English C2 vocabulary 1T - verbs Flashcards
Ponerse a la altura de, alcanzar, ponerse al corriente
Catch up with SO/ST
Some debts finally caught up with me
Levantar el ánimo, animar
Cheer SO up
I was in Milan trying to cheer myself up
Localizar, investigar hasta dar con
Track SO down
It’s a miracle my brother ever tracked me down
Pagar completamente, sobornar, valer la pena, compensar
Pay off
I’ve nearly paid off my mortgage, the policeman was paid off, take care of your gums and teeth and it can pay off
Investir, conferir
Vest ST in SO
Vest SO with ST
The government vested powers in the legislative
Correr como la pólvora, extenderse
Get around
News of someone’s pregnancy soon get around
Vaciar a cucharadas, sacar
Scoop out
We watched the lady as she scooped out the ice cream from the container
Trot (off)
The children trotted off to the park
Engullir, comer con apetito
Tuck in
There’s nothing I like more than getting home and tucking in to a nice big meal
Remontarse, evocar, recordar
Hark back to
This harks back to prohibition practices
Poner en contra, enfrentar
Play off
She always played the two managers off against each other
Concluir, dar por terminado
Wind up
A decision was made to wind up the business as it was very close to being bankrupt
Sobresalir, proyectarse
Jut out
The building consists of balconies jutting out from flat walls
Encasquetar, endilgar
Get saddledI got saddled with a load of extra work today
Repartir, esparcir
Dish out
He is always dishing out advice when it’s not wanted
Vivir más que, sobrevivir a
A woman is expected to outlive her husband by five years
Quitarse de encima
Get ST over (with)
I will be glad to get these exams over with
Gastar, pagar, malgastar
Fork out
Shell out
How much did you fork out for your new shoes?
Empollar, repasar
Swot up (on) I must swot up on phrasal verbs
Rumiar, meditar melancólicamente durante un tiempo
Brood on
I wouldn’t brood on it, just get on with your life
Descongelarse, calentarse
Thaw out
I sat in front of the fire to thaw out
Cantar las alabanzas, elogiar
Rave about
She had been raving about her boyfriend
Tintinear, campanillear
They tinkled like bells when they moved
Squat (down)
She was squatted down on the floor next to me
Bajar las revoluciones, calmarse
Simmer down
It took him a while to simmer down after their argument
Vaciar completamente, eliminar
Strip out
We stripped out the entire ground floor to make redecorating easier
If you strip out all the excess wording, you’ll have a better report in the end
Vestir ropa informal, pegar una bronca
Dress down
You can dress down because the wedding is going to be informal
My boss dressed me down for being rude to the client
Traspasar, entregar
Hand over
Hong Kong was officially handed over the Republic of China
Mirar con deseo
Eye SO up
That guy has been eyeing you up all night
Empuñar, ejercer, hacer uso
It was Ivo who wielded the real power
Provocar, empujar, dar lugar, dar pie
Prompt SO to do ST
I don’t know what prompted Fred to make so extraordinary decision
Inspirarse en
Model yourself on
As a young musician he modelled himself on one of his heroes
Salvaguardar, proteger
Safeguard (against)
Protective measures will help to safeguard against the export of the virus
Jugar con, tomarse a risa, coquetear con
Trifle with
He’s a very influential man who sould not be trifled withI wouldn’t trifle with her if I were you
Differentiate (between)
It was almost impossible to differentiate the two twins apart
Responder a las características o nombre
Answer to
The suspect answered to the description
His name is Timothy but he answers to Timmy
Bloquear la memoria de algo
Blot out
She tried to blot out the memory of his murder
Hacer pinitos, hacer una incursión
Dabble in
He dabbled in poetry, but his reputation is based entirely on her novels
Hacer un gesto de dolor
She winced as the boiling fluid fell on to her hand
Bloquear, parar, desviar
He covered it to deflect the curious
Aferrarse, agarrarse
Cling to
With their children clinging to them
Abogar por, proponer
Advocate doing ST
Advocate that …
I advocate that we return to the old business model
Pifiarla, hacer un trabajo mal
Botch up ST
The builders really botched up the job they were doing for us
Rumorear, extender un rumor
Put ST about
It was put about that she was of loose moral character
Someone has been putting it about that I’m unhappy in my job
Completar con más detalles, dar cuerpo, engordar
Flesh out
I’ve got a draft version of my dissertation and I’ll flesh it out when I have done further research
Absorber, chupar como una esponja
Soak up
Children soak up every experience
Vivir sin comodidades
Rough it
The campers roughed it in the remote cabin for a week
Emplear, contratar, alistarse
The study enlisted the help of experts
Sondear a alguien sobre algo
Sound SO out
You could sound her out before the meeting to see which way she’s going to vote
Ser especialmente amable con alguien para conseguir algo
Butter SO up
You’ll have to butter them up a bit before they’ll agree
Tener muchas ganas de tener algo, especialmente si no puedes
Hanker after/for ST
What did you hanker after most when you where in prison?
Confinar, restringir, enclaustrar
We need not be confined by rigid constraints
Escuchar a escondidas, escuchar detrás de la puerta
Eavesdrop (on)
He was eavesdropping on our conversation
Engordar, cebar
Feed up
They would feed up their cattle before sending them for slaughter
Comer sonoramente
Munch (on)
He was munching on an apple
Savour a meal, savour success, savour freedom, savour memories, savour the past, savour every word
Devour food, devour books, devour news, the fire/flame devours ST
Swallow a meal, swallow news, swallow a pill, swallow your pride
Estar por encima de algo
Rise above
You have to learn to rise above criticism
Seguir adelante, progresar con eficacia
Forge ahead
Forge ahead and don’t let your depression get the best of you
Julia Roberts stars in a new drama
Mirar escaparates o catálogos de compra
Window shop, browse
He loathes the length of time I spend window shopping and browsing
Hacer salir, espantar
Flush out
The government troops went into the forest to flush out the rebel soldiers
The roads criss-crossed each other in several places
Jugarse a cara o cruz, jugársela
Toss up
Toss a coin, tossing up the victories
Contradecir u ocultar
The continued daily violence in Iraq belies Tony Blair’s claim that everything is under control
Bajar el tono, moderar, rebajar
Water down
The management team have watered down their original proposals to avoid an industrial dispute
Morirse ganas por algo
Yearn for
I yearn for a home-cooked meal
Derrochar, desperdiciar
Squander money, squander the opportunity, squander resources
Stigmatise mistakes, stigmatise AIDS patients, stigmatise Muslims
Externalizar, exteriorizar
Externalise services, externalise feelings, externalise our memory
Meditar, reflexionar, sopesar
Muse (on)
He took weeks to muse on the question before putting pen to paper