endocrine system Flashcards
Endocrine system=
transports hormones via the bloodstream to mast cells of the body.
Regulated through negative feedback mechanisms
Main endocrine glands=
- hypothalamus
- pineal
- thyroid
- pituitary
- parathyroid
- thymus
- adrenals
-islets of langherns
Sits between the cerebrum and brainstem. It regulates:
- temperature
- fluid volume
- growth
- pain and pleasure response
- hunger and thirst
Anterior pituitary gland produces=
- growth hormones: promotes growth of bone and muscle
- prolactin: stimulates lactation
- stimulating hormones: TSH (thyroid hormones), FSH (gametes), LH (sex hormones), ACTH (steroid hormones-cortisol)
What/ where is the pituitary gland and what does it produce produces=
It sits beneath the hypothalamus and is termed the ‘master’ gland. Is divided into:
- Anterior pituitary gland
- Posterior pituitary gland
what do kidneys produce?
dihydroxyvitamin D (stimulated calcium absorption)
Renin (activates the renin-angiotensin system
Erythropoietin (increases red blood cell production)
What do ovaries produce?
Progesterone (important in menstrual cycle, maintains pregnancy).
What do testes produce?
testosterone (sperm production)
What does the thymus produce?
thymosin and thymopoietin
What does the adrenal cortex produce?
aldosterone, cortisol and adrenal androgens
Adrenal medulla=
In charge of the production of 2 hormones:
- norepinephrine
- epinephrine
These serve as neurotransmitters for sympathetic system and involved in stress response.
What are the two major functions of the pancreas?
digestive enzymes and release if two hormones: insulin and glucagon
What are the posterior pituitary hormones?
- ADH: acts on kidney and reduces urine output
- Oxytocin: acts on uterus/ breast for milk release
What does the thyroid gland produce?
- Produces thyroid hormones (T3 & T4) and calcitonin.
The hormones: Increase metabolic rate, increase heat production and regulate metabolism.
Calcitonin: lowers blood Ca2+.
To produce these, the thyroid needs iodine from blood.
What is the parathyroid gland?
- four pea-sized endocrine glands that are embedded within the back side of your thyroid.
- Cells secrete parathyroid hormone
- PTH increases blood calcium levels
What do the adrenal gland’s have?
- Capsule
- Cortex
- Medulla
There are three sections of the adrenal gland hormone: Zona glomerulosa (produces aldosterone), Zona fassiculata (produces glucocorticoids) and Zona reticularis (produces adrenal sex hormones)
What is the action of the adrenal hormone cortisol (glucocorticoids) ?
- Regulates metabolism & stress response, raises blood sugar, anti–inflammatory actions and immune suppression.
What is the action of the adrenal hormone aldosterone?
Maintains salt/ water balance, acts on kidneys to retain water, regulates blood volume and Bp.
Explain aldosterone release (renin- angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism)
- When Bp falls, kidneys release renin Into bloodstream
- Renin splits angiotensinogen into pieces I and II.
- Angiotensinogen I is released first but is inactive, angiotensin II is released next and is an active hormone.
- Angiotensinogen II causes vasoconstriction of arteries and for adrenal glands to release aldosterone & pituitary gland to release ADH.
- Aldosterone and ADH cause kidneys to retain sodium- causing salt/ water retention. This increases blood volume and blood pressure.
- Bp then rises
Located behind stomach between spleen & duodenum.
There are two major functions: digestive enzymes and release of two hormones= insulin and glucagon.
The pancreatic cell islet of lngerhans produces these hormones.
What is the homeostatic response to blood glucose levels?
Imbalance- rising blood glucose levels
1. Pancreas will detect levels
2. Pancreas will release insulin
3. This stimulates glycagen formation and glucose uptake by cells
4. Blood glucose falls to the normal range
What are the hypothalamus hormones?
They are releasing and inhibiting hormones:
- Corticotropin (releasing)
- Thyrotropin (releasing)
- Growth hormone (releasing)
- Gonadotropin (releasing)
- Somatostatin (inhibits GH and TSH)
Pineal gland=
-secretes melatonin
- Role in sleep/ wake cycles, body temperature and sleep
- Ageing and fertility
Thyroid gland=
- Produces thyroid hormone & calcitonin
- Takes up iodine from blood
- Thyroid hormones: increase metabolic rate, increase heat production, regulate metabolism
- Calcitonin is a hormone produced, this lowers blood Ca2+
Cells of the thyroid=
- follicular cells which excrete triiodothyronine and thyroxine= this increases metabolic rate, heat production and regulates metabolism of nutrients
- Thyroid C cells= calcitonin, which lowers blood calcium and phosphate levels
What is the role of adrenal androgens?
- Secrete two hormones: epinephrine and norepinephrine.
- Serve as neurotransmitters for sympathetic system
- Involved in the stress response
- Is converted into testosterone in the periphery
Pancreatic tissue=
Almost all of the pancreas consists of exocrine tissue that produces pancreatic enzymes for digestion. The remaining tissue consists of endocrine cells called islets of Langerhans. These clusters of cells look like grapes and produce hormones that regulate blood sugar and regulate pancreatic secretions.
Is a hormone that the pancreas makes that’s essential for allowing your body to use sugar (glucose) for energy. If your pancreas doesn’t make enough insulin or your body doesn’t use insulin properly, it leads to high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia).