English C2 vocabulary 2T - nouns 1 Flashcards
Sorprendente característica
Striking feature
One striking feature of this is that …
Debate encendido
Heated debate
These areas have been the subject of a heated debate
Distintivo, sello
Pizza is a central hallmark of civilization
Palillos chinos
Disposable chopsticks
Cantaloupe rinds
Escalera de mano
Use a tool or stepladder to reach high places
Bargain basement
A central heating grate
Humor irónico
Dry (sense of) humour
Comedia circense, Charlot
Monólogo humorístico
Stand-up comedy
Someone telling jokes to the audience
Pecado por omisión
Sin of omission
Período de movimiento entre mareas
Slack tide
Rib cage, ribeye, rib steak
Tesoro oculto
Treasure trove
A treasure trove of information, treasure trove of knowledge, treasure trove of archaeological heritage
There is dowry-related abuse in India
Compensación de poco valor
Critics see the increase in defence spending as a sop to the armed forces
Ronda final, última vuelta
He beat her in a run-off for the presidency of the assembly
Ámbito, alcance, mira
Beyond/within the scope of, broaden the scope of
Receptor, destinatario
The recipient of your online chat
Un lugar lleno de tesoros
Aladdin’s cave
My grandmother’s attic was an Aladdin’s cave of old paintings
Alguien que te guía al principio
Man Friday/Girl Friday/Person Friday
When I was learning to play golf, Jack was my Man Friday
Príncipe azul
Prince Charming
I’m single and still waiting for Prince Charming to appear on his white horse!
Una tormenta en un vaso de agua
A storm in a teacup
Don’t worry, it’s just a storm in a teacup
Situación en la que no puedes hacer algo sin haber hecho otra cosa y viceversa
A Catch-22 situation
You find yourself in a Catch-22 situation. One of you needs to act first, but who will it be?
Castillos en el aire
Castles in the air
Your hopes and ambitions are just castles in the air
Torre de marfil
Ivory tower
Spending all your time studying has put you in an ivory tower
Un error pasado que te persigue y te impide progresar
An albatross around your neck
The company he founded in 1983 is now an albatross around his neck, making losses every year
Ceguera deliberada
Willful blindness
There’s a lot of willful blindness when it comes to the issue of war
Soplón, informante
Accountants were the whistleblowers in several corporate scandals
Una salida nocturna
A night on the town
Dressed for a night on the town, go for a night on the town
Complejo de superioridad/inferioridad
Superiority/inferiority complex
Some people suffer from an inferiority complex
Punto de apoyo, posición, base
To be on a war footing
The three options are on equal footing
Palabrería, galimatías
Mumbo jumbo
Some people think that religion is just a load of mumbo jumbo
Intento, tentativa, esfuerzo
Endeavour, attempt
In spite of my best endeavours
To make every endeavour to do ST
Atracción secundaria, distracción del evento principal
The discussions around petroleum policy became something of a sideshow
La ubicuidad de la tecnología
The ubiquity of technology
Our freedom is going to be restricted by the ubiquity of technology before very long
Idea o invento original e inteligente
This new web search engine is the brainchild of Alex Wells
Un pequeño miembro de una gran organización
A cog in the machine
I decided to set up my own business because O was tired of just being a cog in the machine
Éxtasis, felicidad absoluta
Bliss, elation, rapture, euphoria
Wedded bliss, elation of spirit
Una cosecha de
A crop of
A crop of critical reviews
Un destello de
A flash of
A flash of wild inspiration sparkled in her eyes
Una ola de
A wave of
A wave of critical reviews
Completo hundimiento del precio de los seres humanos
Complete collapse in the price of human beings
Madre de alquiler
Surrogate mother
She has agreed to act as a surrogate mother for her sister
Niño recién nacido
Newborn child
Breast-feeding is extremely beneficial to the health of newborn babies
Comida basura
Junk food
Selección, variedad, surtido
An array of vitamines, array of food
The building was found to be in compliance with the codes
Vista cansada
Her reading habits contributed to eyestrain
Manure spreading, green manure, farmyard manure
Old-age pensioner
Crisis de los 40 o 50
Midlife crisis
He blamed his gambling and womanising on a midlife crisis
Firma editorial, editor
Contorno, boceto, borrador
She drew the outline of her hand on the paper
The artist sketched an outline of the model
Callejón, callejuela
Down the alley, alley cat, blind alley
Círculo vicioso
Vicious circle
You need work experience to get a job, but you can’t get work experience without a job; it’s a vicious circle
Método de promoción
Promotional method
We have to implement a successful promotional method
Final del pasillo
End of aisle
Water is at the end-of-aisle display
Mejoría, mejora
Social betterments, betterment of mankind, improvements and betterments
Ataque mediático
Media attack
Elemento reflectante en el asfalto de una carretera
Cat’s eye
Fuerza de voluntad
It took a lot of willpower to stay calm
I don’t have the willpower to diet
Bodegón, naturaleza muerta
Still life
Cezanne painted a still life with a bowl of apples
I prefer painting with watercolours
On an easel
Subasta de artes visuales
Fine art auction
Busto, fracaso, quiebra
A woman’s bust, go bust
Treatise (on)
A six-volume treatise on trademark law
Culpable, acusado
The public helped to find the culprits
We are fat and sugar is the culprit
Bagpipe music
Traje nacional
National costume
Vice President Biden is greeted by Ukrainians in national costume
Urna para votar
Ballot box
We’ll see how popular the new law is at the ballot box
Terreno pantanoso, situación resbaladiza
