English C1+ vocabulary 4T - verbs Flashcards
Separarse (de)
Break away (from) They were impatient to break away from communism
Ir tirando
Bump along
You can bump along with this old model
Irrumpir en
Burst into
The angry man burst into the room
Colgar el teléfono, cortar
Hang up
It’s rude to hang up in the middle of a telephone conversation
Temblar, estremecerse
She began to tremble all over
He was whistling a tune to himself
Pinchar un teléfono
You can wiretap a telephone ilegally
Ir a buscar, traer
She’s gone to fetch her mother
Refunfuñar, gruñir
The dog growls at strangers
Tiritar, temblar
The snow makes us shiver
Domesticar, amansar
The challenge is to tame the predators
Desentrañar, limpiar pescado, vaciar una casa
The hotel was gutted by fire
The tower of Pisa leans away from the sea
Asentir con la cabeza, cabecear
He nodded when I asked him about it
Limpiar, pasar un trapo
Let me wipe away your tears
Pasar hambre, privar
To starve SO of ST
To starve to death
Caerse, desplomarse
We slump in front of the television
Brotar, pegar el estirón
Spring up
Seedings spring up at the beginning of the growing season
These strawberries will ripen in a day
Ser propenso a algo
Be prone to ST/doing ST
My mother is prone to colds
This plant is prone to being attacked by insects
Transmitir, conducir
These pipes convey water to the boiler, convey the idea
Desterrar, apartar, proscribir, deportar
I was banished to low works again
Sondear, investigar
Geologists can hardly wait to probe the cave
Empantanarse, atascarse en el barro
Bog down
It’s pointless getting bogged down in stupid debates
Dejarse ir llevando, sumergirse lentamente
Drift into
I was drifting into an exhausted sleep
Ahogar(se), sumergir
To drown your sorrows
Retener a alguien
Hold SO down
She held her arms down
Frotar, restregar
Rub the chicken with the juice
She is a wicked girl, I scold her every day
Tomar por la fuerza, agarrar, apoderarse
They were plotting to seize power
Podar, recortar
Prune the tree with the pruning shears
Despertar, excitar, provocar
Arouse suspicion, arouse curiosity, arouse the crowd
Transmitir, pasar
Satellites relay endless weather information to us
Desmontar, desarmar
Take apart
He took the engine apart
Usar incorrectamente, abusar
The modern world casually misuses air-conditioning
Agregar, añadir (COL)
Tag on
Just tag a few lines on at the end for me
Planear, organizar, preparar (COL)
Tee up
They are teeing up for the conference tomorrow
Adhere (to)
When you are wet, sand adheres to you
Mover, quitar, desplazar, cambiar
Sand adheres to you and cannot be shifted, shift the table one meter to the left, shift gears
Acicalar, cepillar
She is always beautifully groomed
Dejar pasar, desperdiciar, pasar las horas muertas
Idle away
He idles away his days in the garden
Arrastrar algo pesado
I had to lug my bags all the way
I hauled myself out
Atraer, tentar, lanzar el anzuelo
I had lured my friend into joining me with a promise
Disiparse, desvanecerse, atenuarse
Fade from memory, fade away, fade in, fade out
Poblar, ingresar datos
Computer modelling allows us to create landscapes and populate them
Repartir(se) el trabajo
Muck in
In this community everyone mucks in
No querer pasar
Hang back
If you hang back for too long you’ll lose your chance
Impulsar, promover, hacer ir más allá
She showed no desire to further our acquaintance
Parecerle algo a alguien
Strike (as)
His attitude really strikes me as strange
Señalar, seleccionar
Single out
The inspectors singled out the school library for criticism because of its poor lightning
Demandar, poner un pleito
Sue (SO for ST)
Survivors of a plane crash often sue for damages
Conformarse con
Resign oneself to ST/ING
If I can’t have two cats I’ll have to resign myself to having just one
Be content with
Derrocar, derribar
Einstein overthrew this notion, saying that time and space were relative
Llevar, acompañar, guiar, escoltar
To usher SO in/out
Acatar, hacer caso a
Abide by
They abide by the rules of society
Contravenir, desobedecer
Such practices contravene international and humanitarian law
Desobedecer, saltarse una regla
They continue to flout rules and regulations
Fomentar, promover, acoger, albergar
Foster better relations, foster the two orphans, foster hopes of
Pavimentar, allanar el camino
Pave the way for a cancer vaccine
Escurrirse por el suelo, culebrear
I slid and slithered on the slippery ice
Determinar, establecer, verificar, confirmar
He tried to ascertain what the real attributes of life were
Caer bien, ser bien recibido
Go down well
His comments on the new film didn’t go down well
Extender, prolongar
Extend (to, towards, into, by)
I will extend my stay by two weeks
Ser cómplice en la comisión de in delito, ayudar o alentar
Aid and abet
It is an offence to aid and abet a criminal
Echar balones fuera, no decidirse con algo
Hem and haw
They just hem and haw. Why can’t they just decide?
