English C1+ vocabulary 3T - others Flashcards
Del mismo modo, de la misma manera
In the same way
In the same way, dialog among civilizations must be stimulated
En contraste con, a diferencia de
In contrast to
In contrast to weapons of mass destruction, such weapons would not be instruments of containment
Aprender algo de memoria
To learn ST by heart
When I was a child, I learned my times-tables by heart
A diario, todos los días
On a daily basis
There is a gym to exercise on a daily basis
Según mi experiencia personal
In my personal experience
In my personal experience, this procedure has been a failure
Tener algo en común con
To have ST in common with
We must concentrate on what we have in common
Ser más o menos lo mismo
To be much the same
Seven years later, the situation was much the same
Hay pocas diferencias entre
There is little to choose between
There is little to choose between PP and PSOE
Es curioso que me lo preguntes
It’s funny you should ask
It’s funny you should ask, we were talking about it yesterday
Aprovecho la menor ocasión para
I use every chance I have to
I use every chance I have to listen to music
Tanto la primera como la segunda fotografía…
Both the first and the second pictures…
Extraigo la impresión
I get the impression
I get the impression that we all believed together in his story
Tengo la impresión
I’ve got the feeling
I’ve got the feeling that tonight is gonna be a good night
El tiempo que empleo en algo es valioso
It’s very precious the time I spend + ING
Personalmente hablando
Personally speaking
Desde mi punto de vista
For my part
In my view
Juzgando por
Judging by
Judging from
Judging by the first picture, …
Judging from past experience, …
Es muy probable
It’s more than likely
In all probability
Hablando por mí mismo
Speaking for myself
Viajar ligero de equipaje
To travel light
The missionary must travel light and adapt himself to the country
Ir con retraso, ir tarde
To run late
I’d love to stop and talk to you, but I’m running late for an important meeting
This train always run late
Cualquier cosa menos
Anything but
The roots of sunglasses are anything but glamorous
Encontrar ánimo en, encontrar aliento en
To take heart from
We took heart from the positive feedback we received from the tutor
Desear de todo corazón, poner toda la ilusión en
To set your heart on
Sean was disappointed to find the jacket he had set his heart on had been sold
Organízate, espabílate, reacciona
Get your act together!
No me extrañaría que alguien hiciera algo
I wouldn’t put it past SO to do ST
I wouldn’t put it past him to tell a lie or two
Poderse decir, poderse mantener
It’s arguably the worst
En lugar de, en vez de
As opposed to
The type used to make bricks as opposed to pots
Instead of
Check you haven’t used upper case instead of lower case
A iniciativa de
At the instigation of
He set up a studio in the village at the instigation of the mayor
Esa es la esencia del asunto
That’s the essence of it
Not sure how the saying goes exactly, but that’s the essence of it
¡Me alegro de verte!
Fancy seeing you here!
Volviendo a…
Going back to…
Going back to what you said before, …
Volviendo al comentario…
To return to the comment…
To return to the comment made a minute ago, …
Considerado como
Regarded as
This issues are regarded as useless by some delegations
Junto con, conjuntamente con
Along with
Together withIt is a descendent, along with tennis, of the ancient game
Por recomendación de
On the recommendation of
He bought equipment from that website on the recommendation of a friend
No bien había …, cuando …
No sooner had … than …
No sooner had I arrived than I noticed a strange smell
No hasta … (INV)
Not until …
Not until I escaped did I realise my luck
Nunca, en ningún momento (INV)
Never …
Never have I encountered such impertinence!
At no time …
At no time did my client enter the building
No sólo …, sino también … (INV)
Not only …, but also…
Not only did she do yoga, but she also painted
Casi … (INV)
Hardly …
Hardly had she departed when news arrived
Solamente cuando … (INV)
Only when …
Only when I had met her did I understand
Poco … (INV)
Little …
Little did I suspect that she knew all the time
Entablar conversación
To make conversation
Two of them tried to make conversation with me
Sacar tiempo de
To take time out of
He thanked the speakers for taking time out of their bust schedules
Dar una pensada a
To give a thought to
It is important to give a thought to the ties between secondary and higher education
En síntesis
In short
In short, we don’t like the reform
Inclinarse por, estar a favor de
To come down in favour
I come down in favour of the second approach
En definitiva, en pocas palabras
In a nutshell
Their argument, in a nutshell, was rather egotistical
Considerando los pros y los contras
Weighing up the pros and cons
After weighing up the pros and cons they advocate a general continuation
Cosas así
Stuff like that
Things like that
There isn’t any one master mind or stuff like that
Más menos…
Give or take…
Give or take a year or two, the sentence will not be less than 20 years
No ofrezcas consejo a alguien más experimentado que tú
Don’t teach your Grandma to suck eggs
Tienes mucha razón en eso
You are dead right there
Veo las cosas de manera bastante diferente
I see things rather differently
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo
I totally agree
A tus espaldas
Behind your back
Your spouse has been seeing somebody behind your back
Yo no estoy tan seguro
I’m not so sure
Decir las cosas como son
To tell it as it is
No olvidemos…
Let’s not forget about…
Let’s not forget about the heat, another factor of usury
Morderse la lengua
To bite my tongue
Habrá que ver, queda por ver
It remains to be seen
It remains to be seen what powers he will have
Dar por sentado algo, dar por supuesto algo
To take ST for granted
We took it for granted that the agency would email us the tickets
Ser realmente de importancia crucial
To be certainly of crucial importance
Agrupar estas fotos por categorías
To categorize these pictures in terms of
Cuáles son tus impresiones sobre eso?
