms
‘A miniature giant’ is a contradiction in terms
Ráfaga, salva, estallido
A burst of laughter, a burst of speed
Matrimonio concertado
Arranged marriage
Pareja que vive junta
Live-in partner
Prometido, prometida
Fiancé, fiancée
Parientes políticos
The in-laws
My husband’s family are my in-laws
Costumbres, valores
The social mores of a society
Apogeo, auge
In the heyday of Valencia CF
Sexual harassment
Naturaleza contra educación
Nature versus nurture
Heredity versus environement
Riddle of the Sphinx
Chispeo de lluvia
Spot of rain
When they felt the first spot of rain, they rushed inside
The prescription of a medicine
Peculiaridad, rareza, extravagancia
A quirk of fate
Instrucción, clases, matrícula
The tuition fee, the tuition deposit, combine individual tuition with group lessons
Carga, responsabilidad
To be a burden, beast of burden, relief of burden
Obra de construcción
Construction, building site, building work
We demand high standards in building work
Lugar, sitio
Site of a shipwreck, construction site, bomb site, camp site, historical site, tourist site
Poste, estaca, inversión, apuesta
A metal stake, stake in the company, a high-stakes game
Viejo verde
Dirty old man
Educación, crianza
Raising of children
Corriente de aire
Moneda de dos caras, arma de doble filo
Mixed blessing
Double-edged sword
Retirement is a mixed blessing
Reducción de gastos, recorte
A substantial cutback in the work force
Hora punta
Rush hour
The city roads are in chaos during the rush hour
Noctámbulo, ave nocturna, búho
Night owl
I’m at my best in the morning, but my husband is a night owl
Cultureta, devorador de cultura
Culture vulture
I’m a bit of a culture vulture as a member of the local cultural group
Teleadicto, que se pasa el día en el sofá
Couch potato
You’re becoming fat because you’re an utter couch potato
Quisquilloso para comer, mal comedor
Fussy eater
This baby has always been a fussy eater
Comida de granja, de corral
Free-range food
I try to eat free-range eggs and, in general, free-range food
Dieta equilibrada
Balanced diet
A varied, balanced diet is a prerequisite for good health