Agregar, añadir, incluir
Throw in
You get an extra thrown in with the room
Dar la lata con algo
Bang on about ST
My boss is always banging on about how much money we waste
Repartir, asignar, distribuir
Mete out
Judges have been accused of meting out sentences that are too harsh
Reunir a duras penas, juntar
Scrape together
If we had only scraped together a little more money, …
Engañar con excusas
Fob SO off
He tried to fob me off with a ridiculous story
Encubrir, tapar un escándalo
Hush up
The Government are trying to hush up any reports that the minister is involved
Sudar tinta, trabajar muy duro
Slog away
He’s been slogging away at the decorating
Pretender, dar a entender, aparentar
Dave is purported to be an expert in education
Expandirse, diversificarse
Branch out
The company have considered branching out into new markets
Convencer, persuadir
Coax SO into doing ST
Auction off
They are going to auction off all their belongings
Dispararse, subir como la espuma
Our hopes soared
Irse a pique, perder gas, cortarse el chorro
Fizzle out
The strike at the factory fizzled out after only two days
Darle sentido a algo, montar algo, descifrar
Piece together
The police are still trying to piece together the sequence of events
Brim over
My parents were brimming over with pride
Eat into
The expenses of employees are eating into company benefits
Quitarlo de las manos, agotarse muy pronto
Get snapped up
The tickets got snapped up the morning they were put on sale
Oir decir
Hear tell
I have heard tell of an in-house writing opportunity
Mortificarse por
Dwell on
He couldn’t help but dwell on the death of his mother
Formar una relación de negocios o comprar algo a medias
Go in with SO
The company has to decide wether to go in with the American or to stand alone
Correr un tupido velo sobre algo
Paste over ST
The Government tried to paste over the fact that there was a lot of disunity in the Party
Examinar algo muy cuidadosamente, normalmente para organizarlo o encontrar algo, filtrar
Sift through
The new computer has the capability to sift through a huge number of files in seconds
Relajarse después de una actividad estresante
Wind down
Kick back
After the exams the whole class went bowling in order to wind downI like to have time to kick back
Kneel before SO
Compadecer a alguien, tener lástima de alguien
Pity SO
I pity those who are young and thier parents die
Correr, apresurarse, cargar contra
He rushed to the airport to catch the plane
Liar a alguien para que haga algo
Fool SO into doing ST
Aprobar por los pelos
Scrape through
He was lucky to scrape through the Proficiency exam
Atar, maniatar, restringir la libertad
Tie down
She’s never going to have children because she doesn’t want them to tie her down
Hacer preparativos para algo, mantener algo
Provide for ST
He had a family to provide for
Filtrar una información
Leak ST out
If his real identity ever leaks out, …
Acicalarse, engalanarse
Spruce yourself up
I’m going to spruce myself up for the club tonight
Superar con facilidad, sin despeinarse
Romp through
Sail through
You should be able to romp through your exam as it’s so easy
She sailed through her exams without the slightest problem
Llamar a filas, convocar
Call upon
To be called upon to play for your country is a great honour
Esperar nerviosamente
Sweat ST out
If we can sweat it out over the next few weeks it should then get easier
Abstenerse, privarse, renunciar
The workers would be willing to forgo a pay rise in favour of more motivation
Mirar de manera amenazadora
Square up