What are your feelings about that?
Puedo sugerir…?
May I suggest…?
Ser algo es típico de mi familia
Being ST runs in my family
Congestionarse las carreteras
Get congested (roads) Roads get congested in summer
Si acaso
If anything
Too tall? No, if anything she is too sort to play!
Pasear al perro
To walk the dog
Un caso clásico de
A classic case of
A classic case of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut
Para darte un ejemplo
To give you an example
Hacer horas extra
To work overtime
Hacer una carrera de
To make a career out of
I’d like to make a career out of my hobbies
Es lo que se espera, lo cotidiano
It’s all in a day’s work
Harassment is all in a day’s work for policemen
Dar trabajos por enchufe
To give jobs for the boys
He deserved the position, but it was a case of jobs for the boys
Finalmente, al final
He eventually decided to buy the green car
Cambio para mejor, mejora
Change for the better
No drastic positive change for the better has occured
Soltar una indirecta
To drop a hint
There is always a subtle opportunity to drop a hint or two
Fuera de los caminos trillados, lejos de los circuitos habituales
Off the beaten track
Visit historical sites and taste traditional cuisine off the beaten track
Ser tu propio jefe
To be your own boss
Se viaja más rápido solo
He travels fastest who travels alone
Levantar el ánimo, dar moral
To raise your spirits
Dance can be a good way to raise your spirits and release tension
Soltar adrenalina, aliviar tensiones
To release tension
Writing about your hardships helps release tension
Causar risa, despertar la carcajada
To raise a laugh
You can raise a laugh in the exam to release tension
Hasta ahora, hasta el momento
So far
So far no one has been able to establish a precise cause
As yet
As yet, I haven’t had anything published
Con descuento
At a discount
He sells these qualities at a discount
Viajar abre la mente
Tavel broadens the mind
Hemos llegado al punto en que…
We’ve got to the point where…
Por ahora todo bien, bien hasta ahora
So far so good
So far so good, but ask me again in six months
Tener más que ver con
To have more to do with
Con poca antelación, sin aviso previo
At short notice
She called the meeting at short notice, so we had no time to prepare
Irse por las ramas
To beat about the bush
Stop beating about the bush, get to the point!
No me quejo, no me puedo quejar
Mustn’t grumble
How are you? OK, mustn’t grumble
Para entonces
By then
You’re starting to get really fatigued by then
No se me ocurriría hacer algo
I wouldn’t dream of doing ST
I wouldn’t dream of doing other kind of job
Abrirte camino
Make your way
Enfrentado a, confrontado con
Confronted with
She was confronted with her husband’s infidelity
Vestir con elegancia
To dress smartly
At the office you are expected to dress smartly
Me apetece bastante la idea de…
I quite fancy the idea of + ING
I quite fancy like the idea of going to the party
A mí que me registren!
Search me!
Who ate my cookies? Search me!
Ir al grano
To get/keep to the point
Romper el hielo
To break the ice
You have to break the ice when you meet new people
Compadecerse de, tener piedad de
To take pity on
I hope someone will take pity on me if I get lost
No hay más remedio
There’s nothing for it
Defender tu posición, no ceder
To stand your ground
In an argument, it’s important to stand your ground
Hay mucho en juego
There’s a lot at stake
There’s a lot at stake in this election, especially for our daughters
De parte de, en nombre de
On behalf of
I’m phoning on behalf of my daughter, who has lost her voice
Causar dificultades, hacer pasar un mal rato
To give a hard time
Alquilar un piso/una casa
To rent a flat/house
I’m living with my sister and trying to rent a house
Lanzar al mercado
To launch into the market
Hacerse una idea, familiarizarse
To get a feel for
The best place to get a feel for the history of the island La Habana
El juez dictamina que
The judge rules that/on
The judge rules on matters before and during the trial
Ser dejado de lado
To be swept aside
All these things are swept aside
Una mirada hacia
An insight into
To give you an insight into the subject
Estar de pie
To be on your feet
I’ve been on my feet the whole day and I’m tired
Existe otra cara la moneda
There’s another side to the coin
Flota como una mariposa, pica como una abeja
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee
Ni siquiera
Not even
Not even the biggest love lasts forever
No ser poca poca
To be no mean feat
Getting this job finished in under a week was no mean feat
¿Por qué no?
