Ankle/ talocural joint Flashcards
Name/ classification=
synovial hinge joint
Movements produced at joint=
- Plantar flexion
- dorsi flexion
Hyaline cartilage at articulating surfaces reduces friction and absorbs shock
Joint capsule=
- Attached to articular margins
- Fibrous capsule completely surrounds joint and attaches to posterior talofibular ligament posteriorly.
- Is attached above to borders of articular surface of tibia and malleoli and below to talus around its upper articular surface
- Thin and weak in front and behind to allow movements
- Capsule strengthened by collateral ligaments
Synovial membrane=
Lines the capsule and secretes synovial fluid which nourishes cartilage, removes waste and reduces friction.
- Anterior & posterior ligaments (A)
- Tibiocalcanean ligament (B)
- Tibionavicular ligament (C)
= All limit eversion
- Anterior and posterior talofibular ligament
- Calcaneofibular ligament
Blood supply=
Branches of anterior and posterior tibial arteries
Nerve supply=
Branches of deep peroneal nerve and tibial nerve.
Muscles (flexors)=
Tibialis posterior
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallucis longus
Muscles (extensors)=
Tibialis anterior
Extensor digitorum longus
Extensor hallucis longus
Peroneus tertius
Degrees of freedom & planes of movement=
1 degree of freedom in sagittal plane
Bones & articulating surfaces=
- Distal tibia and distal fibula
- Superior talus