The two boxers squared up to each other at the start of the fight
Obstaculizar, dificultar
Too much light humpers night-time observation
Pasar por, hacer pasar por
Pass for
The insolence of shop assistants passes for egalitarianism
Pass off
He tried to pass off the painting as a work of art
Poner la mano en el fuego por
Vouch for
Our chief executive vouched for your personally
Dimitir, renunciar
Stand down
The President is going to stand down
Quedarse en la cama hasta muy tarde
Lie in
It’s late, I think I’ll lie in tomorrow
Amasar, juntar a paladas
Rake in
He is raking in loads of money since he set up his own business
Escaquearse, zafarse
Duck out of
He often tries to duck out of his boss’s motivational meetings
Robar, eliminar a alguien
Make away with
The bank robbers made away with more than 5 million dollars
Tachar de una lista, eliminar, borrar, excluir
Strike off
We struck you off the list
Echar una mano, colaborar
Pitch in
If we all pitch in we can get this job done in no time at all
Manipular indebidamente, alterar
Tamper with
They refused to refund money for the computer as the customer had been tampering with it
Atestar, llenar de porquería
Clutter up
Please, don’t clutter up my car
Congraciarse con, caer en gracia a
Ingratiate yourself with SO
Descartar, hacer que algo sea imposible
Rule out
They ruled out the obvious suspect
The strike ruled out any possibility of us going shopping
Producir en masa
Churn out
The author churned out trashy romantic novels for his entire career
Volver a revisar
Suspender, interrumpir, descontinuar
The product has been discontinued
Grabarse (en la memoria)
Some experiences etch themselves so sharply on our memory that …
Mezclar, involucrar
Draw into
I found myself drawn into an unexpected aesthetic environment
Balancearse, mecerse en el agua
Bob about
The bottle is bobbing about on the surface of the sea
Consentir, tener predilección por
Dote on
He dotes on his daughter, and spoils her rotten
Disparar (preguntar)
Fire away
If anyone has any question to ask please fire away
Fomentar, tratar de obtener, suscitar
Drum up
TV commercials drum up interest in their product
Volver atrás a
Go back over
The speaker went back over the points he had talked about
Integrarse con, mimetizarse con
Blend in with
This animal can blend in with its surroundings
Formar una piña, aliarse
Band together
If they band together the will be more likely to survive
Declarar siniestro total
Write off
Danny has written off his car in an accident
Tratar por encima, pasar de puntillas, disimular
Gloss over
The spokesman tried to gloss over the poor opinion poll figures
Animar, acicatear
Spur on
It was my teacher’s talent for art that spurred me on to take up a similar career
Subrayar, enfatizar
The school reports started to underline just how poorly he was faring
Ahorrar o guardar cosas valiosas
Stash away
He has a lot of money stashed away in the bank
Sacar de un apuro, ofrecer algo de dinero en momentos de dificultades
Tide over
My parents gave me some money to tide me over until my grant for university arrived
Agarrar el micrófono, hablar mucho rato con un tono aburrido
Drone on
The Manager is boring, he must have droned on for an hour at least
Build up
When rubbish is allowed to build up we can feel stuck
Generar, desarrollar
Work up
We have worked up an appetite
Depender de, descansar en la responsabilidad de
Rest on
The whole deal rests on our ability to keep our promises
Desviar fondos
Siphon off
He started to siphon off his money to multiple accounts
Retroceder desvaneciéndose
I saw Manhattan receding into the distance