Why ever not?
Sembrar la semilla de
To sow the seed(s) of
She sowed the seed of doubt in his mind
Garantizar un futuro
To secure a future
I want to secure a future for me and my family
Sigamos con/para seguir con
Let’s move on/to move on
Poner tu grano de arena
To do your bit to
You can do your bit to encourage biodiversity
Ir contra la ley
To be against the law
It is against the law to copy software
En un santiamén
Before you can say Jack Robinson
¿Cómo está el tiempo?
What’s the weather like?
A plena luz del día
In broad daylight
Tener buenas relaciones con
To be on (very) good terms with
My neighbours are on very good terms with each other
Eso ni se discute
To be out of the question
To be beyond dispute
Hacer la vista gorda
To turn a blind eye
A condición de que
On condition that
You can reproduce it, on condition that the source is indicated
Probar suerte
To take your chances
Un ojo de la cara, un huevo, un riñón
An arm and a leg
The meal at the restaurant will cost you an arm and a leg
Todo se reduce a
All comes down to
It all comes down to money in the end
También podría
Might as well
We might as well leave now, it wouldn’t make any difference
De momento, por ahora
For the time being
My car fell apart so I’m using my bicycle for the time being
Valerse por sí mismo
To fend for oneself
Aparentemente, al parecer
¿Quién sabe?
Who can say?
Habiendo dicho esto, …
Having said that, …
Y me quedo corto
To say the least
Her manner of speech was, to say the least, rather original
Por así decirlo
So to speak
We have to put down the barriers, so to speak, between people
Habitualmente, de oficio
As a matter of course
The chairperson attends the meetings as a matter of course
Siempre para aquí y para allá
Like a rolling stone
He never settled anywhere for long - he lived like a rolling stone
¿No dirías lo mismo?
Wouldn’t you say?
De mal humor y pagándolo con los demás
Like a bear with a sore head
Dormir como un corderito
To sleep like a log
Fuera de tu elemento
Like a fish out of water
Muy cabreante o provocativo
Like a red rag to a bull
A primera vista
At first sight
At first glanceIt looked good at first glance, but was later found to be guilty
Perder la dignidad
To lose face
The history lecturer didn’t want to lose face by admitting it
Hablando muy fuerte, dejándose la voz
At the top of SO’s voice
You can shout at the top of your voice without anyone hearing you
Como un elefante en una cacharrería
Like a bull in a china shop
Qué tal si hablamos de todas ellas por turnos?
Why don’t we talk about them all in turn?
En honor a
In honour of
We have a commemorative plaque in honour of the occasion
Tienes alguna otra idea sobre esto?
Have you any other ideas about this?
Decidir algo sobre la marcha, improvisando
To think on your feet
I couldn’t prepare anything, so I had to think on my feet
Pensar de manera innovadora, ofrecer soluciones creativas
To think outside the box
He approached problems from new angles, he was good at thinking outside the box
Pensar claramente y con eficacia
To think straight
He found it hard to think straight because he was very tired
Admirar mucho o considerar a alguien muy importante
To think the world of SO
He thought the world of his best friend
Sacarle información a alguien
To pick SO’s brains
You know a lot about it - can I pick your brains?
Despejar tu cabeza de algo
To take your mind off ST
Come to the cinema, it will take your mind off your difficulties
Haber perdido la cabeza
To be out of your mind
You must be out of your mind!
Descansar de una preocupación
To put your mind at rest
Go to a doctor, he can put your mind at rest
Devanarte los sesos
To rack your brains
He spent a lot of time racking his brains to find a solution
Tomarte las cosas con calma y no dejar que te afecten
To take ST in your stride
You cope so well - you always take everything on your stride
Mantener el favor de
To keep in the right side of
You need to keep in the right side of her - she can be difficult
Da la casualidad, sorprendentemente
It just so happens
It just so happens that my daughter lives in Mexico and I don’t know about the situation there
Destacar mucho sobre los demás
To stand/stick out like a sore thumb
Considerarse afortunado
To count oneself lucky