Slippery slope
Make sure that we don’t end up on a slippery slope
Ingresos regulares
Steady income
The drought hits everybody in rural areas and everybody without a steady income
Elevada tasa de paro
High unemployment rate
Given the high unemployment rate, medium-term unemployment is likely to remain high
Casa de acogida
Foster home
Before being adopted she spent three years in a foster home
Desembolso, gasto inicial
The outlay on my wedding dress was huge
Equipamiento público, instalaciones
The citizens have an effortless access to amenities
Patada de oro, indemnización al salir de un trabajo por largos años de servicio
Golden handshake
People who reckon on going in their fifties with a golden handshake
Forma de pensar de una persona
To have a different/the same mindset
It’s extraordinary how hard it is to change the mindset of the public and the press
Un gran avance o desarrollo importante
Quantum leap
The appointment of a female director is a quantum leap for women’s equality
Parche, solución fácil pero provisional
Quick fix
He warned against any quick-fix solutions
People are still looking for a quick fix
Un bocado rápido
A quick bite
Let’s geat a quick bite before the play starts
Carril rápido
Fast lane
Life in the fast lane was proving even more hectic than he had expected
Rápido asentimiento
Brisk nod
With only a brisk nod in our direction, he continued
Dinero rápido y deshonesto
Quick buck
He has a reputation for trying to make a quick buck
Rápida negativa
Swift denial
Both parties issued a swift denial, but most of the tabloids ran the story in any case
Respuesta rápida
Rapid response
The team pride themselves on their rapid response
Cabezadita, sueño rápido
Quick catnap
After a quick catnap, he was ready to face the press
Crecimiento lento
Slow growth
With 40% unemployment and extremely slow growth
Signos de lenta recuperación
Slow signs of recovery
Situación de grandes pérdidas en una compañía
Red ink
The company is still bleeding red ink
The boom of a decade ago has now given way to a sea of red ink
Brotes verdes
Green shoots
Encouraging green shoots of recovery
Compañía muy fiable
Blue-chip company
White goods
Pago extra por aceptar un trabajo
Golden hello
Top executive James Eagleton received a golden hell of around $2 million
Capitalista rescatador, inversor que salva una compañía
White knight
The white knight didn’t arrived and the company was taken over
El menor signo de …
The slightest whiff of …
The slightest whiff of suspicion that
Entorno laboral
Work environment
Working atmosphere
Disminución de la capa de ozono
Depletion of the ozone layer
The depletion of the ozone layer is caused by aircraft emissions
Disposición, inclinación, deseo
If you have the willingness to have fun …
Familia extendida/familia tradicional
Extended family/nuclear family
Compañero de viaje
Travelling companion
Tasa de natalidad
Birth rate
The birth rate has been falling for years
Leopard cub, bear cub, Cub Scouts
Fuel the fire
Cuña de la misma madera
A chip of the old block
Crimen organizado
Organised crime
El verdadero carácter de alguien
SO’s true colors
To see SO’s true colours
To show SO in their true colours
Lágrimas de cocodrilo
Crocodile tears
Un día muy importante (especialmente feliz)
Red-letter day
The day I first set foot in America was a red-letter day for me
Discusión, pelea dialéctica
Row, argument, fight
Especuladores financieros
Financial speculators
Lula’s government has strengthened its alliance with the international financial speculators
Mundo multipolar
Multipolar world
The multipolar world in which the rights of all nations are secured is much more attractive
Just pull the upper part of the wrapping to open it
Suplemento vitamínico
Vitamin supplement
Your doctor will often prescribe you a mineral and vitamin supplement, depending on your health
Propiedad, posesión
Private/public ownership, shared ownership, change ownership
Mentira piadosa
White lie
She and her counselor decided that she could tell a white lie to her husband
Desórdenes alimenticios
Eating disorders
In many cases, eating disorders are rooted in self-esteem issues
Habilidad para ver el lado bueno de las cosas
Ability to see the lighter side of things
Coche descapotable
Arthur bought himself a convertible because he’s having a midlife crisis
Stretched out in a hammock, I fall easily into a state of serenity not attainable in a large city
Himno nacional
National anthem
I always stumble on the words to the national anthem when I try to sing it
Distrio, parroquia
I owe this to my first years in parish work
Marjal, pantano, ciénaga
Marshes are drained
Mala hierba, hierba para fumar
Dandelions are common weeds
On cross-examination, under cross-examination, subject to cross-examination, cross-examination process
Experiencia cercana a la muerte
Near-death experiences
A near-death experience can change your life
Conversación seria en la que te sinceras
We had a heart-to-heart over a bottle of wine
Manada de leones
Pride of lions
Enjambre, plaga
Swarm of bees, swarm of ants, swarm of flies, swarm of insects
Banco de peces
School of fish
Bungee jumping
Many sports fall into this category including: rock climbing, paragliding and bungee jumping
Dark circles
Add a rich eye cream to your regimen to help reduce puffiness and dark circles
Hinchazón, inflamación, tumefacción
Some puffiness can persist in breast-fed babies
Ciudad dormitorio
Commuter town
I live in a commuter town just south of the city limits
Borrachera, juerga
Binge drinker, binge drinking, go on a binge
To get a fine for ST/doing ST
The fringes at the border are made of hair from a badger
Fuerte determinación
Gritty determination
Fumador compulsivo
Chain smoker